test code for our MBED board

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

diff -r 9edfcca7cd25 -r 6877bb99aa17 useful.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/useful.c	Wed May 04 08:30:52 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "serial.h"
+#include "local_defines.h"
+#include "useful.h"
+extern int var[MAX_VAR];
+extern int sys_state;
+/* Function: hexview
+ *  Prints an array of char to stdout in hex.
+ *  The data is grouped in two 8 byte groups per line.
+ *  Each byte is displayed as 2 hex digits and every 
+ *  line starts with the address of the first byte.
+ *
+ *  There is no text view of a line.
+ *
+ * Variables:
+ *  buffer - The array to display.
+ *  size - The length of buffer.
+ * 
+ * Author: rmeyer
+ */
+void hexview(char *buffer, unsigned int size) {
+    printf("\n");
+    for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if((i%16)!=0) {
+            printf(" ");
+        } else {
+            printf("%04X:  ", (i));
+        }
+        printf("%02hhx", buffer[i]);
+        if((i%16) ==  7) { 
+            printf(" ");
+        }
+        if((i%16) == 15) {
+            printf("\n\r");
+        }
+    }
+    printf("\n\r\n\r\n\r");
+/*                                        */
+/* Lprintf, Bring the printf under our    */
+/* control, so we can use either rs232    */
+/* or the USB-Serial connections as an    */
+/* I/O channel.                           */
+/*                                        */
+void lprintf(const char* fmt, ...)
+    char    str[0x1000];
+    va_list ap;
+    va_start(ap, fmt); 
+    vsprintf(str, fmt, ap);   
+    if (sys_state & TO_RS232){
+        rs232_output_string(str);
+    } else if (sys_state & TO_USB){
+        pc_output_string(str);           
+    }
+    va_end(ap);
+/*                                        */
+/* Read a value in from a user, workout   */
+/* if its hex or decimal, and return an   */
+/* int to the user                        */
+/*                                        */
+int htoi(char *str)
+    if(strlen(str)>=2){
+        if(str[0]=='v' || str[0]=='V'){
+            return(var[return_var(str)]);
+        } else if(str[1]=='x' || str[1]=='X'){
+            return(strtol(str, NULL, 16));
+        }        
+    }
+    return(atoi(str));
+/*                                        */
+/* Given the input string, return the     */
+/* number of the variable the user wants  */
+/* its added to htoi, so all inputs       */
+/* should get access to the variable data */
+/*                                        */
+int return_var(char *str)
+    char    buf[0x4];
+    int     a;
+    buf[0] = str[1];
+    buf[1] = str[2];
+    buf[2] = str[3];
+    buf[3] = str[4];
+    a = atoi(buf);
+    if(a > MAX_VAR){
+        lprintf("In Return_var, var number %d more than MAXVAR %d, returned -1\n",
+            a,MAX_VAR);
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    return(a);
\ No newline at end of file