Single instance HTTP Server using WiFly Interface.

Dependents:   WiFlyHTTPServerSample MultiThreadingHTTPServer

This is my implementation for a HTTP Server using the WiFly Interface. Please note that this is still under development.

It may still contain several bugs. I have tested it using a 1768 on an application board plus RN-XV board.

Currently there is only a FileSystem implemented. Also it is limited to GET request.

I try to extend it further so it will be more useful.

Btw, it does NOT work with RTOS, which seems not to be the Problem of my library.

Do not Forget to Import the WiFly Interface into your Project when using this library.

Change History:

REV5: - added support for basic RPC GET request functionality.

REV4: - added argument parsing from the request uri. - documentation extended and updated.



File content as of revision 14:7f9fbfc18623:

/* FsHandler.cpp */
#include "mbed.h"
#include "FsHandler.h"

//#define DEBUG
#include "debug.h"

static int matchstrings(const char* one, const char* two)
    int m = 0;
    for (m = 0; m < min(strlen(one), strlen(two)) ; m++) {
        if (one[m] != two[m])
            return m;
    return m;

std::map<const char*, const char*> HTTPFsRequestHandler::m_fsMap;
HTTPFsRequestHandler::HTTPFsRequestHandler(const char* rootPath, const char* localPath, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& Msg)
    : HTTPRequestHandler(Msg)
    m_rootPath = rootPath;
    m_localPath = localPath;
    string myPath = m_rootPath + m_localPath;
    //  Now replace the virtual root path with a mounted device path
    std::map<const char*, const char*>::iterator it;
    const char *bestMatch = NULL;
    const char *bestMatchExchange = NULL;
    int match_ind = -1;
    for (it = m_fsMap.begin() ; it != m_fsMap.end() ; it++) {
        //  find best match (if the given logical path is containted in the root
        int s = matchstrings(myPath.c_str(), it->second);
        INFO("Matching Root %s with handler %s results in %d identical characters\n", myPath.c_str(), it->second, s);
        if ((s == strlen(it->second)) && (s > match_ind)) {
            match_ind = s;
            bestMatch = it->first;
            bestMatchExchange = it->second;

    if (bestMatch != NULL) {
        m_rootPath = bestMatch;
        m_localPath = string(myPath).substr(strlen(bestMatchExchange));


int HTTPFsRequestHandler::handleGetRequest()
    HTTPHeaders headers;
    if (m_localPath.length() > 4) 
        getStandardHeaders(headers, m_localPath.substr(m_localPath.length()-4).c_str());
    INFO("Handling Get Request (root = %s, local = %s).", m_rootPath.c_str(), m_localPath.c_str());
    int retval = 0;   //success
    std::string reqPath;

    //  Check if we received a directory with the local bath
    if ((m_localPath.length() == 0) || (m_localPath.substr( m_localPath.length()-1, 1) == "/")) {
        //  yes, we shall append the default page name
        m_localPath += "index.html";
    reqPath = m_rootPath + m_localPath;
    INFO("Mapping \"%s\" to \"%s\"", msg.uri.c_str(), reqPath.c_str());
    FILE *fp = fopen(reqPath.c_str(), "r");
    if (fp != NULL) {
        char * pBuffer = NULL;
        int sz = 8192;
        while( pBuffer == NULL) {
            sz /= 2;
            pBuffer = (char*)malloc(sz);
            if (sz < 128)
                error ("OutOfMemory");
        //  File was found and can be returned
        //  first determine the size
        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
        long size = ftell(fp);
        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
        startResponse(200, size);
        while(!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp)) {
            int cnt = fread(pBuffer, 1, sz , fp);
            if (cnt < 0)
                cnt = 0;
            processResponse(cnt, pBuffer);
        delete pBuffer;
    else {
        retval = 404;
        ERR("Requested file was not found !");
    return retval;

int HTTPFsRequestHandler::handlePostRequest()
    return 404;

int HTTPFsRequestHandler::handlePutRequest()
    return 404;