3. An implementation of the system as a foreground0background

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #define ERROR -1
00004 int touchSense1(void);
00005 int touchSense2(void);
00006 int getTouch(void);
00007 void hostError(void);
00008 void touchError(void);
00009 void runFunction(void);
00011 DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
00012 DigitalOut myled2(LED3);
00014 AnalogIn input1(p20);
00015 AnalogIn input2(p15);
00017 DigitalIn charger1(p19);
00018 DigitalIn charger2(p16);
00020 DigitalOut ground1(p18);
00021 DigitalOut ground2(p17);
00022 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00024 int gInd = 0;
00025 int main() {
00026     pc.attach(runFunction);
00027     while(1) {
00028         if(gInd == 1)
00029         {
00030             pc.printf(" Reached back the main fun\n");
00031             gInd =0;
00032          }
00033         wait(0.2);
00034     }
00035 }
00037 void runFunction() {
00038     char A[1024],c='k';
00039     int len, i, t_bit, h_bit;
00040     gInd = 1;
00041     int err_set ;
00042    pc.printf(" Entering the reading loop\n");
00043        // if (pc.readable()) {
00044            i = 0;
00045             err_set = 0;
00046             while(c!='S' && pc.readable())
00047                 c = pc.getc();
00049             while( (c != 'E') && pc.readable())
00050             {
00051                 if(c != ' ')
00052                 {
00053                     //if((c == '0') || (c=='1'))
00054                         A[i++] = c;
00055                         if((i>1) && (c!='0') &&(c!='1'))
00056                         {
00057                             err_set = 1;
00058                             hostError();
00059                             while(pc.readable()) //buffer out rest and return
00060                                 c=pc.getc();
00061                             return;
00062                         }
00064                 }
00065              //   pc.printf("READING %c \n",c);
00066                 c = pc.getc();
00067             }
00068             A[i] = c;
00069             A[i+1]='\0';
00070             while(pc.readable()) //buffer out rest.
00071                 c=pc.getc();
00074             //pc.printf("DATA RECV : %s\n",A);
00075             len = strlen(A)-1; //to make it right offset
00076             if ((A[0]!='S') || (A[len] != 'E')) {
00077                 hostError();
00078                 return;
00079             }
00080             i = 1;
00081             while (i<len) {
00082                 t_bit = getTouch();
00083                 //pc.printf("\n MY TOKEN IS %c and touch is %d\n",A[i],t_bit);
00084                 if (A[i] == '0')
00085                     h_bit = 0;
00086                 else if (A[i] == '1')
00087                     h_bit = 1;
00089                 if (t_bit != h_bit) {
00090                     touchError();
00091                     return;
00092                 }
00093                 i++;
00094             }
00095             pc.printf("MATCH\n");
00096         //}
00097         return;
00098 }
00100 int getTouch(void) {
00101     int sens;
00102     while (1) {
00104         sens = 0;
00105         if (touchSense1()) {
00106             wait_ms(5);
00107          while(touchSense1())
00108             {
00109             //    pc.printf("In touchsense1\n");
00110                 sens = 1;
00111                 wait_ms(100);
00112             }
00113             if(sens)
00114                 return 0;   
00115         }
00117         if (touchSense2()) {
00118             wait_ms(5);
00119             while(touchSense2())
00120             {
00121           //      pc.printf("In touchsense2\n");
00122                 sens = 1;
00123                 wait_ms(100);
00124              }
00125              if(sens)
00126                 return 1;
00127         }     
00128     }
00129 }
00131 int touchSense1(void) {
00132     float sample;
00133     ground1 = 0;
00134     charger1.mode(PullUp);
00135     charger1.mode(PullNone);
00136     sample=input1.read();
00137     if (sample < 0.3) {
00138         return 1;
00139     } else {
00140         return 0;
00141     }
00142 }
00144 int touchSense2(void) {
00145     float sample;
00146     ground2 = 0;
00147     charger2.mode(PullUp);
00148     charger2.mode(PullNone);
00149     sample=input2.read();
00150     if (sample < 0.3) {
00151         return 1;
00152     } else {
00153         return 0;
00154     }
00155 }
00157 void hostError() {
00158     pc.printf("HOST ERROR");
00159 }
00160 void touchError() {
00161     pc.printf("TOUCH ERROR");
00162 }