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Show/hide line numbers Microduino_Protocol_HardSer.cpp Source File


00001 #include "Microduino_Protocol_HardSer.h"
00003 //Timer _timer;
00004 extern Timer g_cubeTimer;
00005 uint8_t getChecksum(uint8_t length, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t mydata[])
00006 {
00007     //三个参数分别为: 数据长度  ,  指令代码  ,  实际数据数组
00008     uint8_t checksum = 0;
00009     checksum ^= (length & 0xFF);
00010     checksum ^= (cmd & 0xFF);
00011     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) checksum ^= (mydata[i] & 0xFF);
00012     return checksum;
00013 }
00015 /* Protocol::Protocol(PRO_PORT *ser , byte _channel) {
00016   //  common_init();  // Set everything to common state, then...
00017   this->channel = _channel;
00018   this->num = 0;
00019   this->sta = false;
00020   this->error = false;
00021   P_Serial = ser; // ...override P_Serial with value passed.
00022   } */
00024 void Protocol::begin(uint16_t _baud)
00025 {
00026     //_timer.start();
00027     //P_Serial->begin(_baud);
00028     P_Serial->baud(_baud);
00029     //delay(20);
00030     //wait_ms(20);
00031 }
00033 bool Protocol::available(bool _sta)
00034 {
00035     //if (P_Serial->available() > 0) {
00036     if (P_Serial->readable() > 0) {
00037         if (_sta) {
00038             this->inCache = this->inChar;
00039             //this->inChar = P_Serial->read();
00040             this->inChar = P_Serial->getc();
00041             this->buffer[num] = this->inChar;
00043             if (this->num > BUFFER_MAX - 1) {
00044                 this->num = 0;
00045                 return false;
00046             } else {
00047                 this->num++;
00048             }
00049         }
00050         return true;
00051     }
00052     return false;
00053 }
00055 uint8_t Protocol::parse(uint16_t* _data, bool _mod)
00056 {
00057     if (available(!_mod)) {
00058         //time = millis();
00059         //time = _timer.read_ms();
00060         time = g_cubeTimer.read_ms();
00061         do {
00062             if (this->sta) {
00063                 this->sta = false;
00064                 this->num = 0;
00065                 if (this->inChar == this->channel) {
00066                     this->error = false;
00067                     if (!_mod) {
00068                         return P_BUSY;
00069                     }
00070                 } else  {
00071                     this->error = true;
00072                     return P_ERROR;
00073                 }
00074             }
00076             if (this->inChar == 0xBB && this->inCache == 0xAA) {
00077                 this->sta = true;
00078                 if (!_mod) {
00079                     return P_BUSY;
00080                 }
00081             }
00083             if (this->num  == (CHANNEL_NUM * 2 + 1) && !this->error) {
00084                 this->inCache = this->buffer[CHANNEL_NUM * 2];
00085                 this->buffer[CHANNEL_NUM * 2] = NULL;
00086                 this->inChar = getChecksum(CHANNEL_NUM * 2, 200, this->buffer);
00088                 this->num = 0;
00089                 if (!this->error && this->inCache == this->inChar) {
00090                     for (uint8_t a = 0; a < CHANNEL_NUM; a++) {
00091                         _data[a] = ((uint16_t)(this->buffer[a * 2])) | ((uint16_t)this->buffer[a * 2 + 1] << 8);
00092                     }
00093                     return P_FINE;
00094                 } else {
00095                     return P_ERROR;
00096                 }
00097             } else if (!_mod) {
00098                 return P_BUSY;
00099             }
00100         } while (_mod && (available(true) && g_cubeTimer.read_ms() - time < 100));
00102         if (_mod) {
00103             return P_TIMEOUT;
00104         }
00105     } else {
00106         return P_NONE;
00107     }
00108 }