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Fri Sep 25 13:30:09 2015 +0100
Commit message:
Synchronized with git revision e8c24ba90dd5507bdb7c1b46dd3aba8cfabb762b

Full URL: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/commit/e8c24ba90dd5507bdb7c1b46dd3aba8cfabb762b/

RZ_A1H - Modify to support NEON for RTOS.

Changed in this revision

targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/pl310.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/system_MBRZA1H.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/core_caFunc.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/core_ca_mmu.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/pl310.c	Fri Sep 25 12:00:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/pl310.c	Fri Sep 25 13:30:09 2015 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * @file     pl310.c
- * @brief    Implementation of pl310 functions
+ * @brief    Implementation of PL310 PrimeCell Level 2 Cache Controller functions
  * @version
- * @date     11 June 2013
+ * @date     3 December 2014
  * @note
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
         assoc =  8;
     PL310->CLEAN_INV_WAY = (1 << assoc) - 1;
-    while(PL310->CLEAN_INV_WAY && ((1 << assoc) - 1)); //poll invalidate
+    while(PL310->CLEAN_INV_WAY & ((1 << assoc) - 1)); //poll invalidate
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/system_MBRZA1H.c	Fri Sep 25 12:00:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_RENESAS/TARGET_RZ_A1H/system_MBRZA1H.c	Fri Sep 25 13:30:09 2015 +0100
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
  * @file     system_MBRZA1H.c
  * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCA9 Device Series
+ *           ARM Cortex-A9 Device Series
  * @version  V1.00
- * @date     19 Sept 2013
+ * @date     09 January 2015
  * @note
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 ARM LIMITED
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
    All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
 uint32_t IRQNestLevel;
+unsigned char seen_id0_active = 0; // single byte to hold a flag used in the workaround for GIC errata 733075
-#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
  * Initialize the cache.
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
  * @brief Initialise caches. Requires PL1, so implemented as an SVC in case threads are USR mode.
+#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
 #pragma push
 #pragma arm
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
 //Fault Status Register (IFSR/DFSR) definitions
 #define FSR_ALIGNMENT_FAULT                  0x01   //DFSR only. Fault on first lookup
-#define FSR_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_MAINTAINANCE   0x04   //DFSR only - async/external
+#define FSR_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_MAINTENANCE    0x04   //DFSR only - async/external
 #define FSR_SYNC_EXT_TTB_WALK_FIRST          0x0c   //sync/external
 #define FSR_SYNC_EXT_TTB_WALK_SECOND         0x0e   //sync/external
 #define FSR_SYNC_PARITY_TTB_WALK_FIRST       0x1c   //sync/external
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@
         //Your code here. Value in DFAR is invalid for some fault statuses.
         case FSR_ALIGNMENT_FAULT:
@@ -278,21 +279,36 @@
 //returns amount to decrement lr by
-//this will be 0 when we have emulated the instruction and simply want to execute the next instruction
-//this will be 2 when we have performed some maintenance and want to retry the instruction in thumb (state == 2)
-//this will be 4 when we have performed some maintenance and want to retry the instruction in arm (state == 4)
+//this will be 0 when we have emulated the instruction and want to execute the next instruction
+//this will be 2 when we have performed some maintenance and want to retry the instruction in Thumb (state == 2)
+//this will be 4 when we have performed some maintenance and want to retry the instruction in ARM (state == 4)
 uint32_t CUndefHandler(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t state, uint32_t LR) {
     const unsigned int THUMB = 2;
     const unsigned int ARM = 4;
     //Lazy VFP/NEON initialisation and switching
-    if ((state == ARM   && ((opcode & 0x0C000000)) >> 26 == 0x03) ||
-        (state == THUMB && ((opcode & 0xEC000000)) >> 26 == 0x3B)) {
-        if (((opcode & 0x00000E00) >> 9) == 5) { //fp instruction?
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.5) VFP data processing instruction?
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.6) VFP/NEON register load/store instruction?
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.8) VFP/NEON register data transfer instruction?
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.9) VFP/NEON 64-bit register data transfer instruction?
+    if ((state == ARM   && ((opcode & 0x0C000000) >> 26 == 0x03)) ||
+        (state == THUMB && ((opcode & 0xEC000000) >> 26 == 0x3B))) {
+        if (((opcode & 0x00000E00) >> 9) == 5) {
             return state;
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.4) NEON data processing instruction?
+    if ((state == ARM   && ((opcode & 0xFE000000) >> 24 == 0xF2)) ||
+        (state == THUMB && ((opcode & 0xEF000000) >> 24 == 0xEF)) ||
+    // (ARM ARM section A7.7) NEON load/store instruction?
+        (state == ARM   && ((opcode >> 24) == 0xF4)) ||
+        (state == THUMB && ((opcode >> 24) == 0xF9))) {
+        FPUEnable();
+        return state;
+    }
     //Add code here for other Undef cases
@@ -304,18 +320,22 @@
 __asm void FPUEnable(void) {
-        //Permit access to VFP registers by modifying CPACR
+        //Permit access to VFP/NEON, registers by modifying CPACR
         MRC     p15,0,R1,c1,c0,2
         ORR     R1,R1,#0x00F00000
         MCR     p15,0,R1,c1,c0,2
-        //Enable VFP
+        //Ensure that subsequent instructions occur in the context of VFP/NEON access permitted
+        ISB
+        //Enable VFP/NEON
         VMRS    R1,FPEXC
         ORR     R1,R1,#0x40000000
         VMSR    FPEXC,R1
-        //Initialise VFP registers to 0
+        //Initialise VFP/NEON registers to 0
         MOV     R2,#0
+        //Initialise D16 registers to 0
         VMOV    D0, R2,R2
         VMOV    D1, R2,R2
         VMOV    D2, R2,R2
@@ -332,7 +352,23 @@
         VMOV    D13,R2,R2
         VMOV    D14,R2,R2
         VMOV    D15,R2,R2
+        //Initialise D32 registers to 0
+        VMOV    D16,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D17,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D18,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D19,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D20,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D21,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D22,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D23,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D24,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D25,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D26,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D27,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D28,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D29,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D30,R2,R2
+        VMOV    D31,R2,R2
         //Initialise FPSCR to a known state
         VMRS    R2,FPSCR
         LDR     R3,=0x00086060 //Mask off all bits that do not have to be preserved. Non-preserved bits can/should be zero.
@@ -344,40 +380,71 @@
 #pragma pop
 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
-void FPUEnable(void)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-            ".align 2                   \n\t"
-            ".arm                       \n\t"
-            "mrc    p15,0,r1,c1,c0,2    \n\t"
-            "orr    r1,r1,#0x00f00000   \n\t"
-            "mcr    p15,0,r1,c1,c0,2    \n\t"
-            "vmrs   r1,fpexc            \n\t"
-            "orr    r1,r1,#0x40000000   \n\t"
-            "vmsr   fpexc,r1            \n\t"
-            "mov    r2,#0               \n\t"
-            "vmov   d0, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d1, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d2, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d3, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d4, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d5, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d6, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d7, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d8, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d9, r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d10,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d11,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d12,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d13,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d14,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmov   d15,r2,r2           \n\t"
-            "vmrs   r2,fpscr            \n\t"
-            "ldr    r3,=0x00086060      \n\t"
-            "and    r2,r2,r3            \n\t"
-            "vmsr   fpscr,r2            \n\t"
-            "bx     lr                  \n\t"
-    );
+void FPUEnable(void) {
+    __asm__ (
+        ".ARM;"
+        //Permit access to VFP/NEON, registers by modifying CPACR
+        "MRC     p15,0,R1,c1,c0,2;"
+        "ORR     R1,R1,#0x00F00000;"
+        "MCR     p15,0,R1,c1,c0,2;"
+        //Ensure that subsequent instructions occur in the context of VFP/NEON access permitted
+        "ISB;"
+        //Enable VFP/NEON
+        "VMRS    R1,FPEXC;"
+        "ORR     R1,R1,#0x40000000;"
+        "VMSR    FPEXC,R1;"
+        //Initialise VFP/NEON registers to 0
+        "MOV     R2,#0;"
+        //Initialise D16 registers to 0
+        "VMOV    D0, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D1, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D2, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D3, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D4, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D5, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D6, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D7, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D8, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D9, R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D10,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D11,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D12,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D13,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D14,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D15,R2,R2;"
+        //Initialise D32 registers to 0
+        "VMOV    D16,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D17,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D18,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D19,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D20,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D21,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D22,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D23,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D24,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D25,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D26,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D27,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D28,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D29,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D30,R2,R2;"
+        "VMOV    D31,R2,R2;"
+        //Initialise FPSCR to a known state
+        "VMRS    R2,FPSCR;"
+        "LDR     R3,=0x00086060;" //Mask off all bits that do not have to be preserved. Non-preserved bits can/should be zero.
+        "AND     R2,R2,R3;"
+        "VMSR    FPSCR,R2;"
+        //"BX      LR;"
+             :
+             :
+             :"r1", "r2", "r3");
+    return;
--- a/targets/cmsis/core_caFunc.h	Fri Sep 25 12:00:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/core_caFunc.h	Fri Sep 25 13:30:09 2015 +0100
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
  * @file     core_caFunc.h
  * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-A Core Function Access Header File
  * @version  V3.10
- * @date     9 May 2013
+ * @date     30 Oct 2013
  * @note
-/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 ARM LIMITED
+/* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 ARM LIMITED
    All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -147,8 +147,6 @@
 /** \brief  Set User Mode
     This function changes the processor state to User Mode
-    \param [in]    topOfProcStack  USR/SYS Stack Pointer value to set
 __STATIC_ASM void __set_CPS_USR(void)
@@ -253,7 +251,7 @@
     This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
-    \param [in]    cpacr  Coporcessor Acccess Control value to set
+    \param [in]    cpacr  Coprocessor Acccess Control value to set
 __STATIC_INLINE void __set_CPACR(uint32_t cpacr)
@@ -275,7 +273,7 @@
 /** \brief  Get TTBR0
-    This function returns the value of the Configuration Base Address register.
+    This function returns the value of the Translation Table Base Register 0.
     \return               Translation Table Base Register 0 value
@@ -286,7 +284,7 @@
 /** \brief  Set TTBR0
-    This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
+    This function assigns the given value to the Translation Table Base Register 0.
     \param [in]    ttbr0  Translation Table Base Register 0 value to set
@@ -309,7 +307,7 @@
 /** \brief  Set DACR
-    This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
+    This function assigns the given value to the Domain Access Control Register.
     \param [in]    dacr   Domain Access Control Register value to set
@@ -325,7 +323,7 @@
     This function assigns the given value to the System Control Register.
-    \param [in]    sctlr  System Control Register, value to set
+    \param [in]    sctlr  System Control Register value to set
 __STATIC_INLINE void __set_SCTLR(uint32_t sctlr)
@@ -397,9 +395,9 @@
-/** \brief  Enable MMU
+/** \brief  Disable MMU
-    Enable MMU
+    Disable MMU
 __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_mmu(void) {
     // Clear M bit 0 to disable the MMU
@@ -477,8 +475,9 @@
     __DMB();     //ensure the ordering of data cache maintenance operations and their effects
-/** \brief
- * Generic mechanism for cleaning/invalidating the entire data or unified cache to the point of coherency.
+/** \brief  Clean and Invalidate the entire data or unified cache
+    Generic mechanism for cleaning/invalidating the entire data or unified cache to the point of coherency.
 #pragma push
 #pragma arm
@@ -522,12 +521,12 @@
         BNE     Dccisw
         MCR     p15, 0, R11, c7, c10, 2    // DCCSW. Clean by Set/Way
         B       cont
-Dccisw  MCR     p15, 0, R11, c7, c14, 2    // DCCISW, Clean and Invalidate by Set/Way
+Dccisw  MCR     p15, 0, R11, c7, c14, 2    // DCCISW. Clean and Invalidate by Set/Way
 cont    SUBS    R9, R9, #1                 // Decrement the Way number
         BGE     Loop3
         SUBS    R7, R7, #1                 // Decrement the Set number
         BGE     Loop2
-Skip    ADD     R10, R10, #2               // increment the cache number
+Skip    ADD     R10, R10, #2               // Increment the cache number
         CMP     R3, R10
         BGT     Loop1
@@ -539,9 +538,6 @@
 #pragma pop
-/** \brief  __v7_all_cache - helper function
- */
 /** \brief  Invalidate the whole D$
@@ -577,7 +573,6 @@
 #error IAR Compiler support not implemented for Cortex-A
 #elif (defined (__GNUC__)) /*------------------ GNU Compiler ---------------------*/
 /* GNU gcc specific functions */
 #define MODE_USR 0x10
@@ -620,14 +615,12 @@
 __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
 #if 1
-    uint32_t result;
-    __ASM volatile ("mrs %0, apsr" : "=r" (result) );
-    return (result);
+  register uint32_t __regAPSR;
+  __ASM volatile ("mrs %0, apsr" : "=r" (__regAPSR) );
   register uint32_t __regAPSR          __ASM("apsr");
@@ -694,22 +687,49 @@
     \param [in]    topOfProcStack  USR/SYS Stack Pointer value to set
-extern void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack);
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
+    __asm__ volatile (
+    ".ARM;"
+    ".eabi_attribute Tag_ABI_align8_preserved,1;"
+    "BIC     R0, R0, #7;" /* ;ensure stack is 8-byte aligned */
+    "MRS     R1, CPSR;"
+    "CPS     %0;"         /* ;no effect in USR mode */
+    "MOV     SP, R0;"
+    "MSR     CPSR_c, R1;" /* ;no effect in USR mode */
+    "ISB;"
+    //"BX      LR;"
+    :
+    : "i"(MODE_SYS)
+    : "r0", "r1");
+    return;
 /** \brief  Set User Mode
     This function changes the processor state to User Mode
+ */
+__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_CPS_USR(void)
+    __asm__ volatile (
+    ".ARM;"
-    \param [in]    topOfProcStack  USR/SYS Stack Pointer value to set
- */
-extern void __set_CPS_USR(void);
+    "CPS  %0;"
+    //"BX   LR;"
+    :
+    : "i"(MODE_USR)
+    : );
+    return;
 /** \brief  Enable FIQ
     This function enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.
     Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
-#define __enable_fault_irq                __enable_fiq
+#define __enable_fault_irq()                __asm__ volatile ("cpsie f")
 /** \brief  Disable FIQ
@@ -717,7 +737,7 @@
     This function disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.
     Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
-#define __disable_fault_irq               __disable_fiq
+#define __disable_fault_irq()               __asm__ volatile ("cpsid f")
 /** \brief  Get FPSCR
@@ -825,7 +845,7 @@
     This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
-    \param [in]    cpacr  Coporcessor Acccess Control value to set
+    \param [in]    cpacr  Coprocessor Acccess Control value to set
 __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_CPACR(uint32_t cpacr)
@@ -856,7 +876,7 @@
 /** \brief  Get TTBR0
-    This function returns the value of the Configuration Base Address register.
+    This function returns the value of the Translation Table Base Register 0.
     \return               Translation Table Base Register 0 value
@@ -872,7 +892,7 @@
 /** \brief  Set TTBR0
-    This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
+    This function assigns the given value to the Translation Table Base Register 0.
     \param [in]    ttbr0  Translation Table Base Register 0 value to set
@@ -904,7 +924,7 @@
 /** \brief  Set DACR
-    This function assigns the given value to the Coprocessor Access Control register.
+    This function assigns the given value to the Domain Access Control Register.
     \param [in]    dacr   Domain Access Control Register value to set
@@ -924,7 +944,7 @@
     This function assigns the given value to the System Control Register.
-    \param [in]    sctlr  System Control Register, value to set
+    \param [in]    sctlr  System Control Register value to set
 __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_SCTLR(uint32_t sctlr)
@@ -1005,9 +1025,9 @@
-/** \brief  Enable MMU
+/** \brief  Disable MMU
-    Enable MMU
+    Disable MMU
 __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __disable_mmu(void) {
     // Clear M bit 0 to disable the MMU
@@ -1109,14 +1129,10 @@
     __DMB();     //ensure the ordering of data cache maintenance operations and their effects
-/** \brief
- * Generic mechanism for cleaning/invalidating the entire data or unified cache to the point of coherency.
- */
+/** \brief  Clean and Invalidate the entire data or unified cache
-/** \brief  __v7_all_cache - helper function
+    Generic mechanism for cleaning/invalidating the entire data or unified cache to the point of coherency.
 extern void __v7_all_cache(uint32_t op);
--- a/targets/cmsis/core_ca_mmu.h	Fri Sep 25 12:00:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/targets/cmsis/core_ca_mmu.h	Fri Sep 25 13:30:09 2015 +0100
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 ; * @file     core_ca_mmu.h
-; * @brief    MMU Startup File for
-; *           VE_A9_MP Device Series
+; * @brief    MMU Startup File for A9_MP Device Series
 ; * @version  V1.01
-; * @date     25 March 2013
+; * @date     10 Sept 2014
 ; *
 ; * @note
 ; *
 ; ******************************************************************************/
-;/* Copyright (c) 2012 ARM LIMITED
+;/* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ARM LIMITED
 ;   All rights reserved.
 ;   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@
         else if ((priv == RW) && (user == READ))        { ap = 0x2; }
         else if ((priv == RW) && (user == RW))          { ap = 0x3; }
         else if ((priv == READ) && (user == NO_ACCESS)) { ap = 0x5; }
-        else if ((priv == READ) && (user == READ))      { ap = 0x6; }
+        else if ((priv == READ) && (user == READ))      { ap = 0x7; }
     else { //Simplified access
@@ -647,7 +646,7 @@
     The function creates a section descriptor.
-    - 16MB super sections not suported
+    - 16MB super sections not supported
     - TEX remap disabled, so memory type and attributes are described directly by bits in the descriptor
     - Functions always return 0