Lorcan Smith
SNMP agent attached to SPI slave
(wiki syntax)
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
api_msg | This struct contains a function to execute in another thread context and a struct api_msg_msg that serves as an argument for this function |
api_msg_msg | This struct includes everything that is necessary to execute a function for a netconn in another thread context (mainly used to process netconns in the tcpip_thread context to be thread safe) |
dhcp_msg | Minimum set of fields of any DHCP message |
dns_api_msg | As do_gethostbyname requires more arguments but doesn't require a netconn, it has its own struct (to avoid struct api_msg getting bigger than necessary) |
DNSRequest | This is a simple DNS Request class |
EthernetNetIf | Ethernet network interface |
Host | Host information container |
HTTPClient | A simple HTTP Client |
HTTPFile | HTTP Client data container for files |
HTTPMap | HTTP Client data container for key/value pairs |
HTTPRequestHandler | HTTP Server's generic request handler |
HTTPServer | A simple HTTP server implementation |
HTTPStream | HTTP Client Streaming tool |
HTTPText | HTTP Client data container for text |
igmp_group | Igmp group structure - there is a list of groups for each interface these should really be linked from the interface, but if we keep them separate we will not affect the lwip original code too much |
IpAddr | IP Address container |
local_hostlist_entry | Struct used for local host-list |
memp_malloc_helper | This structure is used to save the pool one element came from |
mib_array_node | Derived node, points to a fixed size const array of sub-identifiers plus a 'child' pointer |
mib_external_node | Derived node, has access functions for mib object in external memory or device using 'tree_level' and 'idx', with a range 0 |
mib_list_rootnode | Derived node, points to a doubly linked list of sub-identifiers plus a 'child' pointer |
mib_node | Node "base class" layout, the mandatory fields for a node |
mib_ram_array_node | Derived node, points to a fixed size mem_malloced array of sub-identifiers plus a 'child' pointer |
MySQLClient | A MySQL Client |
netconn | A netconn descriptor |
NetService | Net Service base class |
NTPClient | A NTP Client |
obj_def | Object definition returned by (get_object_def)() |
pbuf_custom_ref | A custom pbuf that holds a reference to another pbuf, which is freed when this custom pbuf is freed |
snmp_obj_id | Internal object identifier representation |
snmp_resp_header_lengths | Output response message header length fields |
snmp_trap_header_lengths | Output response message header length fields |
TCPSocket | This is a simple TCP Socket class |
UDPSocket | This is a simple UDP Socket class |
UMTSStickNetIf | UMTS Stick network interface |
Generated on Tue Jul 12 2022 19:17:35 by 1.7.2