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Socket Server (TCP and UDP) library for mbed projects.

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mbed Socket Server

Socket Server (TCP and UDP) library for mbed projects.


mbed OS 5


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  1. Create an instance of TcpSocketServer or UdpSocketServer.
  2. Initialize network interface with netInit(const char* ip, const char* gateway, const char* mask);
  3. If there is no error, let the server run().

SocketServer has a buffer to store incoming data, which you can access via pointer. getDataPtr() returns a pointer address. Use this to access the data.

You can attach a callback to SocketServer. If you don’t attach any, a default callback function will be called when the server instance receives data.


Here is a TcpSocketServer example. When the server receives data, a callback function is called.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TcpSocketServer.h"

EventQueue *queue = mbed_event_queue();

const int SocketServer_PORT = 10002;
TcpSocketServer server(SocketServer_PORT);
uint8_t* data;

void onSocketRcvd(int length) {
    printf("%s\r\n", data);

int main() {

    int err = server.netInit("", "", "");
    if (err == NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
        data = server.getDataPtr(); // Access SocketServer's data buffer via pointer
        server.attach(&onSocketRcvd);   // Attach a callback. It will be called when SocketServer receives data.;


UdpSocketServer works exactly the same way. Create an instance and let it run just like TcpSocketServer.

#include "UdpSocketServer.h"

UdpSocketServer server(SocketServer_PORT);