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phy_device_driver_s Struct Reference

phy_device_driver_s Struct Reference

Device driver structure. More...

#include <arm_hal_phy.h>

Data Fields

phy_link_type_e link_type
 Define driver types.
driver_data_request_e data_request_layer
 Define interface data OUT protocol.
uint8_t * PHY_MAC
 Pointer to 64-bit or 48-bit MAC address.
uint16_t phy_MTU
 Define MAX PHY layer MTU size.
char * driver_description
 Short driver platform description.
uint8_t phy_tail_length
 Define PHY driver needed TAIL Length.
uint8_t phy_header_length
 Define PHY driver needed header length before PDU.
int8_t(* state_control )(phy_interface_state_e, uint8_t)
 Function pointer for control PHY driver state.
int8_t(* tx )(uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, data_protocol_e)
 Function pointer for PHY driver write operation.
int8_t(* address_write )(phy_address_type_e, uint8_t *)
 Function pointer for PHY driver address write.
int8_t(* extension )(phy_extension_type_e, uint8_t *)
 Function pointer for PHY driver extension control.
const phy_device_channel_page_sphy_channel_pages
 Pointer to channel page list.
 PHY RX callback.
 Transmission done callback.
 Virtual RX callback.
 Virtual TX callback.
 Virtual config receive callback.
 Virtual config send callback.
 Virtual confirmation receive callback.
uint16_t tunnel_type
 Tun driver type.

Detailed Description

Device driver structure.

Definition at line 226 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Field Documentation

int8_t(* address_write)(phy_address_type_e, uint8_t *)

Function pointer for PHY driver address write.

Definition at line 237 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Virtual RX callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 245 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Virtual TX callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 246 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Define interface data OUT protocol.

Definition at line 229 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Short driver platform description.

Needs to end with zero.

Definition at line 232 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

int8_t(* extension)(phy_extension_type_e, uint8_t *)

Function pointer for PHY driver extension control.

Definition at line 238 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Define driver types.

Definition at line 228 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Pointer to channel page list.

Definition at line 239 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Define PHY driver needed header length before PDU.

Definition at line 234 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

uint8_t* PHY_MAC

Pointer to 64-bit or 48-bit MAC address.

Definition at line 230 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

uint16_t phy_MTU

Define MAX PHY layer MTU size.

Definition at line 231 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

PHY RX callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 242 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

uint8_t phy_tail_length

Define PHY driver needed TAIL Length.

Definition at line 233 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Transmission done callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 243 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

int8_t(* state_control)(phy_interface_state_e, uint8_t)

Function pointer for control PHY driver state.

Definition at line 235 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

uint16_t tunnel_type

Tun driver type.

Definition at line 250 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

int8_t(* tx)(uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t, data_protocol_e)

Function pointer for PHY driver write operation.

Definition at line 236 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Virtual config receive callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 247 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Virtual config send callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 248 of file arm_hal_phy.h.

Virtual confirmation receive callback.

Initialized by arm_net_phy_register().

Definition at line 249 of file arm_hal_phy.h.