Initial commit

Dependencies:   FastPWM

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-dev-master/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F439xI/TARGET_MODULE_UBLOX_ODIN_W2/sdk/ublox-odin-w2-drivers/cb_bt_man.h	Wed Sep 16 01:11:49 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, u-blox Malmö, All Rights Reserved
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ * This file and the related binary are licensed under the
+ * Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use these files except in compliance with the License.
+ *
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License here:
+ * LICENSE-permissive-binary-license-1.0.txt and at
+ *
+ *
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Component   : Bluetooth Manager
+ * File        : cb_bt_man.h
+ *
+ * Description : General Bluetooth functionality
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @file cb_bt_man.h
+ *
+ * @brief General Bluetooth functionality. This includes initialization of 
+ * the Bluetooth radio and stack, handling properties such as device 
+ * name, scanning for other devices using inquiry or Bluetooth Low Energy 
+ * scan and more.
+ */
+#ifndef _CB_BT_MAN_H_
+#define _CB_BT_MAN_H_
+#include "cb_comdefs.h"
+#include "bt_types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define cbBM_OK                 (0)
+#define cbBM_ERROR              (-1)
+#define cbBM_MAX_OUTPUT_POWER   (127)
+#define cbBM_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP_CH_37_BIT          0x01
+#define cbBM_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP_CH_38_BIT          0x02
+#define cbBM_ADV_CHANNEL_MAP_CH_39_BIT          0x04
+extern const TBdAddr invalidBdAddress;
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_InquiryType;
+typedef void(*cbBM_TIStatusCallback)(
+    cb_int32 status,
+    cb_int8 temperature);
+typedef void (*cbBM_InquiryEventCallback)(
+     TBdAddr *pBdAddress,
+     TCod cod,
+     cb_uint16 clockOffset,
+     cb_int8 rssi,
+     cb_char *pName,
+     TExtInqRsp* pExtInqRsp,
+     cb_uint8 length);
+typedef void (*cbBM_InquiryCompleteCallback)(
+    cb_int32 status);
+typedef void (*cbBM_RemoteNameCallback)(
+    TBdAddr *pBdAddress,
+    TName *pName,
+    cb_int32 status);
+typedef enum
+    cbBM_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_LE_ALL = 0, // Limited size filtering to reduce duplicate results (for devices in filter).
+    cbBM_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_LE_ALL_NO_FILTERING // No found devices filtered out due to previously found
+} cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryTypeLe;
+typedef enum
+    cbBM_ACTIVE_SCAN = 0,
+    cbBM_PASSIVE_SCAN = 1
+} cbBM_ScanTypeLe;
+typedef void (*cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryLeEventCallback)(
+    TBdAddr *pBdAddress,    // Bluetooth address
+    cb_int8 rssi,           // Tx power in dBm
+    cb_char *pName,         // Remote name as null terminated string
+    TAdvData *pAdvData);    // Advertisment data of remote device
+typedef void (*cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryLeCompleteCallback)(
+    cb_int32 status);
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_DiscoverableMode;
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_ConnectableMode;
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_DiscoverableModeLe;
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_ConnectableModeLe;
+typedef enum
+} cbBM_ChannelMapEvt;
+typedef void (*cbBM_ChannelMapCallb)(
+    cbBM_ChannelMapEvt chMapEvt,
+    TChannelMap *pChMap);           // Channel map bit mask
+typedef void (*cbBM_InitComplete)(void);
+typedef void(*cbBM_LocalAddressCb)(void);
+typedef enum
+    cbBM_LE_ROLE_CENTRAL = 1,
+} cbBM_LeRole;
+ * Bluetooth Manager initialization parameters.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    TBdAddr         address;                    /** Bluetooth address that shall be assigned to controller. Pass invalidBdAddress to use controller default address*/
+    cbBM_LeRole     leRole;                     /** Bluetooth low energy role */
+    cb_int8         maxOutputPower;             /** Maximum output power. */
+    cb_int32        nvdsStartIdLinkKeysClassic; /** Start id for CLASSIC link keys storage in NVDS. */
+    cb_int32        maxLinkKeysClassic;         /** Max number of CLASSIC link keys */
+    cb_int32        nvdsStartIdLinkKeysLe;      /** Start id for BLE link keys storage in NVDS. */
+    cb_int32        maxLinkKeysLe;              /** Max number of link keys BLE*/
+} cbBM_InitParams;
+typedef void(*cbBM_ServiceEnabled)(cb_uint8 serviceChannel);
+ *=========================================================================*/
+ * Initialize the Bluetooth Radio, the connectBlue Embedded Bluetooth 
+ * Stack and the Bluetooth Manager.
+ * The init complete callback is used to notify when the initialization is 
+ * complete. During initialization default values are set for all properties.
+ * The application shall set desired values for the main Bluetooth properties
+ * such as local name after the initialization is complete. After init the device 
+ * is non discoverable and non connectable.
+ * 
+ * @param pInitParameters       Init parameters
+ * @param initCompleteCallback  Callback used to notify when the initialization is complete.
+ * @param pBtReadyCallback      Callback used to notify when the customized Bluetooth 
+ *                              initialization is ready.
+ * @return None
+ */
+extern void cbBM_init(
+    cbBM_InitParams *pInitParameters,
+    cbBM_InitComplete initCompleteCallback);
+ * This function executes cbBM_setQosParams command according to parameters.
+ * @param   connectConfig decides whether to turn off connectability and discoverability
+ *          when max links are reached.
+ * @param   qosConfig QoS enable=1, disable=0
+ * @param   connectConfig QoS "off during connection"=0, "on during connection"=1
+ * @return true if in parameters are valid.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setQosParams(
+    cb_uint8 qosConfig,
+    cb_uint8 connectConfig);
+ * This function sets the link supervision timeout in LLC.
+ * @param   linkSupervisionTimeout in milliseconds
+ * @return true if in parameter is valid.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setLinkSupervisionTimeout(
+    cb_uint16 linkSupervisionTimeout);
+ * This function gets the link supervision timeout from LLC.
+ * @return link supervision timeout in milliseconds
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getLinkSupervisionTimeout(void);
+ * This function enables or disables the fast connect feature (interlaced page scan).
+ * @param   fastConnect enable=TRUE, disable=FALSE
+ * @return cbBM_OK if in parameter is valid.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setFastConnect(
+    cb_boolean fastConnect);
+ * This function gets whether the fast connect feature is enabled or disabled.
+ * @return fast connect; enabled=TRUE, disabled=FALSE
+ */
+extern cb_boolean cbBM_getFastConnect(void);
+ * This function enables or disables the fast discovery feature (interlaced inquiry scan).
+ * @param   fastDiscovery enable=TRUE, disable=FALSE
+ * @return cbBM_OK if in parameter is valid.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setFastDiscovery(
+    cb_boolean fastDiscovery);
+ * This function gets whether the fast discovery feature is enabled or disabled.
+ * @return fast connect enabled=TRUE, disabled=FALSE
+ */
+extern cb_boolean cbBM_getFastDiscovery(void);
+ * This function sets the page timeout in LLC.
+ * @param   pageTimeout in milliseconds
+ * @return cbBM_OK if successful
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setPageTimeout(
+    cb_uint16 pageTimeout);
+ * This function gets the page timeout from LLC.
+ * @return page timeout in milliseconds.
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getPageTimeout(void);
+ * This function sets all default parameters for LE. 
+ * This function needs to be called before the cbBM_init.
+ */
+extern void cbBM_setDefaultValuesLeParams(void);
+ * This function executes HCI_cmdWrScanEnable command according to parameters.
+ * @param discoverableMode discoverable mode
+ * @param connectableMode connectable mode
+ * @return cbBM_OK if HCI command could be executed.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_updateScan(
+    cbBM_DiscoverableMode discoverableMode,
+    cbBM_ConnectableMode connectableMode);
+ * Get the current Bluetooth address of the device from radio. This can
+ * be a way to get a alive-message from the radio. Also, if the radio resets,
+ * the address is set to a chip default value.
+ *
+ * @param callback to application when address has been read.
+ */
+extern void cbBM_checkRadioAlive(cbBM_LocalAddressCb callback);
+ * Get the current Bluetooth address of the device.
+ * @param pAddress Pointer to return variable.
+ * @return if the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getLocalAddress(TBdAddr *pAddress);
+ * Set local name
+ * This sets the Bluetooth Classic device name as well as the Bluetooth Low
+ * Energy device name. Inquiry and advertising is updated.
+ * @param pName         The new local name (null terminated string). Max length is 32 chars.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setLocalName(cb_char* pName);
+ * Get local name.
+ * Get the current local name.
+ * @param pName     Pointer to return variable.
+ * @param length    Max length of the name string. Name will be truncated if length is too small.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getLocalName(
+    cb_char *pName,
+    cb_uint32 length);
+ * Set class of device
+ * @param cod New Class of Device.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setCod(TCod cod);
+ * Get current class of device.
+ * @param pCod Pointer to return variable.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getCod(TCod* pCod);
+ * Set discoverable mode for Bluetooth Classic.
+ * @param discoverable New discoverable mode.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setDiscoverableMode(cbBM_DiscoverableMode discoverable);
+ * Get current discoverable mode for Bluetooth Classic.
+ * @param pDiscoverable Pointer to return variable.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getDiscoverableMode(cbBM_DiscoverableMode *pDiscoverable);
+ * Set connectable mode for Bluetooth Classic.
+ * @param connectable Connectable mode
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectableMode(cbBM_ConnectableMode connectable);
+ * Get current connectable mode for Bluetooth Classic
+ * @param pConnectable Pointer to return variable.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getConnectableMode(cbBM_ConnectableMode *pConnectable);
+ * Set master slave policy for Bluetooth Classic
+ * @param   policy  Master slave policy
+ * @return  If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setMasterSlavePolicy(TMasterSlavePolicy policy);
+ * Set master slave policy for Bluetooth Classic
+ * @param   pPolicy  Pointer to return variable
+ * @return  If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getMasterSlavePolicy(TMasterSlavePolicy *pPolicy);
+ * Enable/disable sniff mode
+ * @param   enable  TRUE=enable sniff mode, FALSE=disable sniff mode
+ * @return  If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setSniffMode(cb_boolean enable);
+ * Get sniff mode
+ * @param   pEnable  Pointer to return variable
+ * @return  If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getSniffMode(cb_boolean *pEnable);
+ * Set default channel map for Bluetooth Classic. Used to exclude channels
+ * from usage.
+ * Request an update of which channels shall be used by adaptive frequency hopping.
+ * typically this is not needed since the Bluetooth is very good at select which
+ * channels to use.
+ * @param channelMap            Channel map bit mask. Note that at least 20 channels must be enabled.
+ * @param channelMapCallback    Callback used to notify if the channel map
+ *                              is accepted by the radio.
+ * @return If the operation is successfully initiated cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setAfhChannelMap(
+    TChannelMap channelMap,
+    cbBM_ChannelMapCallb channelMapCallback);
+ * Get the default channel map.
+ * @param pMap Pointer to return variable where the channel map bit mask is stored.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getAfhChannelMap(TChannelMap *pMap);
+ * Start an Bluetooth inquiry.
+ * The event callback is called for every device that is found during inquiry.
+ * @param type Type of inquiry.
+ * @param inquiryLengthInMs Length of inquiry in ms
+ * @param eventCallback     Callback used to notify each found device
+ * @param completeCallback  Callback used to notify when the inquiry is completed
+ * @return If the inquiry is successfully started cbBM_OK is returned
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_inquiry(
+    cbBM_InquiryType type,
+    cb_uint32 inquiryLengthInMs,
+    cbBM_InquiryEventCallback eventCallback,
+    cbBM_InquiryCompleteCallback completeCallback);
+ * Cancel an ongoing inquiry.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_inquiryCancel(void);
+ * Perform a remote name request for Bluetooth Classic.
+ * @param pAddress          Pointer to address of remote device.
+ * @param clockOffset       Clock offset. Can be found in inquiry response. Use 0 if not available.
+ * @param pageTimeout       Page timeout in ms (Length of connection attempt).
+ * @param remoteNameCallb   Callback used to notify the completion of the 
+ *                          name request.
+ * @return If the operation is successfully initiated cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_remoteName(
+    TBdAddr *pAddress,
+    cb_uint16 clockOffset,
+    cb_uint16 pageTimeout,
+    cbBM_RemoteNameCallback remoteNameCallb);
+ * Add service class to inquiry response data. Typically
+ * not used by the application.
+ * @param uuid16 The UUID to add. E.g. 0x1101=SPP,  0x1115=PANU, 0x1116=NAP
+ * @param pCallback callback to indicate service is enabled
+ * @param serviceChannel channel the service is started on
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_addServiceClass(cb_uint16 uuid16, cbBM_ServiceEnabled pCallback,cb_uint8 serviceChannel);
+ * Check if service class is already registered. 
+ * @param uuid16 The UUID to check. E.g. 0x1101=SPP,  0x1115=PANU, 0x1116=NAP
+ * @return TRUE If the ServiceClass is registered, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+cb_boolean cbBM_isServiceClassRegistered(cb_uint16 uuid16 );
+ * Add service class to inquiry response data. Typically
+ * not used by the application.
+ * @param uuid128 The UUID to add.
+ * @param pCallback callback to indicate service is enabled.
+ * @param serviceChannel channel the service is started on.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_add128BitsServiceClass(cb_uint8* uuid128, cbBM_ServiceEnabled pCallback, cb_uint8 serviceChannel);
+ * Set maximum Bluetooth Classic ACL links the stack
+ * shall allow.
+ * @param maxConnections Max ACL connections.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setMaxConnections(cb_uint32 maxConnections);
+ * Get controller version string.
+ * @return Pointer to NULL terminated version string.
+ */
+extern cb_char* cbBM_getControllerVersionString(void);
+ * Get stack version string.
+ * @return Pointer to NULL terminated version string.
+ */
+extern cb_char* cbBM_getStackVersionString(void);
+ * Get current Bluetooth Low Energy Role.
+ * @return Current Bluetooth Low Energy role.
+ */
+extern cbBM_LeRole cbBM_getLeRole(void);
+ * Set Bluetooth Low Energy discoverable mode.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   discoverableMode  Bluetooth Low Energy discoverable mode
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setDiscoverableModeLe(
+    cbBM_DiscoverableModeLe discoverableMode);
+ * Get Bluetooth Low Energy discoverable mode.
+ * @param   pDiscoverableMode  Pointer to return variable 
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getDiscoverableModeLe(
+    cbBM_DiscoverableModeLe *pDiscoverableMode);
+ * Set Bluetooth Low Energy connectable mode.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   connectable  Set to TRUE to accept connections
+ *                       Set to FALSE to reject incoming connections
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectableModeLe(
+    cbBM_ConnectableModeLe connectable);
+ * Get current connectable mode.
+ * @param   pConnectable    Pointer to return variable.
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getConnectableModeLe(
+    cbBM_ConnectableModeLe* pConnectable);
+ * Set custom advertising data.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   pAdvData    Pointer to advertising data.
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setCustomAdvData(
+    TAdvData* pAdvData);
+ * Set custom scan response data.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   pScanRspData    Pointer to scan response data.
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setCustomScanRspData(
+    TAdvData* pScanRspData);
+ * Set current scan response data.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   pAdvData    Pointer to scan response data.
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_getAdvData(
+    TAdvData* pAdvData);
+ * Get current scan response data.
+ * Only valid for peripheral role.
+ * @param   pScanRspData    Pointer to scan response data.
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+ extern cb_int32 cbBM_getScanRspData(
+     TAdvData* pScanRspData);
+ * Start an Bluetooth Low Energy device discovery.
+ * The event callback is called for every device that is found during inquiry.
+ * @param type              Type of discovery.
+ * @param discoveryLength   Length of inquiry in seconds.
+ * @param scanType          Active or passive scan
+ * @param eventCallback     Callback used to notify each found device
+ * @param completeCallback  Callback used to notify when the inquiry is completed.
+ * @return If the device discovery is successfully started cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_deviceDiscoveryLe(
+    cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryTypeLe type,
+    cb_uint16 discoveryLength,
+    cbBM_ScanTypeLe scanType,
+    cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryLeEventCallback eventCallback,
+    cbBM_DeviceDiscoveryLeCompleteCallback completeCallback);
+ * Cancel an ongoing device discovery.
+ * @return If the operation is successful cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_deviceDiscoveryLeCancel(void);
+ * Perform a remote name request for Bluetooth Low Energy.
+ * @param pAddress              Pointer to address of remote device.
+ * @param remoteNameCallback    Callback used to notify the completion of the
+ *                              name request.
+ * @return If the operation is successfully initiated cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_remoteNameLe(TBdAddr *pAddress,
+                                  cbBM_RemoteNameCallback remoteNameCallback);
+ * Add 128bit service UUID to scan response data. Typically
+ * not used by the application.
+ * @param uuid128 Pointer to 128bit UUID
+ * @return If the operation is successfully initiated cbBM_OK is returned.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_add128BitsServiceClassLe(cb_uint8* uuid128);
+ * Read the used max tx power .
+ * @return max tx power level in dBm.
+ */
+extern cb_int8 cbBM_getMaxTxPower(void);
+ * Read the connection parameters for Bond.
+ * @param bondParams Pointer to structure where the connection parameters are stored.
+ * @return void
+ */
+void cbBM_getBondParameters(TAclParamsLe* bondParams);
+ * Read the connection parameters for connection.
+ * @param aclParams Pointer to structure where the connection parameters are stored.
+ * @return void
+ */
+void cbBM_getConnectParameters(TAclParamsLe* aclParams);
+ * Read the connection parameters for remote name request.
+ * @param aclParams Pointer to structure where the connection parameters are stored.
+ * @return void
+ */
+void cbBM_getRemoteNameReqParameters(TAclParamsLe* aclParams);
+ * Read the vendor specific status of the WL18 chipset.
+ * @param callback    Callback used to notify the completion of the
+ *                              status request.
+ * @return Returns cbBM_OK if successfully started.
+ */
+cb_int32 cbBM_getTISystemStatus(cbBM_TIStatusCallback callback);
+ * Set BT classic as not supported in the peripheral advertisment.
+ * @param enforceDisable TRUE to set BT classic not supported
+ * @return cbBM_OK if successful
+ */
+cb_int32 cbBM_setForceClassicNotSupportedInAdv(cb_boolean enforceDisable);
+ * Set BT classic as not supported in the peripheral advertisment.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if BT classic is set to not supported in the peripheral advertisment.
+ */
+cb_boolean cbBM_getForceClassicNotSupportedInAdv(void);
+ * Set min advertisment interval
+ * 
+ * @param   newValue    Minimial interval value as slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setAdvertisingIntervalMin(cb_uint16 val);
+ * Set max advertisment interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setAdvertisingIntervalMax(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set advertisment channel map
+ *
+ * @param    Bit mask of channels to use; Channel 37, 38, 39
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setAdvChannelmap(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set min connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectConnIntervalMin(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set max connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectConnIntervalMax(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set connection latency
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectConnLatency(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms (make sure it is larger than the connection latency)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectLinklossTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set create connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectCreateConnTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set connect scan interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectScanInterval(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set connect scan window
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setConnectScanWindow(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set min bond connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondConnIntervalMin(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set max bond connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondConnIntervalMax(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set bond connection latency
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondConnLatency(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set bond link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms (make sure it is larger than the connection latency)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondLinklossTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set bond create connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondCreateConnTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set bond scan interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondScanInterval(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set bond scan window
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setBondScanWindow(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set min remote name connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameConnIntervalMin(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set max remote name connection interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameConnIntervalMax(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set remote name connection latency
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameConnLatency(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set remote name link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms (make sure it is larger than the connection latency)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameLinklossTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set remote name create connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in ms
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameCreateConnTmo(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set remote name scan interval
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameScanInterval(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Set remote name scan window
+ *
+ * @param   newValue Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ * @return  cbBM_OK is returned on success.
+ */
+extern cb_int32 cbBM_setRemoteNameScanWindow(cb_uint16 newValue);
+ * Get min advertisment interval
+ *
+ * @return  Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getAdvertisingIntervalMin(void);
+ * Get max advertisment interval
+ *
+ * @return  Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getAdvertisingIntervalMax(void);
+ * Get advertisment channel map
+ *
+ * @return  Bit mask of channels to use; Channel 37, 38, 39
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getAdvChannelmap(void);
+ * Get min connection interval
+ *
+ * @return  Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectConnIntervalMin(void);
+ * Get max connection interval
+ *
+ * @return  Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectConnIntervalMax(void);
+ * Get connection latency
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectConnLatency(void);
+ * Get link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectLinklossTmo(void);
+ * Get create connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectCreateConnTmo(void);
+ * Get connection scan interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectScanInterval(void);
+ * Get connection scan window
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getConnectScanWindow(void);
+ * Get min bond connection interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondConnIntervalMin(void);
+ * Get bond connection interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondConnIntervalMax(void);
+ * Get bond connection latency
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondConnLatency(void);
+ * Get bond link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondLinklossTmo(void);
+ * Get bond connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondCreateConnTmo(void);
+ * Get bond scan interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondScanInterval(void);
+ * Get bond scan window
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getBondScanWindow(void);
+ * Get min remote name connection interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameConnIntervalMin(void);
+ * Get max remote name connection interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameConnIntervalMax(void);
+ * Get remote name connection latency
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 1.25ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameConnLatency(void);
+ * Get remote name link loss (or supervision) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameLinklossTmo(void);
+ * Get remote name connection (or page) timeout
+ *
+ * @return Time in ms
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameCreateConnTmo(void);
+ * Get remote name scan interval
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameScanInterval(void);
+ * Get remote name scan window
+ *
+ * @return Time in slots (1 slot is 0.625ms)
+ */
+extern cb_uint16 cbBM_getRemoteNameScanWindow(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus