2036 mbed lab4

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE PinDetect

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 //Setup a new class for TMP36 sensor
00004 class TMP36
00005 {
00006 public:
00007     TMP36(PinName pin);
00008     TMP36();
00009     operator float ();
00010     float read();
00011 private:
00012 //class sets up the AnalogIn pin
00013     AnalogIn _pin;
00014 };
00016 TMP36::TMP36(PinName pin) : _pin(pin)
00017 {
00018 // _pin(pin) means pass pin to the AnalogIn constructor
00019 }
00021 float TMP36::read()
00022 {
00023 //convert sensor reading to temperature in degrees C
00024     return ((_pin.read()*3.3)-0.500)*100.0;
00025 }
00026 //overload of float conversion (avoids needing to type .read() in equations)
00027 TMP36::operator float ()
00028 {
00029 //convert sensor reading to temperature in degrees C
00030     return ((_pin.read()*3.3)-0.500)*100.0;
00031 }