
Dependencies:   DS_1337 Grove_OLED_Display_128X64 mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 01 07:05:54 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "pinmap.h"
+#include "font_watch.h"
+#include "DS1337.h"
+#include "SeeedOLED.h"
+#define HARD_SPI        1
+DigitalOut blue(P0_20);
+DigitalOut white(P0_23);
+#define I2C_FREQ            100000
+I2C i2c(P0_5, P0_4);        // sda, scl     
+DS1337 RTC;
+Serial uart(P0_19, P0_18);
+typedef struct{
+int hour;
+int minutes;
+int second;
+int year;
+int month;
+int day;
+int week;
+TIME_S time_now, time_buf;
+unsigned char disp[1024];
+void initDta()
+    for(int i=0; i<1024; i++)
+    {
+        disp[i] = 0x00;
+    }
+void display()
+    for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
+    {
+        oled.setTextXY(i,0);
+        for(int j=0; j<128; j++)
+        {
+            oled.sendData(disp[128*i+j]);
+        }
+    }
+void clearOled()
+    initDta();
+    display();
+void initOLED()
+    oled.sendCommand(SeeedOLED_Display_Off_Cmd);    //display off
+    wait_ms(5); 
+    oled.sendCommand(SeeedOLED_Display_On_Cmd);     //display on
+    wait_ms(5); 
+    oled.sendCommand(SeeedOLED_Normal_Display_Cmd);  //Set Normal Display (default)
+    oled.setNormalDisplay();       // Set display to normal mode (i.e non-inverse mode)
+    oled.setPageMode();            // Set addressing mode to Page Mode
+    clearOled();
+void time_init()
+    RTC.readTime();
+    time_now.hour      = RTC.getHours();
+    time_now.minutes   = RTC.getMinutes();
+    time_now.second    = RTC.getSeconds();
+    time_now.year      = RTC.getYears();
+    time_now.month     = RTC.getMonths();
+    time_now.day       = RTC.getDays();
+    time_now.week      = RTC.getDayOfWeek(); 
+    time_buf.hour      = RTC.getHours();
+    time_buf.minutes   = RTC.getMinutes();
+    time_buf.second    = RTC.getSeconds();
+    time_buf.year      = RTC.getYears();
+    time_buf.month     = RTC.getMonths();
+    time_buf.day       = RTC.getDays();
+    time_buf.week      = RTC.getDayOfWeek(); 
+void time_refresh()
+    RTC.readTime();
+    time_now.hour      = RTC.getHours();
+    time_now.minutes   = RTC.getMinutes();
+    time_now.second    = RTC.getSeconds();
+    time_now.year      = RTC.getYears();
+    time_now.month     = RTC.getMonths();
+    time_now.day       = RTC.getDays();
+    time_now.week      = RTC.getDayOfWeek(); 
+void setTime()
+    RTC.setSeconds(50);
+    RTC.setMinutes(35);
+    RTC.setHours(17);
+    RTC.setDays(27);
+    RTC.setDayOfWeek(4);
+    RTC.setMonths(3);
+    RTC.setYears(2014);
+    RTC.setTime();
+void drawPix(int x1, int y1, unsigned int color)
+    int x = 127-y1;
+    int y = x1;
+    int n = y/8;
+    n = 128*n+x;
+    int bit = y%8;
+    if(color)
+    disp[n] |= (0x01<<bit);
+    else
+    disp[n] &= ~(0x01<<bit);
+void drawBuff(int x, int y, int buf_len, int buf_width, int color, const unsigned char *buff)
+    for(int i=0; i<(buf_width/8); i++)
+    {
+        for(int j=0; j<buf_len; j++)
+        {
+            for(int k=0; k<8; k++)
+            {
+                int clr_ = (buff[i*buf_len+j] & (0x01<<k)) ? color : 0;
+                drawPix(j+x, 8*i+k+y, clr_);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void dispFont(int x, int y, int color, const unsigned char *font)
+    drawBuff(x, y, 11, 32, color, font);
+void dispFont_small(int x, int y, int color, const unsigned char *font)
+    drawBuff(x, y, 8, 16, color, font);
+void dispChar(char c, int x, int y, int color)
+    c = c-32;
+    drawBuff(x, y, 8, 16, color, font_ascii[c]);
+void dispString(char *str)
+    clearOled();
+    int x=0, y=0;
+    int pix = 0;
+    while(*str)
+    {
+        dispChar(*str, x, y, 1);
+        str++;
+        x += 8;
+        pix++;
+        if(pix == 8)
+        {
+            pix = 0;
+            x = 0;
+            y += 16;
+        }
+    }
+void dispDot(int x, int y, int color)
+    drawBuff(x, y, 7, 32, color, font_dot);
+void refresh_time()
+    int y = 60+16;
+    int color_ =1; 
+    dispFont(0, y, color_, font_num[time_now.hour/10]);
+    dispFont(14, y, color_, font_num[time_now.hour%10]);
+    dispDot(28, y-2, color_);
+    dispFont(38, y, color_, font_num[time_now.minutes/10]);
+    dispFont(52, y, color_, font_num[time_now.minutes%10]);
+void refresh_day()
+    int color_ = 1;
+    int y = 40+16;
+    dispChar('M', 0, y, color_);
+    dispChar('a', 8, y, color_);
+    dispChar('r', 16, y, color_);
+   // dispChar()
+   dispFont_small(30, y, color_, font_ascii[time_now.day/10+'0'-32]);
+   dispFont_small(38, y, color_, font_ascii[time_now.day%10+'0'-32]);
+void show_time()
+    clearOled();
+    drawBuff(12, 0+16, 40, 40, 1, font_ophw);
+    int color_ = 1;
+    refresh_day();
+    for(int i=0; i<63; i++)
+    {
+        drawPix(i, 56+16, color_);
+        drawPix(i, 57+16, color_);
+    }
+    refresh_time();
+int main()
+    uart.baud(38400);
+    initOLED();
+    clearOled();
+    dispString("xadow   smart   watch");
+    display();
+    wait(1);
+    //setTime();
+    time_init();
+    show_time();
+    char ble_str[40];
+    int len_str = 0;
+    display();
+    for(;;)
+    {
+        time_refresh();
+        if(time_now.day != time_buf.day)
+        {
+            refresh_day();
+            display();
+        }
+        if(time_now.minutes != time_buf.minutes)
+        {
+            refresh_time();
+            display();
+        }
+       wait(0.1);
+        while (uart.readable()) 
+        {
+            ble_str[len_str++] = uart.getc();
+        }
+        if(len_str == 1 && (ble_str[0] == 't' || ble_str[0] == 'T'))
+        {
+            time_refresh();
+            display();
+            uart.printf("%d/%d/%d\r\n", time_now.year, time_now.month, time_now.day);
+            uart.printf("%d:%d:%d\r\n", time_now.hour, time_now.minutes, time_now.second);
+            len_str = 0;
+        }
+        else if(ble_str[0] == 's' && len_str == 16)             // set time
+        {
+            // s201403280944003
+            RTC.setSeconds((ble_str[13]-'0')*10+(ble_str[14]-'0'));
+            RTC.setMinutes((ble_str[11]-'0')*10+(ble_str[12]-'0'));
+            RTC.setHours((ble_str[9]-'0')*10+(ble_str[10]-'0'));
+            RTC.setDays((ble_str[7]-'0')*10+(ble_str[8]-'0'));
+            RTC.setDayOfWeek(ble_str[15]-'0');
+            RTC.setMonths((ble_str[5]-'0')*10+(ble_str[6]-'0'));
+            RTC.setYears((ble_str[1]-'0')*1000+(ble_str[2]-'0')*100+(ble_str[3]-'0')*10+(ble_str[4]-'0'));
+            RTC.setTime();
+        }
+        else if(len_str>0)
+        {
+            uart.printf("get ok\r\n");
+            ble_str[len_str] = '\0';
+            dispString(ble_str);
+            display();
+            wait(3);
+            show_time();
+            display();
+            len_str = 0;
+        }
+    }