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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015 */
00020 /**
00021  * @addtogroup ble
00022  * @{
00023  * @addtogroup gap
00024  * @{
00025  */
00027 /**
00028  * Parameters defining the advertising process.
00029  *
00030  * Advertising parameters are a triplet of three value:
00031  *   - The Advertising mode modeled after AdvertisingType_t. It defines
00032  *     if the device is connectable and scannable. This value can be set at
00033  *     construction time, updated with setAdvertisingType() and queried by
00034  *     getAdvertisingType().
00035  *   - Time interval between advertisement. It can be set at construction time,
00036  *     updated by setInterval() and obtained from getInterval().
00037  *   - Duration of the advertising process. As others, it can be set at
00038  *     construction time, modified by setTimeout() and retrieved by getTimeout().
00039  */
00040 class GapAdvertisingParams {
00041 public:
00043     /**
00044      * Minimum Advertising interval for connectable undirected and connectable
00045      * directed events in 625us units.
00046      *
00047      * @note Equal to 20 ms.
00048      */
00049     static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN = 0x0020;
00051     /**
00052      * Minimum Advertising interval for scannable and nonconnectable
00053      * undirected events in 625us units.
00054      *
00055      * @note Equal to 100ms.
00056      */
00057     static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON = 0x00A0;
00059     /**
00060      * Maximum Advertising interval in 625us units.
00061      *
00062      * @note Equal to 10.24s.
00063      */
00064     static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX = 0x4000;
00066     /**
00067      * Maximum advertising timeout allowed; in seconds.
00068      */
00069     static const unsigned GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX = 0x3FFF;
00071     /**
00072      * Encapsulates the peripheral advertising modes.
00073      *
00074      * It determine how the device appears to other scanner and peripheral
00075      * devices in the scanning range.
00076      */
00077     enum AdvertisingType_t {
00078         /**
00079          * Device is connectable, scannable and doesn't expect connection from a
00080          * specific peer.
00081          *
00082          * @see Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.4 and Vol 6, Part B, Section
00083          */
00086         /**
00087          * Device is connectable and expects connection from a specific peer.
00088          *
00089          * @see Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.3 and Vol 6, Part B, Section
00090          */
00093         /**
00094          * Device is scannable but not connectable.
00095          *
00096          * @see Vol 6, Part B, Section
00097          */
00100         /**
00101          * Device is not connectable and not scannable.
00102          *
00103          * @see Vol 3, Part C, Section 9.3.2 and Vol 6, Part B, Section
00104          */
00106     };
00108     /**
00109      * Alias for GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t.
00110      *
00111      * @deprecated  Future releases will drop this type alias.
00112      */
00113     typedef enum AdvertisingType_t AdvertisingType;
00115 public:
00116     /**
00117      * Construct an instance of GapAdvertisingParams.
00118      *
00119      * @param[in] advType Type of advertising.
00120      * @param[in] interval Time interval between two advertisement in units of
00121      * 0.625ms.
00122      * @param[in] timeout Duration in seconds of the advertising process. A
00123      * value of 0 indicate that there is no timeout of the advertising process.
00124      *
00125      * @note If value in input are out of range, they will be normalized.
00126      */
00127     GapAdvertisingParams(
00128         AdvertisingType_t advType  = ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED,
00129         uint16_t interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON,
00130         uint16_t timeout = 0
00131     ) :
00132         _advType(advType),
00133         _interval(interval),
00134         _timeout(timeout)
00135     {
00136         /* Interval checks. */
00137         if (_advType == ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED) {
00138             /* Interval must be 0 in directed connectable mode. */
00139             _interval = 0;
00140         } else if (_advType == ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED) {
00141             /* Min interval is slightly larger than in other modes. */
00142             if (_interval < GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON) {
00143                 _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON;
00144             }
00145             if (_interval > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX) {
00146                 _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX;
00147             }
00148         } else {
00149             /* Stay within interval limits. */
00150             if (_interval < GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN) {
00151                 _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN;
00152             }
00153             if (_interval > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX) {
00154                 _interval = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX;
00155             }
00156         }
00158         /* Timeout checks. */
00159         if (timeout) {
00160             /* Stay within timeout limits. */
00161             if (_timeout > GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX) {
00162                 _timeout = GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX;
00163             }
00164         }
00165     }
00167     /**
00168      * Number of microseconds in 0.625 milliseconds.
00169      */
00170     static const uint16_t UNIT_0_625_MS = 625;
00172     /**
00173      * Convert milliseconds to units of 0.625ms.
00174      *
00175      * @param[in] durationInMillis Number of milliseconds to convert.
00176      *
00177      * @return The value of @p durationInMillis in units of 0.625ms.
00178      */
00179     static uint16_t MSEC_TO_ADVERTISEMENT_DURATION_UNITS(uint32_t durationInMillis)
00180     {
00181         return (durationInMillis * 1000) / UNIT_0_625_MS;
00182     }
00184     /**
00185      * Convert units of 0.625ms to milliseconds.
00186      *
00187      * @param[in] gapUnits The number of units of 0.625ms to convert.
00188      *
00189      * @return The value of @p gapUnits in milliseconds.
00190      */
00191     static uint16_t ADVERTISEMENT_DURATION_UNITS_TO_MS(uint16_t gapUnits)
00192     {
00193         return (gapUnits * UNIT_0_625_MS) / 1000;
00194     }
00196     /**
00197      * Get the advertising type.
00198      *
00199      * @return The advertising type.
00200      */
00201     AdvertisingType_t getAdvertisingType(void) const
00202     {
00203         return _advType;
00204     }
00206     /**
00207      * Get the advertising interval in milliseconds.
00208      *
00209      * @return The advertisement interval (in milliseconds).
00210      */
00211     uint16_t getInterval(void) const
00212     {
00213         return ADVERTISEMENT_DURATION_UNITS_TO_MS(_interval);
00214     }
00216     /**
00217      * Get the advertisement interval in units of 0.625ms.
00218      *
00219      * @return The advertisement interval in advertisement duration units
00220      * (0.625ms units).
00221      */
00222     uint16_t getIntervalInADVUnits(void) const
00223     {
00224         return _interval;
00225     }
00227     /**
00228      * Get the advertising timeout.
00229      *
00230      * @return The advertising timeout (in seconds).
00231      */
00232     uint16_t getTimeout(void) const
00233     {
00234         return _timeout;
00235     }
00237     /**
00238      * Update the advertising type.
00239      *
00240      * @param[in] newAdvType The new advertising type.
00241      */
00242     void setAdvertisingType(AdvertisingType_t newAdvType)
00243     {
00244         _advType = newAdvType;
00245     }
00247     /**
00248      * Update the advertising interval in milliseconds.
00249      *
00250      * @param[in] newInterval The new advertising interval in milliseconds.
00251      */
00252     void setInterval(uint16_t newInterval)
00253     {
00254         _interval = MSEC_TO_ADVERTISEMENT_DURATION_UNITS(newInterval);
00255     }
00257     /**
00258      * Update the advertising timeout.
00259      *
00260      * @param[in] newTimeout The new advertising timeout (in seconds).
00261      *
00262      * @note 0 is a special value meaning the advertising process never ends.
00263      */
00264     void setTimeout(uint16_t newTimeout)
00265     {
00266         _timeout = newTimeout;
00267     }
00269 private:
00270     /**
00271      * The advertising type.
00272      */
00273     AdvertisingType_t _advType;
00275     /**
00276      * The advertising interval in ADV duration units (in other words, 0.625ms).
00277      */
00278     uint16_t _interval;
00280     /**
00281      * The advertising timeout in seconds.
00282      */
00283     uint16_t _timeout;
00284 };
00286 /**
00287  * @}
00288  * @}
00289  */
00291 #endif /* ifndef MBED_GAP_ADVERTISING_PARAMS_H__ */