test code for our MBED board

Dependencies:   mbed lwip



File content as of revision 1:6877bb99aa17:

#define HELP_STRING \
"Commands for the Diags are\n" \
"help             - This text\n" \
"exec <file>      - Exec a command file from the local file system\n" \
"cat <file>       - Display a file on the current output device \n" \
"dir              - show files on the local file system\n" \
"wait <1/10 sec>  - Wait for X tenths of a second\n" \
"baud <speed>     - Set the serial lines baud rate to X\n" 

#define HELP_STRING2 \
"print <string>   - Print a string to the console\n\n" \
"list             - Scan down the I2C bus for devices\n" \
"i2cw <add> <dat> - Write a value to the I2C bus\n" \
"i2cr <add>       - Read a value from the I2C bus\n" \
"led <loop>       - Test the MBED leds, cyle fron X times\n" \
"sseg <loop>      - Test the Seven Segment display X times\n" \
"digital <loop>   - Test the digital I/O lines as outputs X times\n" \
"rs232 <string>   - Send a string out to the serial line\n"

#define HELP_STRING3 \
"kbd <type>       - Keypad data entery test, type is either 3 or 4 (3*4) or (4*4)\n" \
"lcd <type>       - LCD test type is 1 or 2, 1 for Robot electronics, 2 for Batron\n" \
"canrx            - Listen to the can bus only, display received messages\n" \
"cantx <message>  - Send a message down the can bus to the receiving station\n" \
"netinit          - Start the tcp/ip network, by DHCP\n" \
"ticker           - Start the ticker test on LED 4\n" \
"station <char>   - Station ID for each station\n" \
"date             - Current RTC date\n" \
"dateset <secs>   - Set the RTC from the command line in seconds \n" \
"                   http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm\n"

#define HELP_SCRIPT1 \
"MBED scripting basics\n" \
"Variables are v0 to V9, jump points are J0 to J9\n" \
"Following are the actions that can be handled by the scripting language\n\n" \
"set <var> <value>             - Set a variable to a value\n" \
"sum <var> <action> <var *>      - sum tow variables together\n" \
"tst <var> <test> <var *> <jump> - test a variable to see if it passes the test\n" \
"                                  Jump to the jump lable if needed\n" \
"point <jump>                    - Set a jump point\n" \
"\n\n" \
"Maths actions are +, -, /, * with test actions of <, >, !, =\n"