Game for Project 2

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed wave_player

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00001 // Include header files for platform
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "wave_player.h"
00004 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00005 #include "Shiftbrite.h"
00006 #include <vector>
00008 // Include header files for pacman project
00009 #include "globals.h"
00010 #include "map_public.h "
00011 #include "robot.h"
00013 //Platform initialization
00014 DigitalIn left_pb(p24);  // push bottom
00015 DigitalIn right_pb(p21); // push bottom
00016 DigitalIn up_pb(p22);    // push bottom
00017 DigitalIn down_pb(p23);  // push bottom
00018 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11); // LCD (serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;)
00020 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00022 int main()
00023 {
00024     // Initialize the timer
00025     /// [Example of time control implementation]
00026     /// Here is a rough example to implement the timer control <br><br>
00027     int tick, pre_tick;
00028     srand (time(NULL));
00029     Timer timer;
00030     timer.start();
00031     tick = timer.read_ms();
00032     pre_tick = tick;
00034     // Initialize the buttons
00035     left_pb.mode(PullUp);  // The variable left_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for moving the player left is pressed
00036     right_pb.mode(PullUp); // The variable rightt_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for moving the player right is pressed
00037     up_pb.mode(PullUp);    //the variable fire_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for firing a missile is pressed
00038     down_pb.mode(PullUp);  //the variable fire_pb will be zero when the pushbutton for firing a missile is pressed
00041     /// [Example of the game control implementation]
00042     /// Here is the example to initialize the game <br><br>
00043     uLCD.cls();
00044     map_init();
00045     robot_init(0,8);
00046     double x=0;
00047     double y=8;
00049     /// 1. Begin the game loop
00050     while(1) {
00051         tick = timer.read_ms(); // Read current time
00053         /// 2. Implement the code to get user input and update the Pacman
00054         /// -[Hint] Implement the code to move Pacman. You could use either push-button or accelerometer. <br>
00056         // [Some hints for user-input detection]
00057         //acc.readXYZGravity(&x,&y,&z); //read accelerometer
00058         uLCD.locate(0,1);
00059         uLCD.printf("Score x%4.1f ",1); //You could remove this code if you already make the accelerometer work.
00060         /// -[Hint] Here is a simple way to utilize the readings of accelerometer:
00061         ///         If x is larger than certain value (ex:0.3), then make the Pacman move right.
00062         ///         If x<-0.3, then make it move left. <br>
00065         if((tick-pre_tick)>500) { // Time step control
00066             pre_tick = tick; // update the previous tick
00068             /// 3. Update the Pacman on the screen
00069             /// -[Hint] You could update the position of Pacman (draw it on the screen) here based on the user-input at step 2. <br>
00070             if (!up_pb) {                                        //MOVE UP
00071                 robot_clear(x,y);
00072                 map_draw_grid(x,y);
00073                 if (y!=0) {
00074                     y=y-1;
00075                 } else {
00076                     y=15;
00077                 }
00078                 wait(0.1);
00079                 robot_init(x,y);
00080             } else if(!down_pb) {                                    //MOVE DOWN
00081                 robot_clear(x,y);
00082                 map_draw_grid(x,y);
00083                 if(y!=15) {
00084                     y=y+1;
00085                 } else {
00086                     y=0;
00087                 }
00088                 wait(0.1);
00089                 robot_init(x,y);
00090             } else if (!left_pb) {                                  //MOVE LEFT
00091                 robot_clear(x,y);
00092                 map_draw_grid(x,y);
00093                 if (x!=0) {
00094                     x-=1;
00095                 }
00096                 wait(0.1);
00097                 robot_init(x,y);
00099             } else if(!right_pb) {                                  //MOVE RIGHT
00100                 robot_clear(x,y);
00101                 map_draw_grid(x,y);
00102                 if (x!=16) {
00103                     x+=1;
00104                 }
00105                 wait(0.1);
00106                 robot_init(x,y);
00107             }
00111             /// 4. Implement the code to check the end of game.
00113         }
00114     }
00115 }