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ConfigCumulativeOverride Class Reference

ConfigCumulativeOverride Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def remove_cumulative_overrides
def add_cumulative_overrides
def strict_cumulative_overrides
def update_target

Detailed Description

Representation of overrides for cumulative attributes

Definition at line 210 of file config/__init__.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,
  additions = None,
  removals = None,
  strict = False 
Construct a ConfigCumulativeOverride object

Positional arguments:
name - the name of the config file this came from ?

Keyword arguments:
additions - macros to add to the overrides
removals - macros to remove from the overrides
strict - Boolean indicating that attempting to remove from an override
 that does not exist should error

Definition at line 212 of file config/__init__.py.

Member Function Documentation

def add_cumulative_overrides (   self,
Extend the list of override additions.

Positional arguments:
overrides - a list of a names that, when the override is evaluated, will
    be added to the list

Definition at line 250 of file config/__init__.py.

def remove_cumulative_overrides (   self,
Extend the list of override removals.

Positional arguments:
overrides - a list of names that, when the override is evaluated, will
    be removed

Definition at line 235 of file config/__init__.py.

def strict_cumulative_overrides (   self,
Remove all overrides that are not the specified ones

Positional arguments:
overrides - a list of names that will replace the entire attribute when
    this override is evaluated.

Definition at line 266 of file config/__init__.py.

def update_target (   self,
Update the attributes of a target based on this override

Definition at line 277 of file config/__init__.py.