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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /**
00016  * \file arm_hal_phy.h
00017  * \brief PHY device driver API.
00018  */
00020 #ifndef ARM_HAL_PHY_H_
00021 #define ARM_HAL_PHY_H_
00023 #include "ns_types.h"
00025 #ifdef __cplusplus
00026 extern "C" {
00027 #endif
00029 /** Interface states */
00030 typedef enum {
00031     PHY_INTERFACE_RESET,            /**< Reset PHY driver and set to idle. */
00032     PHY_INTERFACE_DOWN,             /**< Disable PHY interface driver (RF radio disable). */
00033     PHY_INTERFACE_UP,               /**< Enable PHY interface driver (RF radio receiver ON). */
00034     PHY_INTERFACE_RX_ENERGY_STATE,  /**< Enable wireless interface ED scan mode. */
00035     PHY_INTERFACE_SNIFFER_STATE     /**< Enable sniffer mode. */
00036 } phy_interface_state_e;
00038 /** TX process return codes */
00039 typedef enum {
00040     PHY_LINK_TX_DONE,           /**< TX process ready and ACK RX. */
00041     PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING,   /**< TX process OK with ACK pending flag. */
00042     PHY_LINK_TX_SUCCESS,        /**< MAC TX complete. MAC will a make decision to enter wait ACK or TX done state. */
00043     PHY_LINK_TX_FAIL,           /**< Link TX process fail. */
00044     PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL,          /**< RF link CCA process fail. */
00045 } phy_link_tx_status_e;
00047 /** Extension types */
00048 typedef enum {
00049     PHY_EXTENSION_CTRL_PENDING_BIT, /**< Control MAC pending bit for indirect data. */
00050     PHY_EXTENSION_READ_LAST_ACK_PENDING_STATUS, /**< Read status if the last ACK is still pending. */
00051     PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CHANNEL,  /**< Net library channel set. */
00052     PHY_EXTENSION_READ_CHANNEL_ENERGY, /**< RF interface ED scan energy read. */
00053     PHY_EXTENSION_READ_LINK_STATUS, /**< Net library could read link status. */
00054     PHY_EXTENSION_CONVERT_SIGNAL_INFO, /**< Convert signal info. */
00055     PHY_EXTENSION_ACCEPT_ANY_BEACON, /**< Set boolean true or false for accept beacon from other Pan-ID than configured. Default value should be false */
00056 } phy_extension_type_e;
00058 /** Address types */
00059 typedef enum {
00060     PHY_MAC_48BIT, /**< IPv4/IPv6/BLE link layer address for Ethernet. This is optional. */
00061     PHY_MAC_64BIT, /**< RF/PLC link layer address. */
00062     PHY_MAC_16BIT, /**< RF interface short address. */
00063     PHY_MAC_PANID, /**< RF interface 16-Bit PAN-ID. */
00064 } phy_address_type_e;
00066 /** PHY types */
00067 typedef enum phy_link_type_e {
00068     PHY_LINK_ETHERNET_TYPE,         /**< Standard IEEE 802 Ethernet. */
00069     PHY_LINK_15_4_2_4GHZ_TYPE,      /**< Standard 802.15.4 2.4GHz radio. */
00070     PHY_LINK_15_4_SUBGHZ_TYPE,      /**< Standard 802.15.4 subGHz radio 868 /915MHz. */
00071     PHY_LINK_TUN,                   /**< Tunnel interface for Linux TUN, RF network driver over serial bus or just basic application to application data flow. */
00072     PHY_LINK_SLIP,                  /**< Generic SLIP driver which just forward SLIP payload */
00073 } phy_link_type_e;
00075 /** Data layers */
00076 typedef enum data_protocol_e {
00077     LOCAL_SOCKET_DATA = 0,          /**< 6LoWPAN library local socket data. */
00078     INTERFACE_DATA = 1,             /**< 6LoWPAN library interface internal used protocol. */
00079     PHY_LAYER_PAYLOAD = 2,          /**< PHY layer data selection or handler. */
00080     IPV6_DATAGRAM = 3,              /**< IP layer data or TUN driver request data. */
00081     UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 4            /**< Non-supported protocol ID. */
00082 } data_protocol_e;
00084 /** Requested data layer */
00085 typedef enum driver_data_request_e {
00086     PHY_LAYER_PAYLOAD_DATA_FLOW,    /**< PHY layer data. */
00087     IPV6_DATAGRAMS_DATA_FLOW,       /**< IP layer data or TUN driver request data. */
00088 } driver_data_request_e;
00090 /** \brief Signal info types.
00091  *
00092  * Types of signal quality indication desired by various link protocols. Some are
00093  * really statistical, but a driver should ideally be able to create an estimate
00094  * based on its LQI/DBM numbers, for example to bootstrap a statistic calculation.
00095  */
00096 typedef enum phy_signal_info_type_e {
00097     PHY_SIGNAL_INFO_ETX,            /**< Expected transmissions, unsigned 16-bit fixed-point ETX*128 [1..512], for example Zigbee IP + RFC 6719. */
00098     PHY_SIGNAL_INFO_IDR,            /**< Inverse Delivery Ratio, unsigned 16-bit fixed-point IDR*32*256 [1..8], for example MLE draft 06. */
00099     PHY_SIGNAL_INFO_LINK_MARGIN,    /**< Link margin, unsigned 16-bit fixed-point dB*256, [0..255], for example Thread routing draft. */
00100 } phy_signal_info_type_e;
00102 /** Signal level info */
00103 typedef struct phy_signal_info_s {
00104     phy_signal_info_type_e type;    /**< Signal info type desired. */
00105     uint8_t lqi;                    /**< Quality passed to arm_net_phy_rx. */
00106     int8_t dbm;                     /**< Strength passed to arm_net_phy_rx. */
00107     uint16_t result;                /**< Resulting signal information. */
00108 } phy_signal_info_s;
00110 /** PHY modulation scheme */
00111 typedef enum phy_modulation_e
00112 {
00113     M_OFDM,     ///< QFDM
00114     M_OQPSK,    ///< OQPSK
00115     M_BPSK,     ///< BPSK
00116     M_GFSK,     ///< GFSK
00118 } phy_modulation_e;
00120 /** Channel page numbers */
00121 typedef enum
00122 {
00123     CHANNEL_PAGE_0 = 0,     ///< Page 0
00124     CHANNEL_PAGE_1 = 1,     ///< Page 1
00125     CHANNEL_PAGE_2 = 2,     ///< Page 2
00126     CHANNEL_PAGE_3 = 3,     ///< Page 3
00127     CHANNEL_PAGE_4 = 4,     ///< Page 4
00128     CHANNEL_PAGE_5 = 5,     ///< Page 5
00129     CHANNEL_PAGE_6 = 6,     ///< Page 6
00130     CHANNEL_PAGE_9 = 9,     ///< Page 9
00131     CHANNEL_PAGE_10 = 10    ///< Page 10
00132 } channel_page_e;
00134 /** Channel configuration */
00135 typedef struct phy_rf_channel_configuration_s
00136 {
00137     uint32_t channel_0_center_frequency;    ///< Center frequency
00138     uint32_t channel_spacing;               ///< Channel spacing
00139     uint32_t datarate;                      ///< Data rate
00140     uint16_t number_of_channels;            ///< Number of channels
00141     phy_modulation_e modulation;            ///< Modulation scheme
00142 } phy_rf_channel_configuration_s;
00144 /** Channel page configuration */
00145 typedef struct phy_device_channel_page_s
00146 {
00147     channel_page_e channel_page;            ///< Channel page
00148     const phy_rf_channel_configuration_s *rf_channel_configuration; ///< Pointer to channel configuration
00149 } phy_device_channel_page_s;
00151 /** Virtual data request */
00152 typedef struct virtual_data_req_s {
00153     uint16_t parameter_length;      /**< Length of user specified header. Can be zero. */
00154     uint8_t *parameters;            /**< Pointer to user specified header. Optional */
00155     uint16_t msduLength;            /**< MSDU Length */
00156     const uint8_t *msdu;            /**< MSDU */
00157 } virtual_data_req_t;
00159 /**
00160  * @brief arm_net_phy_rx RX callback set by upper layer. Called when data is received
00161  * @param data_ptr Data received
00162  * @param data_len Length of the data received
00163  * @param link_quality Link quality
00164  * @param dbm Power ratio in decibels
00165  * @param driver_id ID of driver which received data
00166  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00167  */
00168 typedef int8_t arm_net_phy_rx_fn(const uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t link_quality, int8_t dbm, int8_t driver_id);
00170 /**
00171  * @brief arm_net_phy_tx_done TX done callback set by upper layer. Called when tx sent by upper layer has been handled
00172  * @param driver_id Id of the driver which handled TX request
00173  * @param tx_handle Handle of the TX
00174  * @param status Status code of the TX handling result
00175  * @param cca_retry Number of CCA retries done during handling
00176  * @param tx_retry Number of TX retries done during handling
00177  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00178  */
00179 typedef int8_t arm_net_phy_tx_done_fn(int8_t driver_id, uint8_t tx_handle, phy_link_tx_status_e status, uint8_t cca_retry, uint8_t tx_retry);
00181 /**
00182  * @brief arm_net_virtual_rx RX callback set by user of serial MAC. Called when virtual RF has received data.
00183  * @param data_ptr Data received
00184  * @param data_len Length of the data received
00185  * @param driver_id ID of driver which received data
00186  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00187  */
00188 typedef int8_t arm_net_virtual_rx_fn(const uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len,int8_t driver_id);
00190 /**
00191  * @brief arm_net_virtual_tx TX callback set by serial MAC. Used to send data.
00192  * @param data_req Data to be sent
00193  * @param driver_id Id of the driver to be used.
00194  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00195  */
00196 typedef int8_t arm_net_virtual_tx_fn(const virtual_data_req_t *data_req,int8_t driver_id);
00198 /**
00199  * @brief arm_net_virtual_config Configuration receive callback set by upper layer. Used to receive internal configuration parameters.
00200  * @param driver_id Id of the driver to be used.
00201  * @param data Pointer to received configuration data.
00202  * @param length Length of the configuration data.
00203  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00204  */
00205 typedef int8_t arm_net_virtual_config_rx_fn(int8_t driver_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
00207 /**
00208  * @brief arm_net_virtual_config Configuration send callback set by upper layer. Used to send internal configuration parameters.
00209  * @param driver_id Id of the driver to be used.
00210  * @param data Pointer to sent configuration data.
00211  * @param length Length of the configuration data.
00212  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00213  */
00214 typedef int8_t arm_net_virtual_config_tx_fn(int8_t driver_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
00216 /**
00217  * @brief arm_net_virtual_confirmation Confirmation receive callback set by upper layer. Used to receive MLME confirmation data.
00218  * @param driver_id Id of the driver to be used.
00219  * @param data Pointer to received confirmation data.
00220  * @param length Length of the confirmation data.
00221  * @return 0 if success, error otherwise
00222  */
00223 typedef int8_t arm_net_virtual_confirmation_rx_fn(int8_t driver_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
00225 /** Device driver structure */
00226 typedef struct phy_device_driver_s
00227 {
00228     phy_link_type_e link_type;                                      /**< Define driver types. */
00229     driver_data_request_e data_request_layer;                       /**< Define interface data OUT protocol. */
00230     uint8_t *PHY_MAC;                                               /**< Pointer to 64-bit or 48-bit MAC address. */
00231     uint16_t phy_MTU;                                               /**< Define MAX PHY layer MTU size. */
00232     char *driver_description;                                       /**< Short driver platform description. Needs to end with zero. */
00233     uint8_t phy_tail_length;                                        /**< Define PHY driver needed TAIL Length. */
00234     uint8_t phy_header_length;                                      /**< Define PHY driver needed header length before PDU. */
00235     int8_t (*state_control)(phy_interface_state_e, uint8_t);        /**< Function pointer for control PHY driver state. */
00236     int8_t (*tx)(uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, data_protocol_e);    /**< Function pointer for PHY driver write operation. */
00237     int8_t (*address_write)(phy_address_type_e , uint8_t *);        /**< Function pointer for PHY driver address write. */
00238     int8_t (*extension)(phy_extension_type_e, uint8_t *);           /**< Function pointer for PHY driver extension control. */
00239     const phy_device_channel_page_s *phy_channel_pages;             /**< Pointer to channel page list */
00241     //Upper layer callbacks, set with arm_net_phy_register();
00242     arm_net_phy_rx_fn *phy_rx_cb;                                   /**< PHY RX callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00243     arm_net_phy_tx_done_fn *phy_tx_done_cb;                         /**< Transmission done callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00244     //Virtual upper data rx
00245     arm_net_virtual_rx_fn *arm_net_virtual_rx_cb;                   /**< Virtual RX callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00246     arm_net_virtual_tx_fn *arm_net_virtual_tx_cb;                   /**< Virtual TX callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00247     arm_net_virtual_config_rx_fn *virtual_config_rx_cb;             /**< Virtual config receive callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00248     arm_net_virtual_config_tx_fn *virtual_config_tx_cb;             /**< Virtual config send callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00249     arm_net_virtual_confirmation_rx_fn *virtual_confirmation_rx_cb; /**< Virtual confirmation receive callback. Initialized by \ref arm_net_phy_register(). */
00250     uint16_t tunnel_type; /**< Tun driver type. */
00251 } phy_device_driver_s;
00254 /**
00255  * \brief This function registers the device driver to stack.
00256  *
00257  * \param phy_driver A pointer to device driver structure.
00258  *
00259  * \return >= 0 Device driver ID.
00260  * \return < 0 Means register fail.
00261  *
00262  */
00263 extern int8_t arm_net_phy_register(phy_device_driver_s *phy_driver);
00266 /**
00267  * \brief Set driver mac64 address.
00268  *
00269  * \param MAC A pointer to new mac64 address which is copied to old one.
00270  * \param  id driver id
00271  *
00272  * \return >= 0 SET OK.
00273  * \return < 0 Means register fail.
00274  *
00275  */
00276 extern int8_t arm_net_phy_mac64_set(uint8_t *MAC, int8_t id);
00278 /**
00279  * \brief Get driver mac64 address.
00280  *
00281  * \param  id driver id
00282  *
00283  * \return > 0 Return pointer to MAC.
00284  * \return NULL.
00285  *
00286  */
00287 extern uint8_t *arm_net_phy_mac64_get(int8_t id);
00289 /**
00290  * \brief Get driver link type.
00291  *
00292  * \param  id driver id
00293  *
00294  * \return driver link type.
00295  *
00296  */
00297 extern int arm_net_phy_rf_type(int8_t id);
00299 /**
00300  * \brief Get driver link type MTU size.
00301  *
00302  * \param  id driver id
00303  *
00304  * \return size of MTU.
00305  *
00306  */
00307 extern uint16_t arm_net_phy_mtu_size(int8_t id);
00309 /**
00310  * \brief Unregister the driver from storage.
00311  *
00312  * \param driver_id driver id
00313  *
00314  */
00315 extern void arm_net_phy_unregister(int8_t driver_id);
00317 #ifdef __cplusplus
00318 }
00319 #endif
00320 #endif /* ARM_HAL_PHY_H_ */