SCLD peripheral of the KL46Z - with sign "-" just for USB Academy

Dependents:   KL46Z-Lab2_lodz KL46Z-Lab2_fullll KL46Z-Lab2_szkolenie kL46Z-Lab3-lodz ... more

Fork of SLCD by Erik -

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00001 #pragma once
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /*  ------ sample usage------
00008     #include "mbed.h"
00009     #include "SLCD.h"
00011     SLCD slcd;
00013     main()
00014     {
00015         slcd.printf(""); // standard printf function, only charaters in ASCII_TO_WF_CODIFICATION_TABLE will display
00016                                 // Dots printed using decimal points
00017         slcd.putc('A');         // prints a single character
00018         slcd.clear();           // All segments off
00019         slcd.All_Segments(y);   // y=1 for ALL segments on, 0 for ALL segments off
00020         slcd.DP(x, true/false); // Set/Clear decimal point. x=0, 1 or 2.
00021                                 // Does nothing if invalid decimal point
00022         slcd.DPx(y);            // x=DP1 to DP3, y=1 for on 0 for off (legacy)
00023         slcd.Colon(y);          // y=1 for on, 0 for off
00024         slcd.CharPosition=x;    // x=0 to 3, 0 is start position
00025         slcd.Home();            // sets next charater to posistion 0 (start)
00026         slcd.Contrast (x);      // set contrast x=0 - 15, 0 lightest, 15 darkest
00027         slcd.blink(x);          // set display to blink, 0-7 is blink rate (default = 3), -1 disables blink
00028         slcd.deepsleepEnable(x);// true (default) keeps the lcd enabled in deepsleep, false disables its 4MHz internal oscillator clock. Total power consumption ~= 40uA
00029     }
00030 */
00032 class SLCD : public Stream
00033 {
00034 public:
00035     SLCD();
00037     void Home (void);
00038     void Contrast (uint8_t lbContrast);
00039     void All_Segments (int);
00040     void clear();
00041     void DP(int pos, bool on);
00042     void DP1 (int);
00043     void DP2 (int);
00044     void DP3 (int);
00045     void Colon (int);
00046     uint8_t CharPosition;
00047     void blink(int blink = 3);
00048     void deepsleepEnable(bool enable);
00050 private:
00051     void Write_Char(char lbValue);
00052     void init();
00053     virtual int _putc(int c);
00054     virtual int _getc() {
00055         return 0;
00056     }
00057 };