Rtos API example

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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2011-2017 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00016 """
00018 from os.path import splitext, basename, join
00019 from tools.utils import mkdir
00020 from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEclipse
00021 from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import UID
00022 from tools.build_api import prepare_toolchain
00023 from sys import flags, platform
00025 # Global random number generator instance.
00026 u = UID()
00029 class Sw4STM32 (GNUARMEclipse):
00030     """
00031     Sw4STM32 class
00032     """
00033     NAME = 'Sw4STM32'
00034     TOOLCHAIN = 'GCC_ARM'
00036     BOARDS = {
00037         'B96B_F446VE':
00038         {
00039             'name': 'B96B-F446VE',
00040             'mcuId': 'STM32F446VETx'
00041         },
00042         'DISCO_F051R8':
00043         {
00044             'name': 'STM32F0DISCOVERY',
00045             'mcuId': 'STM32F051R8Tx'
00046         },
00047         'DISCO_F303VC':
00048         {
00049             'name': 'STM32F3DISCOVERY',
00050             'mcuId': 'STM32F303VCTx'
00051         },
00052         'DISCO_F334C8':
00053         {
00054             'name': 'STM32F3348DISCOVERY',
00055             'mcuId': 'STM32F334C8Tx'
00056         },
00057         'DISCO_F401VC':
00058         {
00059             'name': 'STM32F401C-DISCO',
00060             'mcuId': 'STM32F401VCTx'
00061         },
00062         'DISCO_F407VG':
00063         {
00064             'name': 'STM32F4DISCOVERY',
00065             'mcuId': 'STM32F407VGTx'
00066         },
00067         'DISCO_F413ZH':
00068         {
00069             'name': 'DISCO_F413',
00070             'mcuId': 'STM32F413ZHTx'
00071         },
00072         'DISCO_F429ZI':
00073         {
00074             'name': 'STM32F429I-DISCO',
00075             'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx'
00076         },
00077         'DISCO_F469NI':
00078         {
00079             'name': 'DISCO-F469NI',
00080             'mcuId': 'STM32F469NIHx'
00081         },
00082         'DISCO_F746NG':
00083         {
00084             'name': 'STM32F746G-DISCO',
00085             'mcuId': 'STM32F746NGHx'
00086         },
00087         'DISCO_F769NI':
00088         {
00089             'name': 'DISCO-F769NI',
00090             'mcuId': 'STM32F769NIHx'
00091         },
00092         'DISCO_L053C8':
00093         {
00094             'name': 'STM32L0538DISCOVERY',
00095             'mcuId': 'STM32L053C8Tx'
00096         },
00097         'DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1':
00098         {
00099             'name': 'DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1',
00100             'mcuId': 'STM32L072CZTx'
00101         },
00102         'DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A':
00103         {
00104             'name': 'STM32L475G-DISCO',
00105             'mcuId': 'STM32L475VGTx'
00106         },
00107         'DISCO_L476VG':
00108         {
00109             'name': 'STM32L476G-DISCO',
00110             'mcuId': 'STM32L476VGTx'
00111         },
00112         'NUCLEO_F030R8':
00113         {
00114             'name': 'NUCLEO-F030R8',
00115             'mcuId': 'STM32F030R8Tx'
00116         },
00117         'NUCLEO_F031K6':
00118         {
00119             'name': 'NUCLEO-F031K6',
00120             'mcuId': 'STM32F031K6Tx'
00121         },
00122         'NUCLEO_F042K6':
00123         {
00124             'name': 'NUCLEO-F042K6',
00125             'mcuId': 'STM32F042K6Tx'
00126         },
00127         'NUCLEO_F070RB':
00128         {
00129             'name': 'NUCLEO-F070RB',
00130             'mcuId': 'STM32F070RBTx'
00131         },
00132         'NUCLEO_F072RB':
00133         {
00134             'name': 'NUCLEO-F072RB',
00135             'mcuId': 'STM32F072RBTx'
00136         },
00137         'NUCLEO_F091RC':
00138         {
00139             'name': 'NUCLEO-F091RC',
00140             'mcuId': 'STM32F091RCTx'
00141         },
00142         'NUCLEO_F103RB':
00143         {
00144             'name': 'NUCLEO-F103RB',
00145             'mcuId': 'STM32F103RBTx'
00146         },
00147         'NUCLEO_F207ZG':
00148         {
00149             'name': 'NUCLEO-F207ZG',
00150             'mcuId': 'STM32F207ZGTx'
00151         },
00152         'NUCLEO_F302R8':
00153         {
00154             'name': 'NUCLEO-F302R8',
00155             'mcuId': 'STM32F302R8Tx'
00156         },
00157         'NUCLEO_F303K8':
00158         {
00159             'name': 'NUCLEO-F303K8',
00160             'mcuId': 'STM32F303K8Tx'
00161         },
00162         'NUCLEO_F303RE':
00163         {
00164             'name': 'NUCLEO-F303RE',
00165             'mcuId': 'STM32F303RETx'
00166         },
00167         'NUCLEO_F303ZE':
00168         {
00169             'name': 'NUCLEO-F303ZE',
00170             'mcuId': 'STM32F303ZETx'
00171         },
00172         'NUCLEO_F334R8':
00173         {
00174             'name': 'NUCLEO-F334R8',
00175             'mcuId': 'STM32F334R8Tx'
00176         },
00177         'NUCLEO_F401RE':
00178         {
00179             'name': 'NUCLEO-F401RE',
00180             'mcuId': 'STM32F401RETx'
00181         },
00182         'NUCLEO_F410RB':
00183         {
00184             'name': 'NUCLEO-F410RB',
00185             'mcuId': 'STM32F410RBTx'
00186         },
00187         'NUCLEO_F411RE':
00188         {
00189             'name': 'NUCLEO-F411RE',
00190             'mcuId': 'STM32F411RETx'
00191         },
00192         'NUCLEO_F429ZI':
00193         {
00194             'name': 'NUCLEO-F429ZI',
00195             'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx'
00196         },
00197         'NUCLEO_F446RE':
00198         {
00199             'name': 'NUCLEO-F446RE',
00200             'mcuId': 'STM32F446RETx'
00201         },
00202         'NUCLEO_F446ZE':
00203         {
00204             'name': 'NUCLEO-F446ZE',
00205             'mcuId': 'STM32F446ZETx'
00206         },
00207         'NUCLEO_F746ZG':
00208         {
00209             'name': 'NUCLEO-F746ZG',
00210             'mcuId': 'STM32F746ZGTx'
00211         },
00212         'NUCLEO_F767ZI':
00213         {
00214             'name': 'NUCLEO-F767ZI',
00215             'mcuId': 'STM32F767ZITx'
00216         },
00217         'NUCLEO_L011K4':
00218         {
00219             'name': 'NUCLEO-L011K4',
00220             'mcuId': 'STM32L011K4Tx'
00221         },
00222         'NUCLEO_L031K6':
00223         {
00224             'name': 'NUCLEO-L031K6',
00225             'mcuId': 'STM32L031K6Tx'
00226         },
00227         'NUCLEO_L053R8':
00228         {
00229             'name': 'NUCLEO-L053R8',
00230             'mcuId': 'STM32L053R8Tx'
00231         },
00232         'NUCLEO_L073RZ':
00233         {
00234             'name': 'NUCLEO-L073RZ',
00235             'mcuId': 'STM32L073RZTx'
00236         },
00237         'NUCLEO_L152RE':
00238         {
00239             'name': 'NUCLEO-L152RE',
00240             'mcuId': 'STM32L152RETx'
00241         },
00242         'NUCLEO_L432KC':
00243         {
00244             'name': 'NUCLEO-L432KC',
00245             'mcuId': 'STM32L432KCUx'
00246         },
00247         'NUCLEO_L476RG':
00248         {
00249             'name': 'NUCLEO-L476RG',
00250             'mcuId': 'STM32L476RGTx'
00251         },
00252         'NUCLEO_L486RG':
00253         {
00254             'name': 'NUCLEO-L486RG',
00255             'mcuId': 'STM32L486RGTx'
00256         },
00257         'NUCLEO_L496ZG':
00258         {
00259             'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG',
00260             'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx'
00261         },        
00262         'NUCLEO_L496ZG_P':
00263         {
00264             'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG',
00265             'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx'
00266         },
00267     }
00269     TARGETS = BOARDS.keys()
00271     def __gen_dir(self, dir_name):
00272         """
00273         Method that creates directory
00274         """
00275         settings = join(self.export_dir, dir_name)
00276         mkdir(settings)
00278     def get_fpu_hardware (self, fpu_unit):
00279         """
00280         Convert fpu unit name into hardware name.
00281         """
00282         hw = ''
00283         fpus = {
00284             'fpv4spd16': 'fpv4-sp-d16',
00285             'fpv5d16': 'fpv5-d16',
00286             'fpv5spd16': 'fpv5-sp-d16'
00287         }
00288         if fpu_unit in fpus:
00289             hw = fpus[fpu_unit]
00290         return hw
00292     def process_sw_options (self, opts, flags_in):
00293         """
00294         Process System Workbench specific options.
00296         System Workbench for STM32 has some compile options, which are not recognized by the GNUARMEclipse exporter.
00297         Those are handled in this method.
00298         """
00299         opts['c']['preprocess'] = False
00300         if '-E' in flags_in['c_flags']:
00301             opts['c']['preprocess'] = True
00302         opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = False
00303         if '-E' in flags_in['cxx_flags']:
00304             opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = True
00305         opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = False
00306         if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['c_flags']:
00307             opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = True
00308         opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = False
00309         if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['cxx_flags']:
00310             opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = True
00311         if opts['common']['optimization.messagelength']:
00312             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fmessage-length=0'
00313         if opts['common']['optimization.signedchar']:
00314             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsigned-char'
00315         if opts['common']['optimization.nocommon']:
00316             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-common'
00317         if opts['common']['optimization.noinlinefunctions']:
00318             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-inline-functions'
00319         if opts['common']['optimization.freestanding']:
00320             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -ffreestanding'
00321         if opts['common']['optimization.nobuiltin']:
00322             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-builtin'
00323         if opts['common']['optimization.spconstant']:
00324             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsingle-precision-constant'
00325         if opts['common']['optimization.nomoveloopinvariants']:
00326             opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-move-loop-invariants'
00327         if opts['common']['warnings.unused']:
00328             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wunused'
00329         if opts['common']['warnings.uninitialized']:
00330             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wuninitialized'
00331         if opts['common']['warnings.missingdeclaration']:
00332             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wmissing-declarations'
00333         if opts['common']['warnings.pointerarith']:
00334             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpointer-arith'
00335         if opts['common']['warnings.padded']:
00336             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpadded'
00337         if opts['common']['warnings.shadow']:
00338             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wshadow'
00339         if opts['common']['warnings.logicalop']:
00340             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wlogical-op'
00341         if opts['common']['warnings.agreggatereturn']:
00342             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Waggregate-return'
00343         if opts['common']['warnings.floatequal']:
00344             opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wfloat-equal'
00345         opts['ld']['strip'] = False
00346         if '-s' in flags_in['ld_flags']:
00347             opts['ld']['strip'] = True
00348         opts['ld']['shared'] = False
00349         if '-shared' in flags_in['ld_flags']:
00350             opts['ld']['shared'] = True
00351         opts['ld']['soname'] = ''
00352         opts['ld']['implname'] = ''
00353         opts['ld']['defname'] = ''
00354         for item in flags_in['ld_flags']:
00355             if item.startswith('-Wl,-soname='):
00356                 opts['ld']['soname'] = item[len('-Wl,-soname='):]
00357             if item.startswith('-Wl,--out-implib='):
00358                 opts['ld']['implname'] = item[len('-Wl,--out-implib='):]
00359             if item.startswith('-Wl,--output-def='):
00360                 opts['ld']['defname'] = item[len('-Wl,--output-def='):]
00361         opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.hardware'] = self.get_fpu_hardware (
00362             opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'])
00363         opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = False
00364         if '-fprofile-arcs' in flags_in['common_flags'] and '-ftest-coverage' in flags_in['common_flags']:
00365             opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = True
00366         # Passing linker options to linker with '-Wl,'-prefix.
00367         for index in range(len(opts['ld']['flags'])):
00368             item = opts['ld']['flags'][index]
00369             if not item.startswith('-Wl,'):
00370                 opts['ld']['flags'][index] = '-Wl,' + item
00371         # Strange System Workbench feature: If first parameter in Other flags is a
00372         # define (-D...), Other flags will be replaced by defines and other flags
00373         # are completely ignored. Moving -D parameters to defines.
00374         for compiler in ['c', 'cpp', 'as']:
00375             tmpList = opts[compiler]['other'].split(' ')
00376             otherList = []
00377             for item in tmpList:
00378                 if item.startswith('-D'):
00379                     opts[compiler]['defines'].append(str(item[2:]))
00380                 else:
00381                     otherList.append(item)
00382             opts[compiler]['other'] = ' '.join(otherList)
00383         # Assembler options
00384         for as_def in opts['as']['defines']:
00385             if '=' in as_def:
00386                 opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def
00387             else:
00388                 opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def + '=1'
00390     def generate (self):
00391         """
00392         Generate the .project and .cproject files.
00393         """
00394         options = {}
00396         if not self.resources.linker_script:
00397             raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.")
00399         print ('\nCreate a System Workbench for STM32 managed project')
00400         print ('Project name: {0}'.format(self.project_name))
00401         print ('Target:       {0}'.format(self.toolchain.target.name))
00402         print ('Toolchain:    {0}'.format(self.TOOLCHAIN ) + '\n')
00404         self.resources.win_to_unix()
00406         config_header = self.filter_dot(self.toolchain.get_config_header())
00408         libraries = []
00409         for lib in self.resources.libraries:
00410             library, _ = splitext(basename(lib))
00411             libraries.append(library[3:])
00413         self.system_libraries  = [
00414             'stdc++', 'supc++', 'm', 'c', 'gcc', 'nosys'
00415         ]
00417         profiles = self.get_all_profiles()
00418         self.as_defines  = [s.replace('"', '"')
00419                            for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)]
00420         self.c_defines  = [s.replace('"', '"')
00421                           for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols()]
00422         self.cpp_defines  = self.c_defines 
00423         print 'Symbols: {0}'.format(len(self.c_defines ))
00425         self.include_path  = []
00426         for s in self.resources.inc_dirs:
00427             self.include_path .append("../" + self.filter_dot(s))
00428         print ('Include folders: {0}'.format(len(self.include_path )))
00430         self.compute_exclusions()
00432         print ('Exclude folders: {0}'.format(len(self.excluded_folders)))
00434         ld_script = self.filter_dot(self.resources.linker_script)
00435         print ('Linker script:   {0}'.format(ld_script))
00437         lib_dirs = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs]
00439         preproc_cmd = basename(self.toolchain.preproc[0]) + " " + " ".join(self.toolchain.preproc[1:])
00441         for id in ['debug', 'release']:
00442             opts = {}
00443             opts['common'] = {}
00444             opts['as'] = {}
00445             opts['c'] = {}
00446             opts['cpp'] = {}
00447             opts['ld'] = {}
00449             opts['id'] = id
00450             opts['name'] = opts['id'].capitalize()
00452             # TODO: Add prints to log or console in verbose mode.
00453             #print ('\nBuild configuration: {0}'.format(opts['name']))
00455             profile = profiles[id]
00457             # A small hack, do not bother with src_path again,
00458             # pass an empty string to avoid crashing.
00459             src_paths = ['']
00460             toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
00461                 src_paths, "", self.toolchain.target.name, self.TOOLCHAIN , build_profile=[profile])
00463             # Hack to fill in build_dir
00464             toolchain.build_dir = self.toolchain.build_dir
00466             flags = self.toolchain_flags(toolchain)
00468             # TODO: Add prints to log or console in verbose mode.
00469             # print 'Common flags:', ' '.join(flags['common_flags'])
00470             # print 'C++ flags:', ' '.join(flags['cxx_flags'])
00471             # print 'C flags:', ' '.join(flags['c_flags'])
00472             # print 'ASM flags:', ' '.join(flags['asm_flags'])
00473             # print 'Linker flags:', ' '.join(flags['ld_flags'])
00475             # Most GNU ARM Eclipse options have a parent,
00476             # either debug or release.
00477             if '-O0' in flags['common_flags'] or '-Og' in flags['common_flags']:
00478                 opts['parent_id'] = 'debug'
00479             else:
00480                 opts['parent_id'] = 'release'
00482             self.process_options(opts, flags)
00484             opts['c']['defines'] = self.c_defines 
00485             opts['cpp']['defines'] = self.cpp_defines 
00486             opts['as']['defines'] = self.as_defines 
00488             self.process_sw_options (opts, flags)
00490             opts['ld']['library_paths'] = [
00491                 self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs]
00493             opts['ld']['user_libraries'] = libraries
00494             opts['ld']['system_libraries'] = self.system_libraries 
00495             opts['ld']['script'] = "linker-script-" + id + ".ld"
00497             # Unique IDs used in multiple places.
00498             uid = {}
00499             uid['config'] = u.id
00500             uid['tool_c_compiler'] = u.id
00501             uid['tool_c_compiler_input'] = u.id
00502             uid['tool_cpp_compiler'] = u.id
00503             uid['tool_cpp_compiler_input'] = u.id
00505             opts['uid'] = uid
00507             options[id] = opts
00509         ctx = {
00510             'name': self.project_name,
00511             'platform': platform,
00512             'include_paths': self.include_path ,
00513             'config_header': config_header,
00514             'exclude_paths': '|'.join(self.excluded_folders),
00515             'ld_script': ld_script,
00516             'library_paths': lib_dirs,
00517             'object_files': self.resources.objects,
00518             'libraries': libraries,
00519             'board_name': self.BOARDS [self.target.upper()]['name'],
00520             'mcu_name': self.BOARDS [self.target.upper()]['mcuId'],
00521             'cpp_cmd': preproc_cmd,
00522             'options': options,
00523             # id property of 'u' will generate new random identifier every time
00524             # when called.
00525             'u': u
00526         }
00528         self.__gen_dir ('.settings')
00529         self.gen_file('sw4stm32/language_settings_commom.tmpl',
00530                       ctx, '.settings/language.settings.xml')
00531         self.gen_file('sw4stm32/project_common.tmpl', ctx, '.project')
00532         self.gen_file('sw4stm32/cproject_common.tmpl', ctx, '.cproject')
00533         self.gen_file('sw4stm32/makefile.targets.tmpl', ctx,
00534                       'makefile.targets', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
00535         self.gen_file('sw4stm32/launch.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name +
00536                       ' ' + options['debug']['name'] + '.launch')