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FastIn< pin, pinmode > Class Template Reference

FastIn< pin, pinmode > Class Template Reference

Faster alternative compared to regular DigitalIn. More...

#include <FastIO.h>

Inherits FastInOut< pin >.

Public Member Functions

 FastIn ()
 Construct new FastIn object.

Detailed Description

template<PinName pin, PinMode pinmode = PullDefault>
class FastIn< pin, pinmode >

Faster alternative compared to regular DigitalIn.

Except the constructor it is compatible with regular DigitalIn. Aditionally all functions from DigitalInOut are also available (only initialization is different) Code is based on Igor Skochinsky's code (

Definition at line 135 of file FastIO.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FastIn (  )

Construct new FastIn object.

 FastIn<LED1> led1;
pinpin the FastIn object should be used for
pinmode(optional) initial mode of the pin after construction: default is PullDefault

Definition at line 148 of file FastIO.h.