OB1203 basic mbed driver

Dependents:   OB1203_IDT



File content as of revision 6:337ee64ca7ab:

#ifndef __OB1203_H__
#define __OB1203_H__

#include "mbed.h"
//#include "SoftI2C.h"

//#define DEBUG

#define OB1203_ADDR 0xA6

//Define registers
#define REG_STATUS_0        0x00
#define REG_STATUS_1        0x01
#define REG_PS_DATA         0x02
#define REG_LS_W_DATA       0x04
#define REG_LS_G_DATA       0x07
#define REG_LS_B_DATA       0x0A
#define REG_LS_R_DATA       0x0D
#define REG_LS_C_DATA       0x10
#define REG_TEMP_DATA       0x13
#define REG_MAIN_CTRL_0     0x15
#define REG_MAIN_CTRL_1     0x16
#define REG_PS_LED_CURR     0x17
#define REG_PS_CAN_PULSES   0x19
#define REG_PS_PWIDTH_RATE  0x1A
#define REG_PS_CAN_DIG      0x1B
#define REG_PS_MOV_AVG_HYS  0x1D
#define REG_PS_THRES_HI     0x1E
#define REG_PS_THRES_LO     0x20
#define REG_LS_RES_RATE     0x22
#define REG_LS_GAIN         0x23
#define REG_LS_THRES_HI     0x24
#define REG_LS_THRES_LO     0x27
#define REG_LS_THRES_VAR    0x2A
#define REG_INT_CFG_0       0x2B
#define REG_PS_INT_CFG_1    0x2C
#define REG_INT_PST         0x2D
#define REG_PPG_PS_GAIN     0x2E
#define REG_PPG_PS_CFG      0x2F
#define REG_PPG_IRLED_CURR  0x30
#define REG_PPG_RLED_CURR   0x32
#define REG_PPG_CAN_ANA     0x34
#define REG_PPG_AVG         0x35
#define REG_PPG_PWIDTH_RATE 0x36
#define REG_FIFO_CFG        0x37
#define REG_FIFO_WR_PTR     0x38
#define REG_FIFO_RD_PTR     0x39
#define REG_FIFO_OVF_CNT    0x3A
#define REG_FIFO_DATA  0x3B
#define REG_PART_ID         0x3D
#define REG_DEVICE_CFG      0x4D

//Define settings
#define POR_STATUS          0x80
#define LS_INT_STATUS       0x02
#define LS_NEW_DATA         0x01
#define LED_DRIVER_STATUS   0x40
#define FIFO_AFULL_STATUS   0x20
#define PPG_DATA_STATUS     0x10
#define PS_LOGIC_STATUS     0x04
#define PS_INT_STATUS       0x02
#define PS_NEW_DATA         0x01
#define SW_RESET            0x01<<7
#define LS_SAI_ON           0x01<<3
#define LS_SAI_OFF          0x00
#define ALS_MODE            0x00
#define RGB_MODE            0x01<<1
#define LS_OFF              0x00
#define LS_ON               0x01
#define PS_SAI_ON           0x01<<3
#define PS_SAI_OFF          0x00
#define PS_MODE             0x00
#define HR_MODE             0x01<<1
#define SPO2_MODE           0x02<<1
#define PPG_PS_ON           0x01
#define PPG_PS_OFF          0x00
#define TEMP_ON             0x01<<7
#define TEMP_OFF            0x00
#define PS_CAN_ANA_0        0x00 //off
#define PS_CAN_ANA_1        0x01<<6 //50% of FS
#define PS_CAN_ANA_2        0x02<<6 //100% of FS
#define PS_CAN_ANA_3        0x03<<6 //150% of FS
#define PS_PULSES(x)    (( (x) & (0x07) )<<3) //where x = 0..5 and num pulses = 2^x        
#define PS_PWIDTH(x)   (x & 0x03)<<4 //where x = 0..3
#define PS_RATE(x)          (x & 0x07) //where x = 0..7      
#define PS_AVG_ON           1<<7
#define PS_AVG_OFF          0
#define PS_HYS_LEVEL(x)     x>>1 //where x=0..256
#define LS_RES(x)           (x & 0x07)<<4 //where x=0..7
#define LS_RATE(x)          (x & 0x07) //where x=0..7        
#define LS_GAIN(x)          (x & 0x03)
#define LS_THRES_VAR(x)     (x & 0x07)
#define LS_INT_SEL_W        0
#define LS_INT_SEL_G        1<<4
#define LS_INT_SEL_R        2<<4
#define LS_INT_SEL_B        3<<4
#define LS_THRES_INT_MODE  0
#define LS_VAR_INT_MODE     1<<1
#define LS_INT_ON           1
#define LS_INT_OFF          0
#define AFULL_INT_ON        1<<5
#define AFULL_INT_OFF       0
#define PPG_INT_ON          1<<4
#define PPG_INT_OFF          0
#define PS_INT_READ_CLEARS  0<<1
#define PS_INT_NO_CLEAR     1
#define PS_INT_ON           1
#define PS_INT_OFF          0
#define LS_PERSIST(x)       (x & 0x0F)<<4
#define PS_PERSIST(x)       (x & 0x0F)
#define PPG_PS_GAIN_1       0
#define PPG_PS_GAIN_1P5     1<<4
#define PPG_PS_GAIN_2       2<<4
#define PPG_PS_GAIN_4       3<<4
#define PPG_POW_SAVE_ON     1<<6
#define PPG_POW_SAVE_OFF    0
#define LED_FLIP_ON         1<<3
#define LED_FLIP_OFF        0
#define PPG_CH1_CAN(x)      (x & 0x03)<<2
#define PPG_CH2_CAN(x)      (x & 0x03)
#define PPG_AVG(x)          (x & 0x07)<<4
#define PPG_PWIDTH(x)       (x & 0x07)<<4
#define PPG_FREQ_60HZ       0
#define PPG_FREQ_50HZ       1<<3
#define PPG_RATE(x)         (x & 0x07)
#define FIFO_ROLL_ON        1<<4
#define FIFO_ROLL_OFF       0
#define AFULL_SAMPLES_LEFT(x)   (x & 0x0F)

#define POR_TIME_MS 5 //a guess

class OB1203
    I2C *i2c;
//    SoftI2C *i2c;

    char ls_res;
    char ls_rate;
    char ls_gain;
    uint32_t ls_thres_hi;
    uint32_t ls_thres_lo;
    char ls_sai;
    char ls_mode;
    char ls_en;
    char ls_int_sel;
    char ls_var_mode;
    char ps_sai_en;
    char temp_en;
    char ppg_ps_mode;
    char ppg_ps_en;
    char ps_can_ana;
    char afull_int_en;
    char ppg_int_en;
    char ps_logic_mode;
    uint16_t ps_digital_can;
    char ps_int_en;
    char ls_persist;
    char ps_persist;
    uint16_t ps_thres_hi;
    uint16_t ps_thres_lo;
    uint16_t ps_current;
    uint16_t ir_current;
    uint16_t r_current;
    char ppg_ps_gain;
    char ppg_pow_save;
    char led_flip;
    char ch1_can_ana;
    char ch2_can_ana;
    char ppg_avg;
    char ppg_pwidth;
    char ppg_freq;
    char ppg_rate;
    char ps_pulses;
    char ps_pwidth;
    char ps_rate;
    char ps_avg_en;
    char ps_hys_level;
    char ls_int_en;
    char fifo_rollover_en;
    char fifo_afull_samples_left;
    char writePointer;
    char readPointer;
    char fifoOverflow;
    OB1203 (I2C *);
//        OB1203(SoftI2C *);

    // Low-level operations
    void reset();
    uint16_t get_status();
    void writeRegister(int, char, char);
    void writeBlock(int, char, char *, char);
    void readBlock(int, char, char *, int);
    uint32_t bytes2uint32(char *, int);
    uint32_t twoandhalfBytes2uint32(char *, int); 

    // High-level operations
    bool dataIsNew();
    bool lsIsNew();
    bool psIsNew();
    bool tempIsNew();
    bool bioIsNew();
    void setMainConfig();
    void setIntConfig();
    void setLSthresh();
    void setPSthresh();
    void setPScurrent();
    void setPPGcurrent();
    void setPPG_PSgain_cfg();
    void setPPGana_can();
    void setDigitalCan();
    void setPPGavg_and_rate();
    void setFifoConfig();
    char get_ps_data(uint32_t *);
    char get_ls_data(uint32_t *);
    char get_ps_ls_data(uint32_t *);
    void init_ps();
    void init_rgb();
    void init_ps_rgb();
    void init_hr();
    void init_spo2();
    void getFifoInfo(char *fifo_info);
    uint8_t getNumFifoSamplesAvailable();
    void getFifoSamples(uint8_t, char *);
    void parseFifoSamples(char, char *, uint32_t *);
    char get_part_ID(char *);

    uint16_t rate;
    char res;
    char gain;
    uint32_t data_max;
    uint32_t reg_max;

