electronic water meter system

Dependencies:   mbed Comms

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Wed Feb 10 10:18:23 2021 +0000
Commit message:
Electronic water meter

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Comms.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4965eb440b44 Comms.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Comms.lib	Wed Feb 10 10:18:23 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4965eb440b44 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 10 10:18:23 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+Program Name    : ex1_HC06_leds
+Author          : Grant Phillips
+Date Modified   : 12/05/2016
+Compiler        : ARMmbed
+Tested On       : STM32F4-Discovery
+Discription     : I used some of the program to develop mine Elecrtonic Householder Water Meter
+///////////////////////DECLARING LIBRIES////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+#include "mbed.h"
+/////////////////////////////////DECLARING BLUETOOTH MODULE PINS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+Serial bt(PC_10, PC_11);      //create a Serial object to connect to the HC05 Bluetooth module
+//        tx  , rx 
+///////////////////////////DECLARING SOLAR PANEL TRANSISTOR'S OPARATIONAL PINS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+DigitalOut Q1(PA_10);       // Solar Panel Forward bias (Q1)transistor for the posistive leg
+DigitalOut Q2(PB_3);        // Solar Panel Voltage testing loop forward bias Q2 for the positive leg of the loop
+DigitalOut Q3(PB_5);        // Solar Panel Voltage testing loop forward bias Q3 for the negetive leg of the loop back to the Solar
+DigitalOut Q4(PB_4);        // Solar Panel Forward bias (Q4)transistor for the negetive leg
+AnalogIn SolarVolt(PC_0);   // Solar Panel supply Voltage
+ //////////////////////////////DECLARING HYDRO GENERATION TRANSISTOR'S OPARATIONAL PINS///////////////////////////////////////////
+DigitalOut Q5(PB_13);       //Hydro Generator Forward bias Q5 transistor for the posistive leg
+DigitalOut Q6(PB_14);       //Hydro Generator Voltage testing loop bias Q6 for the positive leg of the loop
+DigitalOut Q7(PB_15);       //Hydro Generator Voltage testing loop bias Q7 for the negetive leg of the loop back to the hydro
+DigitalOut Q8(PB_2);        //Hydro Generator Forward bias Q8 transistor nfor the egetive leg
+AnalogIn HydroVolt(PC_1);   //Hydro Generator supply Voltage
+//////////////////////////////DECLARING FAN TRANSISTOR'S PIN///////////////////////////////////////////
+DigitalOut Q9(PC_6);        // Forward bias to keep the fan on
+///////////////////////////DECLARING WATER VALVE TRANSISTOR'S PIN//////////////
+DigitalOut Q10(PC_8);       // Forward bias to keep the valve open
+//////////////////////////////DECLARING BATTERY TRANSISTOR'S OPARATIONAL PINS/////////////////////////////////////////////////
+DigitalOut Q11(PB_8);       // Battery Voltage testing loop bias Q11 for the positive leg of the loop
+DigitalOut Q12(PC_9);       // Battery Voltage testing loop biasing Q12 for the negative leg of the loop down to nuetral of the load
+AnalogIn BatVolt(PA_4);   // Battery Panel supply Voltage
+/////////////////////////////DECLARING WATER METER TRANSISTOR'S OPARATIONAL PIN///////////////////////////////////
+AnalogIn Met(PA_1);     // Water meter
+////////DECLARING WATER SENSOR TRANSISTOR'S OPARATIONAL PIN///////////////////////////////
+AnalogIn Sen(PA_0);     //Water Sensor
+/////////////////////////////DECLARING WATER METER VARABLE//////////////////////////////////
+double METER;          // Water Meter varable that posses a the current Kiloliter value
+void ClosedValve()
+      { 
+      Q10 = 0;
+      }
+///////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM THAT OPENS THE WATER VALVE////////////////////////
+void OpenValve ()
+                {
+               Q10 = 1;
+                }
+void Water_Valve ()
+  {
+     while (1)
+            {
+                if (Met.read_u16() != Sen.read_u16())
+                {
+                    ClosedValve();
+                    wait (0.2);
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                        OpenValve ();
+                }
+            }
+   }
+///////////////////////////////////NORMAL OPARATIONS SUB PROGRAM WHICH BIAS THE TRANSISTORS//////////////////
+void Normal()               // When every thing is running normal
+    Q1 = 1;
+    Q2 = 0;
+    Q3 = 0;
+    Q4 = 1;
+    Q5 = 1;
+    Q6 = 0;
+    Q7 = 0;
+    Q8 = 1;
+    Q9 = 1;
+  Water_Valve ();
+    Q11 = 0;
+    Q12 = 0;
+////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM OF THE WATER SENSOR OPARATION////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Water_Sensor()
+uint16_t senval;     //Declare variable to store the water analog value after conversion - 16-bit
+uint32_t senval_sum; //Declare variable to store the water analog value sum in loop - 32-bit
+double senkvolt;      //Declare 64-bit floating point data type to store water analog killovoltage value
+    while(1)    
+    {
+    //read the 16-bit value from the analog pin,  The STM32F4-Trainer only supports 12-bit A/D (0 - 4095),
+        senval = Sen.read_u16();     //but the read_u16 function converts it to a 16-bit value (0 - 65535)
+        senval_sum = senval_sum + senval;      //Add every analog reading to the sum variable
+    //calculate the voltage from the 16-bit value
+         senkvolt = ((double)senval_sum* 0.00158) / 65535.0 * 3.3; //cast analogval to a double data type for formula to store result as double
+        // 1 Volt = 1.58 litres then one kilolitres is 1580 acording to kyleconvert.com
+        wait (0.2);
+        }
+////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM OF THE WATER METER OPARATION///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Water_Readings()
+uint16_t watval;     //Declare variable to store the water analog value after conversion - 16-bit
+uint32_t watval_sum; //Declare variable to store the water analog value sum in loop - 32-bit
+double watkvolt;      //Declare 64-bit floating point data type to store water analog killovoltage value
+    {
+    //read the 16-bit value from the analog pin,  The STM32F4-Trainer only supports 12-bit A/D (0 - 4095),
+        watval = Met.read_u16();     //but the read_u16 function converts it to a 16-bit value (0 - 65535)
+        watval_sum = watval_sum + watval;      //Add every analog reading to the sum variable
+    //calculate the voltage from the 16-bit value
+         watkvolt = ((double)watval_sum * 0.00158) / 65535.0 * 3.3; //cast analogval to a double data type for formula to store result as double
+        // 1 Volt = 1.58 litres then one kilolitres is 1580 acording to kyleconvert.com
+        METER = watkvolt;    
+        bt.printf(" %2.3f Volts \n", watkvolt); 
+        wait (0.2);
+        Normal ();
+    }
+/////////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM THAT TEST THE SOLAR PANNEL'S VOLTAGE VALUE/////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Test_Solar()       //The loop to test the Solar Panel's voltage
+    Q1 = 0;
+    Q2 = 1;
+    Q3 = 1;
+    Q4 = 0;
+    Q5 = 1;
+    Q6 = 0;
+    Q7 = 0;
+    Q8 = 1;
+    Q9 = 1;
+    Q11 = 0;
+    Q12 = 0;
+    uint16_t solval;     //Declare variable to store analog value after conversion - 16-bit
+    double solvolt;      //Declare 64-bit floating point data type to store analog voltage value
+        while (1)
+        {
+            //read the 16-bit value from the analog pin,  The STM32F4-Trainer only supports 12-bit A/D (0 - 4095),
+            solval = SolarVolt.read_u16();     //but the read_u16 function converts it to a 16-bit value (0 - 65535)
+            //calculate the voltage from the 16-bit value
+            solvolt = ((double)solval*5.9613) / 65535.0 * 3.3; //cast analogval to a double data type for formula to store result as double
+            //5.9613 convert the voltage value to equeal the supply
+            bt.printf("%2.3f Volts \n", solvolt);  
+            wait (5);
+            Normal ();
+        }
+////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM THAT TEST THE HYDRO GENERATOR'S VOLTAGE VALUE///////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Test_Hydro()       // the loop to test the Hydro Generator's voltage
+    Q1 = 1;
+    Q2 = 0;
+    Q3 = 0;
+    Q4 = 1;
+    Q5 = 0;
+    Q6 = 1;
+    Q7 = 1;
+    Q8 = 0; 
+    Q9 = 1;
+    Q11 = 0;
+    Q12 = 0;
+    uint16_t hydval;     //Declare variable to store analog value after conversion - 16-bit
+    double hydvolt;      //Declare 64-bit floating point data type to store analog voltage value
+        while (1)
+        {
+            //read the 16-bit value from the analog pin,  The STM32F4-Trainer only supports 12-bit A/D (0 - 4095),
+            hydval = HydroVolt.read_u16();     //but the read_u16 function converts it to a 16-bit value (0 - 65535)
+            //calculate the voltage from the 16-bit value
+            hydvolt = ((double)hydval * 5.9613) / 65535.0 * 3.3; //cast analogval to a double data type for formula to store result as double
+            //5.9613 convert the voltage value to equeal the supply
+            bt.printf("%2.3f Volts \n", hydvolt); 
+            wait (5);
+            Normal();
+        }          
+/////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM THAT TEST THE 12 VOLTS BATTERY'S VOLTAGE VALUE/////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Test_Battery()         // The loop to test the battery's voltage
+    Q1 = 0;
+    Q2 = 0;
+    Q3 = 0;
+    Q4 = 0;
+    Q5 = 0;
+    Q6 = 0;
+    Q7 = 0;
+    Q8 = 0;
+    Q9 = 0;
+    Q11 = 1;
+    Q12 = 1;
+uint16_t battval;     //Declare variable to store analog value after conversion - 16-bit
+double battvolt;      //Declare 64-bit floating point data type to store analog voltage value
+while (1)
+    {
+    //read the 16-bit value from the analog pin,  The STM32F4-Trainer only supports 12-bit A/D (0 - 4095),
+        battval = BatVolt.read_u16();     //but the read_u16 function converts it to a 16-bit value (0 - 65535)
+    //calculate the voltage from the 16-bit value
+         battvolt = ((double)battval * 5.9613) / 65535.0 * 3.3; //cast analogval to a double data type for formula to store result as double
+        // 5.9613 convert the voltage value to equeal the supply
+        bt.printf(" %2.3f Volts \n", battvolt); 
+        wait (5);
+        Normal ();
+    } 
+////////////////////////////DECLARATION OF INCOME MESSAGE AS A CHARACTORS THAT COMES FROM THE PHONE APP//////////////////////////////////////
+char btmsg[50];             //incoming message string
+int btmsg_counter = 0;      //character position counter in the message string
+int new_btmsg = 0;          //flag to indicate if a new complete message was received
+////////////////////////////////IT'S A SUB PROGRAM THAT INTERRUPT THE ROUTINE WHEN A NEW CHARACTER ARRIVES/////////////////////////////////////////////
+void btinterrupt() 
+    char c;                                     // declare the c as a charactor
+    c = bt.getc();                              //read the incoming character
+    if(c == '\n')                              //if it is the terminating character
+       {
+        if(btmsg[btmsg_counter - 1] == '\r')
+            btmsg[btmsg_counter - 1] = '\0';
+        else
+            btmsg[btmsg_counter] = '\0';
+        new_btmsg = 1;                          //enable the new message flag to indicate a COMPLETE message was received
+        btmsg_counter = 0;                      //clear the message string
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        btmsg[btmsg_counter] = c;               //add the character to the message string
+        btmsg_counter++;                        //move to the next character in the string
+        }   
+/////////////////////////////////////////THE MAIN PROGRAM WHERE IT WILL CALL ALL THE SUB PROGRAM//////////////////////////////////////////////
+int main() {
+    bt.attach(&btinterrupt);        //if a new character arrives, call the interrupt service routine
+    while(1) { 
+        Normal ();
+        Water_Readings ();
+        Water_Valve ();
+        if(new_btmsg) {                                     //check if there is a new message
+            if(strcmp(btmsg, "SolarON") == 0)              //message for SolarOn is ON
+                Test_Solar();  
+            else if(strcmp(btmsg, "HydrON") == 0)            //message for HydroOn is ON
+               Test_Hydro() ;
+            else if(strcmp(btmsg, "BatteryON") == 0)           //message for BatteryON is ON
+                Test_Battery();
+            else if(strcmp(btmsg, "WaterON") == 0)          //message for WaterOn is ON
+              bt.printf("%2.3f Kl \n",METER);
+            else if(strcmp(btmsg, "ValveOPEN") == 0)         //message for for ValveOpen is ON
+               OpenValve();
+            else if(strcmp(btmsg, "ValveClosed") == 0)         //message for for ValveClosed is ON
+               ClosedValve();
+            else
+                bt.printf("Incorrect command\n");           //Reply incorrect command
+            new_btmsg=0;                                    //clear message flag
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4965eb440b44 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Feb 10 10:18:23 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file