SNMP agent attached to SPI slave

Dependencies:   mbed

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00002 /* 
00003 Generated: Enet_SPI_LPC1768.bin
00005 mbed test software for Ethernet HTTPServer with simultaneous SPI for 4 data byte updates
00007 Version Date    Author  Change    
00008 0.2:    06/10/11    LS  Add block checksum character to SPI data
00009 0.3:    07/10/11    LS  Add SPI read from cmd_buf
00010 0.4:    13/10/11    LS  Integrated with HTTP server example code
00011 0.5:    18/10/11    LS  Initial file handling
00012 0.6:    26/10/11    LS  File IO handled by SPI_server class
00013 0.78:   17/11/11    LS  Add SNMP files for system info reporting, but HTTP svr.bind disabled
00014 0.79    12/12/11    LS  Reads network addresses from file & uses enterprise address
00015 0.80    18/12/11    LS  Save last number read in read_addrs_from_file(). 
00016 0.81    22/12/11    LS  Add new_cmd_idx to indicate which parameter has been set (0 for none). 
00017 0.82    22/12/11    LS  Add blinker to show comms activity 
00018 0.83    23/12/11    LS  Clear cmd_buf[0] after SPI been read 4 times 
00019 0.84    27/12/11    LS  snmp_fw_version & f3k_fw_version saved as 4 char strings 
00020 0.85    29/12/11    LS  Update f3k_sys_set_value() & f3k_sys_set_test() to enable net address change
00021 0.90    29/12/11    LS  Add 3-step routine for passing commands over SPI bus from cmd_buf
00022 0.94    10/01/12    LS  Add led_link  = LPC_GPIO1->FIOPIN & (1<<25) in netservice.cpp
00023 0.95    11/01/12    LS  Fix f3k_speed reporting error in private_mib.c
00024 0.96    12/01/12    LS  Move led_link  = LPC_GPIO1->FIOPIN & (1<<25) to eth_poll in eth_drv.cpp
00025 0.98    26/04/12    LS  Increase snmp_publiccommunity[7] to [21] and allow this to be set from file
00026 0.99    08/06/12    LS  #define SNMP_TRAP_DESTINATIONS 1. Declare th_ad[4] for host trap address
00027                         Add init_traps() to ensure head-head link status trap is sent
00028         21/06/12        Add check for changes to IO bytes and chk_SPI_active() every 60 seconds
00029 1.00    22/06/12    LS  Save SNMP changes to net addresses & mask4_IO_registers in net_adrs.txt
00031,604 writes 604 to reg_offset
00032,1 writes 1 to led2
00033 uploads file IO1000PX.htm
00034 */
00036 #include "mbed.h" 
00037 #include "EthernetNetIf.h"
00038 #include "HTTPServer.h"
00039 #include "lwip/snmp_structs.h"
00040 #include "lwip/snmp_msg.h"
00041 #include "IO_file.h"
00043 #define LPC1768         0x60          // SPI address of LPC1768 module
00044 #define READ_IO         0x01          // bit in address field for data reads
00045 #define SPI_BYTES       4             // # of data bytes in SPI message
00046 #define INV_SPI_CNT     0xfffff       // invalid (over-range SPI count
00047 #define NUM_READ        8             // # of SPI replies for valid reads
00048 #define NUM_INDX        4             // # of SPI replies for valid cmd_buf index
00049 #define MAX_CMD         4             // size of CMD buffer
00050 #define NO_CMD          0xff          // data on cmd_buf[0] when NO_CMD to be sent
00051 #define NO_UPDATE       0             // NO change to Ethernet addresses
00052 #define UPDATED         0xff          // Ethernet addresses updated in file
00053 #define NET_ADRS_FILE   "/webfs/net_adrs.txt"
00056 const char * snmp_fw_version = "1.a";
00058 /* default ethernet address setup */             
00059 unsigned char ip_ad[4] = {192,168,99,99};
00060 unsigned char msk_ad[4] = {255,255,255,0};
00061 unsigned char gwy_ad[4] = {192,168,99,253};
00062 unsigned char dns_ad[4] = {192,168,99,253};
00063 unsigned char th_ad[4] = {146,38,105,49};   // v0.99: host address for SNMP traps
00064 unsigned char net_addrs_set = false;        // flags net address update from SNMP 
00065 unsigned char net_addrs_chng = NO_UPDATE;   // flags net address changed in main CPU 
00066 unsigned char byte_changed = false;         // true if any IO regs have changed
00067 unsigned char all_IO_updated = false;       // true if all 32 IO regs have been read
00068 char hex_mask[12];                          // IO mask as hex string
00069 unsigned long mask4_IO_registers = 0x3fffffff;  // mask for IO regs ignoring IO31 & 32
00070 unsigned long spi_count = 0;                // last SPI_COUNT saved in SPI interrupt
00071 unsigned char spi_active = true;            // avoid false trap message at start
00073 static u8_t syslocation[32]; /* v0.9b */
00074 u8_t sysloc_len;
00076 SPISlave spi_slave(p11, p12, p13, p14); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel
00078 Ticker comms_tick;
00079 Ticker sys_tick;                      // system tick for SNMP sysuptime report
00080 Ticker spi_tick;                      // tick for monitoring SPI activity
00081 Timeout cold_start_delay;
00083 DigitalOut led1(LED1, "led1");        // mimics head-head link status o/p in main CPU I/O
00084 DigitalOut led2(LED2, "led2");
00085 DigitalOut led3(LED3, "led3");
00086 DigitalOut led4(LED4, "led4");
00087 DigitalOut led_link(p29);             // Green link status: ON=good, Blink=Activity
00088 DigitalOut led_speed(p30);            // Yellow link speed: ON for 100Mb/s 
00090 unsigned char blink_led = false;            
00091 unsigned char trap_init = false;      // true after cold_start trap sent          
00093 LocalFileSystem fs( "webfs" );
00095 IpAddr mip, mnm, mgw, mdns;           // instantiate from core\ipaddr.cpp
00097 //EthernetNetIf eth;                    // use if DNS sets up address
00099 HTTPServer svr;
00100 SPI_Server fsvr( "fsvr" );
00102 Serial pc( USBTX, USBRX );        // for diagnostic serial comms to PC via USB
00104 /****************************************************************************/ 
00105 /*                      SPI interface data and routines                     */
00106 /****************************************************************************/
00107 /* commands sent to main CPU cpu from cmd_buf[0] and 
00108    waiting commands stored in higher indices until sent */
00109 unsigned char cmd_buf[ MAX_CMD ];         // store for commands from Ethernet
00110 unsigned char new_cmd_idx;
00113 /****************************************************************************/ 
00114 /*              SPI_Server: 
00115 * Description:  Instantiates Class to hold & access all data read from RAM by SPI
00116 *               Called by FSHandler::doGet() in services\http\server\impl
00117 * Parameters:   name of object instantiated
00118 * Returns:      NONE
00119 */
00120 /****************************************************************************/ 
00121 SPI_Server::SPI_Server(const char * name)
00122 {
00123 int idx;
00124   for ( idx = 0; idx < MAX_RAM; idx++ )
00125   {
00126     ram_img[ idx ] = (MAX_RAM - idx) & 0xff;
00127   }
00128   reg_offset = 0;
00129 }
00131 SPI_Server::~SPI_Server()
00132 {
00133   if(fp)  fclose(fp);
00134 }
00136 /****************************************************************************/ 
00137 /*              update_IO_file: 
00138 * Description:  Reads data from ram_img[] into IO1000PX.htm for web access
00139 *               Called by FSHandler::doGet() in services\http\server\impl
00140 * Globals used: NONE 
00141 * Parameters:   NONE
00142 * Returns:      0 if OK, 1 if failed to open files
00143 */
00144 /****************************************************************************/ 
00145 int SPI_Server::update_IO_file()
00146 {
00147 int c, i;                           // characters read/written in files
00148 unsigned short chnl, dval;          // data from 1000PX
00150   DBG("\r\nIn SPI_Server::update_IO_file()\r\n");
00151   FILE *fr = fopen("/webfs/hdr.htm", "r");
00152   if(!fr) {
00153     fprintf(stderr, "\r\nFile /webfs/hdr.htm could not be opened!\r\n");
00154     exit(1);
00155   }
00156   else
00157   {
00158     fp = fopen( "/webfs/IO1000PX.htm", "w" );
00159     if(!fp) {
00160       fprintf(stderr, "\r\nFile /webfs/IO1000PX.htm could not be opened to write!\r\n" );
00161       exit(1);
00162     }
00163     else
00164     {
00165       while ( (c = fgetc(fr)) != EOF )
00166       {
00167         fputc( c, fp );
00168       }
00169       fclose(fr);
00170   DBG("\r\nIn SPI_Server::update_IO_file() - header copied\r\n");
00171       for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
00172       {
00173         chnl = reg_offset + i;
00174         dval = 256 * ram_img[ 2*chnl ] + ram_img[ 2*chnl + 1 ]; 
00175         fprintf(fp, "    <TR VALIGN=TOP>\r\n");
00176         fprintf(fp, "        <TD WIDTH=124>\r\n");
00177         fprintf(fp, "            <P>%02d</P>\r\n", chnl );
00178         fprintf(fp, "        </TD>\r\n");
00179         fprintf(fp, "        <TD WIDTH=124>\r\n");
00180         fprintf(fp, "            <P>%d</P>\r\n", dval );
00181         fprintf(fp, "        </TD>\r\n");
00182         fprintf(fp, "        <TD WIDTH=124>\r\n");
00183         fprintf(fp, "            <P>%02x</P>\r\n", (dval/256) );
00184         fprintf(fp, "        </TD>\r\n");
00185         fprintf(fp, "        <TD WIDTH=124>\r\n");
00186         fprintf(fp, "            <P>%02x</P>\r\n", (dval & 0xff) );
00187         fprintf(fp, "        </TD>\r\n");
00188         fprintf(fp, "    </TR>\r\n");
00189       }
00190       fprintf(fp, "</TABLE>\r\n<P><BR><BR>\r\n</P>\r\n</BODY>\r\n</HTML>\r\n");
00191     }
00192   }
00193   fclose(fp);
00194 //  fclose(fr);
00195   return 0;
00196 }
00198 int SPI_Server::read( void )
00199 {
00200   DBG("\r\nIn SPI_Server::read()\r\n");
00201   return reg_offset;
00202 }
00204 void SPI_Server::write( int new_offset )
00205 {
00206   DBG("\r\nIn SPI_Server::write()\r\n");
00207   if ( (new_offset >= 0) && (new_offset < MAX_RAM) ) reg_offset = new_offset; 
00208 }
00210 unsigned char SPI_Server::get_byte( unsigned short idx )
00211 {
00212   return ram_img[ idx ];
00213 }
00215 void SPI_Server::put_byte( unsigned short idx, unsigned char new_byte )
00216 {
00217   if ( idx < MAX_RAM )  
00218   ram_img[ idx ] = new_byte; 
00219 }
00221 unsigned short SPI_Server::get_error( void )
00222 {
00223   // return error register value from main CPU 
00224   return (256 * ram_img[ 1786 ]) + ram_img[ 1787 ];
00225 }
00227 unsigned short SPI_Server::get_SPI_count( void )
00228 {
00229   // return SPI write count from main CPU - indicates main CPU running OK 
00230   return (256 * ram_img[ SPI_COUNT ]) + ram_img[ SPI_COUNT + 1 ];
00231 }
00233 unsigned char * SPI_Server::net_address_ptr( void )
00234 {
00235     return &ram_img[ NET_IP_ADDRESS ];
00236 }
00238 unsigned char * SPI_Server::trap_host_ptr( void )
00239 {
00240     return &ram_img[ TRAP_HOST_ADDRESS ];
00241 }
00243 #if 0
00244 //#ifdef MBED_RPC trap_host_ptr
00245 const struct rpc_method *SPI_Server::get_rpc_methods() { 
00246     static const rpc_method methods[] = {
00247         { "read", rpc_method_caller<int, SPI_Server, &SPI_Server::read> },
00248         { "write", rpc_method_caller<SPI_Server, int, &SPI_Server::write> },
00249         RPC_METHOD_SUPER(Base)                          //Stream)
00250     };
00251     return methods;
00252 }
00254 struct rpc_class *SPI_Server::get_rpc_class() {
00255     static const rpc_function funcs[] = {
00256         { "new", rpc_function_caller<const char*, int, &Base::construct<SPI_Server, int> > },
00257         RPC_METHOD_END
00258     };
00259     static rpc_class c = { "SPI_Server", funcs, NULL };
00260     return &c;
00261 }
00262 #endif
00264 void check4write_offset( char * req )
00265 {
00266 unsigned char l, c, i;
00267 char v[ 20 ] = {0};
00268 char s[ 20 ] = {0};
00269 char * p;
00271   strcpy( v, "/offset," );
00272   p = strstr( req, v );
00273   strcpy( s, p );
00274   if ( p != NULL )
00275   {
00276     i = strlen(v);
00277     l = strlen(s);
00278     if ( (l > i) && (l < (i + 6))  )
00279     {
00280       l -= i;
00281       for ( c = 0; c < l; c++ )
00282       {
00283         v[ c ] = s[ i + c ]; 
00284       } 
00285       v[ c ] = 0;
00286       fsvr.write( atoi(v) );
00287     } 
00288   }  
00289 }
00291 /****************************************************************************/ 
00292 /*              get_SPI_data: 
00293 * Description:  Implements transaction as SPI slave.
00294 *               Reads 4 data bytes from SPI bus into destbuf for SPI write, or
00295 *               Puts 1 byte from srcbuf onto SPI for SPI read 
00296 *               Called by main when spi_slave.receive interrupts
00297 *               LPC1768 SPI slave handles a maximum of 8 bytes per transfer
00298 * Globals used: NONE  
00299 * Parameters:   IN/OUT: unsigned char * srcbuf : buffer to read from
00300 * Returns:      int buf_idx : index to SPI data in destbuf/srcbuf
00301 */
00302 /****************************************************************************/ 
00303 int get_SPI_data( unsigned char * srcbuf )
00304 {
00305 static unsigned char rd_cnt;    // v0.83: count of times valid data put on bus
00306 int buf_idx = 0xffff;           // index to save SPI data into destbuf
00307 int idx;                        // index to compare with net address block
00308 unsigned char spi_buf[ 8 ];     // temporary buffer for SPI data received
00309 unsigned char byte_cnt;         // count of SPI data bytes received
00310 unsigned char spiv;             // SPI value - initial slave address
00311 unsigned char bcc = 0;          // received block check character
00312 unsigned char bcc_ok = false;   // default to reject messages without bcc
00314     spiv =;   // Read byte from master
00315     if ( (spiv & 0xfe) == (LPC1768 & 0xfe) )
00316     {
00317       if ( spiv & READ_IO )
00318       {
00319         led4 = 1;
00320         led3 = 0;
00321         if ( *srcbuf < NO_CMD )
00322         {                             // new data to be read by main CPU cpu
00323           if ( ++rd_cnt >= NUM_READ )
00324           {                           // v0.83: clear data after 4 reads
00325             spi_slave.reply( NO_CMD );  // put invalid data in SPI buffer
00326             *srcbuf = NO_CMD;
00327             rd_cnt = 0;
00328           }
00329           else if ( rd_cnt >= NUM_INDX )
00330           {                           // next put data from srcbuf in SPI buffer
00331             spi_slave.reply( *srcbuf );  
00332           }
00333           else                        // put new_cmd_idx on SPI bus first
00334           {
00335             spi_slave.reply( NO_CMD - new_cmd_idx );  // put new_cmd_idx in SPI buffer
00336           }
00337         } // end if ( *srcbuf < 0xff )
00338         else
00339         {
00340           rd_cnt = 0;                 // re-initialise read count
00341           spi_slave.reply( NO_CMD );  // put invalid data in SPI buffer
00342         }
00343       }
00344       else                                  // NOT READ_IO - data write
00345       {
00346         buf_idx =;        // Read ms index from master
00347         bcc ^= buf_idx;                     // Start checksum calculation
00348         buf_idx *=  256;                    // Make ms index from master
00349         buf_idx +=;       // Read ls index from master
00350         bcc ^= (buf_idx & 0xff);
00351         byte_cnt = 0;
00352         while( spi_slave.receive() ) { 
00353           if( byte_cnt < SPI_BYTES ) {      // Read 4 data bytes
00354             spi_buf[ byte_cnt ] =;
00355             bcc ^=  spi_buf[ byte_cnt++ ];
00356           }
00357           else if ( byte_cnt == SPI_BYTES ) {
00358             spiv =;
00359             bcc_ok = ( bcc == spiv );
00360           }
00361         } // end while ( spi_slave.receive() )
00362         if ( bcc_ok && (buf_idx < MAX_RAM) )
00363         {
00364             for( byte_cnt = 0; byte_cnt < SPI_BYTES; byte_cnt++ )
00365             {
00366                idx = buf_idx + byte_cnt;
00367                if ( idx <= MAX_IO_REG_BYTE )
00368                {                        // check for IO changed from last saved
00369                  if ( (spi_buf[ byte_cnt ] != fsvr.get_byte( idx )) && !byte_changed ) 
00370                  {
00371                    if ( mask4_IO_registers & (1 << (idx/2)) )
00372                    {                    // masked-in register has changed
00373                      byte_changed  = true;
00374                    }
00375                  }
00376                  if ( idx == MAX_IO_REG_BYTE )
00377                  {                      // after each I/O scan
00378                    all_IO_updated = true;
00379                    spi_count = fsvr.get_SPI_count();  // save last SPI_count value
00380                  }
00381                }
00382                else if ( idx == NET_ADDRESS_CHANGE )
00383                {                    // v0.93: check for net address update from main CPU CPU
00384                  if ( spi_buf[ byte_cnt ] == NO_UPDATE )
00385                  {
00386                     net_addrs_chng = NO_UPDATE;
00387                  }
00388                  else if ( net_addrs_chng != UPDATED )
00389                  {
00390                     net_addrs_chng = spi_buf[ byte_cnt ];
00391                  }
00392                }
00393                fsvr.put_byte( idx, spi_buf[ byte_cnt ] ); // save byte read from SPI
00394             }
00395             led3 = 0;
00396         }
00397         else                        // checksum failed
00398         {
00399             led3 = 1;
00400         }
00401         led4 = 0;
00402       } // end else not READ_IO
00403     } // end  if ( (spiv & 0xfe) == (LPC1768 & 0xfe) )
00404   return buf_idx;
00405 }
00407 /****************************************************************************/ 
00408 /*              chk_SPI_active: 
00409 * Description:  checks spi_count has been updated in SPI interrupt
00410 *               to be called by timer, independently of SPI interrupt
00411 * Globals used: spi_active, spi_count
00412 * Parameters:   NONE
00413 * Returns:      NONE
00414 */
00415 /****************************************************************************/
00416 void chk_SPI_active( void )
00417 {
00418   if ( spi_count == INV_SPI_CNT )
00419   {
00420     spi_active = false;                 // flag SPI failure
00421   }
00422   else
00423   {
00424     spi_count = INV_SPI_CNT;            // set to be overwritten by next SPI update
00425     spi_active = true;                  // SPI updated OK
00426   }
00427 }
00429 /****************************************************************************/ 
00430 /*              get_hex_mask: 
00431 * Description:  converts long mask4_IO_registers to hexadecimal string
00432 * Globals used: mask4_IO_registers, hex_mask
00433 * Parameters:   NONE
00434 * Returns:      pointer to hex_mask
00435 */
00436 /****************************************************************************/
00437 char * get_hex_mask( void )
00438 {
00439 unsigned char i;
00440   for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
00441   {
00442     hex_mask[ i ] = 0;
00443   }
00444   sprintf(hex_mask, "%08x", mask4_IO_registers);
00445   return hex_mask;
00446 }
00448 /****************************************************************************/ 
00449 /*              convert2decimal: 
00450 * Description:  converts hexadecimal string to long mask4_IO_registers
00451 * Globals used: mask4_IO_registers
00452 * Parameters:   u8_t * uc_ptr: pointer to hex-formatted mask string
00453 *               u16_t len: length of string
00454 * Returns:      NONE
00455 */
00456 /****************************************************************************/
00457 void convert2decimal( u8_t * uc_ptr, u16_t len )
00458 {
00459 char ch, i;
00460 unsigned long temp_sum = 0;
00462   for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
00463   {
00464     ch = (char)*(uc_ptr + i);
00465     if ( islower( ch ) )
00466     {
00467       ch = ch - 'a' + 10;
00468     }
00469     else if ( isupper( ch ) )
00470     {
00471       ch = ch - 'A' + 10;
00472     }
00473     else if ( isdigit( ch ) )
00474     {
00475       ch = ch - '0';
00476     }
00477     else
00478     {
00479       temp_sum = 0xfffffff;
00480       ch = 15;
00481       i = len;                          // end on error;
00482     }
00483     temp_sum = 16 * temp_sum + ch;
00484   }
00485   mask4_IO_registers = temp_sum;
00486 }
00488 void send_ram( void )
00489 {
00490 static int idx;
00491 char i;
00493   if ( (idx & 0x7ff) == 0 )
00494   {
00495       pc.printf("CMD data %x", idx );
00496       for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CMD; i++ )
00497       {
00498         pc.printf(", %x", cmd_buf[ i ] );
00499       }
00500       pc.printf( "\r\n" );  
00501       pc.printf("RAM data %x", idx & 0x7ff );
00502       for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
00503       {
00504         pc.printf(", %x", fsvr.get_byte(idx++ & 0x7ff) );
00505       }
00506       pc.printf( "\r\n" );
00507   }
00508   else
00509   {
00510       pc.printf("RAM data %x", idx & 0x7ff );
00511       for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
00512       {
00513         pc.printf(", %x", fsvr.get_byte(idx++ & 0x7ff) );
00514       }
00515       pc.printf( "\r\n" );
00516   }
00517 }
00519 /****************************************************************************/ 
00520 /*              write_addrs_to_file: 
00521 * Description:  Writes net addresses to /webfs/net_adrs.txt
00522 * Globals used: NET_ADRS_FILE 
00523 * Parameters:   NONE
00524 * Returns:      0 if OK, 1 if failed to open files
00525 */
00526 /****************************************************************************/ 
00527 int write_addrs_to_file()
00528 {
00529   FILE *fp = fopen( NET_ADRS_FILE, "w" );
00530   if(!fp) {
00531     fprintf(stderr, "\r\nFile /webfs/net_adrs.txt could not be opened to write!\r\n");
00532     exit(1);
00533   }
00534   else                              // file opened OK, so save addresses
00535   {
00536     fprintf(fp, "IP address %u.%u.%u.%u \r\n", ip_ad[0],ip_ad[1],ip_ad[2],ip_ad[3]);
00537     fprintf(fp, "Address mask %u.%u.%u.%u \r\n", msk_ad[0],msk_ad[1],msk_ad[2],msk_ad[3]);
00538     fprintf(fp, "Gwy address %u.%u.%u.%u \r\n", gwy_ad[0],gwy_ad[1],gwy_ad[2],gwy_ad[3]);
00539     fprintf(fp, "DNS address %u.%u.%u.%u \r\n", dns_ad[0],dns_ad[1],dns_ad[2],dns_ad[3]);
00540     fprintf(fp, "%s\r\n", snmp_publiccommunity );   // v0.98: save community string
00541     fprintf(fp, "Trap host address %u.%u.%u.%u \r\n", th_ad[0],th_ad[1],th_ad[2],th_ad[3]);
00542     fprintf(fp, "%u \r\n", mask4_IO_registers );
00543     fclose(fp);
00544   } // file opened OK
00545   return 0;
00546 }
00548 /****************************************************************************/ 
00549 /*              copy_trap_host_address: v0.99
00550 * Description:  Copies src array  to th_ad
00551 * Globals used: th_ad
00552 *               net_addrs_chng set to UPDATED 
00553 * Parameters:   IN: unsigned char * src - source array of 4 bytes
00554 * Returns:      NONE
00555 */
00556 /****************************************************************************/ 
00557 void copy_trap_host_address( unsigned char * src )
00558 {
00559 unsigned char i;
00560   for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
00561   {
00562     if ( src[ i ] != 0 )
00563     {
00564       {
00565         th_ad[ i ] = src[ i ];
00566       }
00567     }
00568   }
00569   net_addrs_chng = UPDATED;
00570 }
00572 /****************************************************************************/ 
00573 /*              copy_net_addresses_from: v0.93
00574 * Description:  Copies src array  to ip_ad, msk_ad, gwy_ad, dns_ad
00575 * Globals used: ip_ad, msk_ad, gwy_ad, dns_ad
00576 * Parameters:   IN: unsigned char * src - source array of 16 bytes
00577 * Returns:      NONE
00578 */
00579 /****************************************************************************/ 
00580 void copy_net_addresses_from( unsigned char * src )
00581 {
00582 unsigned char i;
00583   for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
00584   {
00585     if ( src[ i ] != 0 )
00586     {
00587       ip_ad[ i ] = src[ i ];
00588     }
00589   }
00590   for ( i = 4; i < 8; i++ )
00591   {
00592     if ( src[ i ] != 0 )
00593     {
00594       msk_ad[ i-4 ] = src[ i ];
00595     }
00596   }
00597   for ( i = 8; i < 12; i++ )
00598   {
00599     if ( src[ i ] != 0 )
00600     {
00601       gwy_ad[ i-8 ] = src[ i ];
00602     }
00603   }
00604   for ( i = 12; i < 16; i++ )
00605   {
00606     if ( src[ i ] != 0 )
00607     {
00608       dns_ad[ i-12 ] = src[ i ];
00609     }
00610   }
00611 }
00613 /****************************************************************************/ 
00614 /*              parse4numbers: 
00615 * Description:  Reads file fr and separates out max_num numbers delimited by
00616 *               any non-digit characters
00617 * Globals used:  
00618 * Parameters:   IN: FILE *fr - file to read
00619 *               OUT: unsigned char * numb - array of numbers read 
00620 *               IN: unsigned char max_num - number of numbers to read
00621 * Returns:      NONE
00622 */
00623 /****************************************************************************/ 
00624 void parse4numbers( FILE *fr, unsigned char * numb, unsigned char max_num )
00625 {
00626 int c, i, new_num;                           
00627 char digit_found = false;
00628 char number_completed = false;
00630     i = new_num = 0;
00631     while ( ((c = fgetc(fr)) != EOF) && (i < max_num) )
00632     {
00633       numb[ i ] = 0;
00634       if ( c < '0' || c > '9' )
00635       {                             // not a numeric character
00636         if ( digit_found )
00637         {
00638           number_completed = true;
00639           if ( i >= (max_num - 1) )
00640           {                         // max_num distinct numbers read
00641             break;
00642           }
00643         }
00644       }
00645       else                          // numeric character
00646       {
00647         digit_found = true;
00648         if ( number_completed )
00649         {                           // save number into array
00650           numb[ i++ ] = new_num & 0xff;
00651           new_num = 0;
00652         }
00653         new_num = 10*new_num + c - '0';
00654         number_completed = false;
00655       } // else numeric character
00656     } // end while
00657     if ( (number_completed || (c == EOF)) && (i < max_num) )
00658     {                               // 0.80: save last number read
00659       numb[ i++ ] = new_num & 0xff;
00660     }
00661 }
00663 /****************************************************************************/ 
00664 /*              read_addrs_from_file: 
00665 * Description:  Reads data from /webfs/net_adrs.txt
00666 * Globals used: NET_ADRS_FILE 
00667 * Parameters:   NONE
00668 * Returns:      0 if OK, 1 if failed to open files
00669 */
00670 /****************************************************************************/ 
00671 int read_addrs_from_file()
00672 {
00673 int c, i;                           
00674 unsigned char numbers[17];
00675 char community[ MAX_COMMUNITY ];
00677   for ( i = 0; i < MAX_COMMUNITY; i++ )
00678   {
00679     community[ i ] = 0;
00680   }
00681   FILE *fr = fopen( NET_ADRS_FILE, "r" );
00682   if(!fr) {
00683     fprintf(stderr, "\r\nFile /webfs/net_adrs.txt could not be opened!\r\n");
00684     exit(1);
00685   }
00686   else                              // file opened OK
00687   {
00688     parse4numbers( fr, numbers, 16 );
00689     copy_net_addresses_from( numbers ); // v0.93: new subroutine
00690     /* v0.98: now read the community string from the file after reading end of line */
00691     while ( ((c = fgetc(fr)) != EOF) && ((c == ' ') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) );
00692     i = 0;
00693     do
00694     {
00695       c = (char)c;
00696       if ( (c != ' ') && (c != '\r') && (c != '\n') && (i < MAX_COMMUNITY-1) )
00697       {
00698         community[ i++ ] = c;
00699       }
00700       else                              // string terminated
00701       {
00702         break;
00703       } 
00704     } while ( ((c = fgetc(fr)) != EOF) && (c != 0) );
00705     parse4numbers( fr, numbers, 4 );    // now read in Trap host address
00706     copy_trap_host_address( numbers );
00707     fscanf( fr, "%lu", &mask4_IO_registers );
00708     fclose(fr);
00709   } // file opened OK
00710   if ( strlen(community) > 3 )
00711   {                                     // string length 4 to 20 characters
00712     strcpy( snmp_publiccommunity, community );
00713     pc.printf("community: %s %d \r\n", snmp_publiccommunity, strlen(snmp_publiccommunity) );
00714   }
00715   else
00716   {
00717     pc.printf("community too short: %s %d \r\n", community, strlen(community) );
00718   }
00719   return 0;
00720 }
00722 /****************************************************************************/ 
00723 /*              blinker: 
00724 * Description:  Blinks led_link for 10 calls
00725 * Globals used: led_link, blink_led,  
00726 * Parameters:   NONE
00727 * Returns:      NONE
00728 */
00729 /****************************************************************************/ 
00730 void blinker( void )
00731 {
00732 static unsigned char blink_cnt;
00734   if ( blink_led && blink_cnt++ < 10 )
00735   {
00736     led_link = !led_link;            
00737   }
00738   else
00739   {
00740     blink_cnt = 0;
00741     blink_led = false;
00742   }
00743 }
00745 /****************************************************************************/ 
00746 /*              init_traps: 
00747 * Description:  initialises trap flags and sends cold start trap when done
00748 * Globals used: trap_init set true after cold start 
00749 * Parameters:   NONE
00750 * Returns:      NONE
00751 */
00752 /****************************************************************************/ 
00753 void init_traps( void )
00754 {
00755   snmp_coldstart_trap();
00756   trap_init = true;
00757 }
00759 /****************************************************************************/ 
00760 /*              check_all_traps: 
00761 * Description:  test states for all trap events and sends appropriate trap
00762 * Globals used: led2: set to ON if SPI not active
00763 *               byte_changed, all_IO_updated, spi_active
00764 * Parameters:   NONE
00765 * Returns:      NONE
00766 */
00767 /****************************************************************************/ 
00768 void check_all_traps( void )
00769 {
00770     if ( !led1 && (fsvr.get_byte( H_H_LINK_LSBYTE ) || fsvr.get_byte( H_H_LINK_MSBYTE )) )
00771     {                           // change of link state
00772         led1 = 1;               // flag: link is up when led1 on
00773         snmp_linkup_trap();
00774     }
00775     else if ( (fsvr.get_byte( H_H_LINK_LSBYTE ) == 0) && (fsvr.get_byte( H_H_LINK_MSBYTE ) == 0) && led1 )
00776     {                           // change of link state
00777         led1 = 0;
00778         snmp_linkdown_trap();
00779     }
00780     if ( byte_changed && all_IO_updated )
00781     {                           // any masked-in I/O register changed
00782         f3kIOchange_trap();
00783         all_IO_updated = byte_changed = false;
00784     }
00785     if ( spi_active && led2 )
00786     {
00787         led2 = 0;               // flag: SPI is up when led2 off
00788         snmp_SPIup_trap();
00789     }
00790     else if ( !spi_active && !led2 )
00791     {
00792         led2 = 1;               // flag: SPI is down when led2 on
00793         snmp_SPIdown_trap();
00794     }            
00795 }
00798 /****************************************************************************/ 
00799 /****************************************************************************/ 
00800 int main() {
00801 int idx;
00803   new_cmd_idx = 0xaa;
00804   for ( idx = 0; idx < MAX_CMD; idx++ )
00805   {                                 // put meaningful non-valid data in cmd_buf
00806     cmd_buf[ idx ] = new_cmd_idx;
00807   }
00808   pc.printf("=================== Version %s ====================\r\n", snmp_fw_version);
00809 //  pc.printf("Press any key to start...\r\n");
00810   led3 = 1;
00812   FSHandler::mount("/webfs", "/files"); //Mount /webfs path on /files web path
00813   FSHandler::mount("/webfs", "/"); //Mount /webfs path on web root path
00814   read_addrs_from_file();
00816 /* Force fixed Ethernet address */
00817 EthernetNetIf eth(
00818   IpAddr( ip_ad[0], ip_ad[1], ip_ad[2], ip_ad[3] ), //IP Address
00819   IpAddr( msk_ad[0], msk_ad[1], msk_ad[2], msk_ad[3] ), //Network Mask
00820   IpAddr( gwy_ad[0], gwy_ad[1], gwy_ad[2], gwy_ad[3] ), //Gateway
00821   IpAddr( dns_ad[0], dns_ad[1], dns_ad[2], dns_ad[3] )  //DNS Server
00822 );
00824   Base::add_rpc_class<DigitalOut>();
00825 #if 0
00826   Base::add_rpc_class<SPI_Server>();
00827 #endif
00829 //  pc.getc();                            // wait for keyboard
00830   led3 = 0;
00832   strcpy( (char *)syslocation, (const char *)syslocation_default );
00833   sysloc_len = strlen( (const char *)syslocation );
00834   snmp_set_syslocation( syslocation, &sysloc_len );
00836   pc.printf("\r\nSetting up...\r\n");
00837   EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
00838   if( ethErr )
00839   {
00840     pc.printf("Error %d in Ethernet setup.\r\n", ethErr);
00841 //    return -1;
00842   }
00843   else                  // Ethernet Setup OK
00844   {
00845     mip = eth.getIp();
00846     led3 = 1;
00847     led_speed = LPC_GPIO1->FIOPIN & (1<<26);       // GPIO1.26 = "LED_SPEED".    
00848     led_link  = LPC_GPIO1->FIOPIN & (1<<25);       // GPIO1.25 = "LED_LINK". 
00849     pc.printf("\r\nEthernet Setup OK\r\n");
00851     svr.addHandler<RPCHandler>("/rpc");
00852     svr.addHandler<FSHandler>("/files");
00853     svr.addHandler<FSHandler>("/"); //Default handler
00854     //Example : Access to mbed.htm : http://a.b.c.d/mbed.htm or http://a.b.c.d/files/mbed.htm
00856 //    svr.bind(80); disable for SNMP development
00858 //    snmp_init(); done in lwip/core/init.c
00860     pc.printf("Listening...\n\r");
00862     snmp_trap_dst_ip_set( ONLY_TRAP, (ip_addr_t *)&th_ad[0] );
00863     snmp_trap_dst_enable( ONLY_TRAP, ENABLED );
00864     snmp_coldstart_trap();              // to force ARP call
00866     led3 = led4 = 0;
00867     spi_slave.format(8,3);        // Setup:  byte data, high steady state clock, 2nd edge capture
00869     sys_tick.attach( &snmp_inc_sysuptime, 0.01 );
00870     spi_tick.attach( &chk_SPI_active, 60.0 );
00871     comms_tick.attach( &blinker, 0.07 ); // tick to blink activity LED
00872     cold_start_delay.attach( &init_traps, 30.0 ); // send cold_start trap after 30 seconds
00875     // Listen indefinitely to Ethernet and SPI
00876     while ( true ) 
00877     {
00878         Net::poll();                    // check for Ethernet requests
00880         if ( trap_init )
00881         {
00882             check_all_traps();
00883         }
00885         if( spi_slave.receive() ) {
00886             // Data available - needs chip select line to activate
00887             get_SPI_data( cmd_buf );
00888         } // end if( spi_slave.receive() )
00889         if ( net_addrs_set )
00890         {                               // v0.99: address changed from SNMP i/f
00891             write_addrs_to_file();
00892             net_addrs_set = false;
00893         }
00894     } // end while ( true )
00896   } // else Ethernet Setup OK
00897   return 0;
00898 }