mbed Code for Multi-Waypoint Tests

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Apr 29 03:02:11 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Zachary Motter

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 29 03:02:11 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx for PC
+Serial mag(p28, p27); // tx,rx for Magnetometer
+Serial gps(p9, p10); //tx, rx for GPS
+// GPS is 9,10; MAG is 28,27
+DigitalOut on(LED1); // running lights
+DigitalOut test_led(LED2); // extra for testing
+DigitalOut front(p21);  /// Connect LED cathode to pin 21
+DigitalOut frontR(p22);
+DigitalOut R(p23);
+DigitalOut back(p24);
+DigitalOut L(p25);
+DigitalOut frontL(p26);
+float dir_m,dir_t,rel,decl,latitude,longitude,lock,degrees,minutes,uttime,old_lat,old_long;
+float san_coop_lat,san_coop_long;
+float lat_1,long_1,lat_2,long_2,lat_3,long_3;
+int waypoint;
+int wait_front,wait_front_cycle;
+char ns,ew;
+bool there,gps_lock;
+float PI = 3.1415926535;
+float course_to,gps_t,gps_m;
+double meters_to;
+/* Instructions:
+1) f10 to download to mbed, save it.
+2) TeraTerm, serial, port 6 (MBED)
+3) Tera Term, setup>serialport>baudrate (921600), setup>terminal>newline (LF) */
+int main() {
+    //Declarations
+    gps.baud(4800);
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    mag.baud(19200);
+    pc.printf("Starting...\n");
+    lat_1=38.983148;
+    long_1= -76.484680;
+    lat_2=38.984525;
+    long_2=-76.483457;
+    lat_3=38.984045;
+    long_3=-76.484192;
+    waypoint=1;
+    there = 0;
+    gps_lock = 0;
+    wait_front_cycle=3;
+    wait_front=wait_front_cycle;
+    decl = -11.11; //11.11 WEST
+    while(1) {
+// Read Serial
+ //pc.printf("^1");       
+        if(mag.readable()) {
+            while (mag.getc() != '$'); {                
+            //mag.scanf("HCHDT,%f,T*%c%c",&dir,&cs1,&cs2);
+            //pc.printf("MAG dir = %f, cs = %c%c\n", dir, cs1,cs2);
+            mag.scanf("HCHDT,%f,",&dir_m);
+            //pc.printf("_read_mag");
+            dir_t=dir_m+decl;
+                }
+            }                   
+ //pc.printf("^2");       
+        if(gps.readable()){
+                gps.getc();}
+        //pc.printf("_buffer");
+        if(gps.readable()){
+            while (gps.getc()!='$');{
+                if(gps.scanf("GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c",&uttime, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew))
+                {
+                     //pc.printf("_read_gps");
+                     gps_lock=1;                     
+                }       
+            }
+        }
+                //pc.printf("_%c",ew);
+                degrees = floor(latitude / 100.0);
+                minutes = latitude - (degrees * 100.0);
+                latitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0;    
+                degrees = floor(longitude / 100.0);
+                minutes = longitude - (degrees * 100.0);
+                longitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0;   
+                //pc.printf("_b_%f",longitude);    
+                if(ns == 'S') {    latitude  *= -1.0;}
+                if(ew == 'W') {    longitude *= -1.0;}
+                //pc.printf("_a_%f",longitude);            
+                if(gps_lock==0)
+                {
+                    longitude=old_long;
+                    latitude=old_lat;
+                }                         
+                old_lat=latitude;
+                old_long=longitude;   
+                gps_lock=0;  
+  //pc.printf("^3");      
+    if(waypoint==1){
+        san_coop_lat=lat_1;
+        san_coop_long=long_1;
+        } else if (waypoint ==2){
+            san_coop_lat=lat_2;
+            san_coop_long=long_2;
+            } else if (waypoint ==3){
+                san_coop_lat=lat_3;
+                san_coop_long=long_3;
+                } 
+    const double d2r = PI / 180.0;
+    const double r2d = 180.0 / PI;
+    double dlat = abs(san_coop_lat - latitude) * d2r;
+    double dlong = abs(san_coop_long - longitude) * d2r;
+    double x_sign = san_coop_long-longitude;
+    double y = sin(dlong) * cos(san_coop_lat * d2r);
+    double x = cos(latitude*d2r)*sin(san_coop_lat*d2r) - sin(latitude*d2r)*cos(san_coop_lat*d2r)*cos(dlong);
+    course_to = atan2(y,x)*r2d; 
+    if (x_sign<0){
+        course_to=-course_to+360;}
+// calculate range/bearing
+/*float deltalat = abs(san_coop_lat - latitude);
+float deltalon = abs(san_coop_long - longitude);
+float deltalatr = deltalat *(PI/180);
+float deltalonr = deltalon *(PI/180);
+//float d = sin(deltalatr/2.0);
+//float x = pow(d,2.0);
+//float y = cos(latitude*(PI/180))*cos(san_coop_lat*(PI/180))*(sin(deltalonr/2.0f)^2.0f); 
+float a = pow(sin(dlat/2.0),2.0) + cos(latitude*(PI/180)) * cos(san_coop_lat*(PI/180)) * pow(sin(dlong/2.0),2.0);
+float c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
+float distft = (3956*c)*5280;
+//course_to = (atan2(sin(-1*deltalonr)*cos(san_coop_lat*(PI/180)),cos(latitude*(PI/180))*sin(san_coop_lat*(PI/180))-sin(latitude*(PI/180))*cos(san_coop_lat*(PI/180))*cos(-1*deltalonr)))*(180/PI);
+//course_to = gps.calc_course_to(san_coop_lat,san_coop_long);
+//meters_to = gps.calc_dist_to_m(san_coop_lat,san_coop_long);     
+rel = course_to-dir_t;
+if (rel<0) {
+    rel=rel+360;}
+if (distft<30){
+    there=1;}
+// LED or Motor
+if (rel<10||rel>350) {
+        if (wait_front>=wait_front_cycle){
+            front = 1;
+            wait_front=0;}
+        wait_front++;
+    }
+if (rel>10&&rel<35){
+    front = 1;
+    frontR =1;}
+if (rel>35&&rel<55) {
+    frontR=1;}
+if (rel>55&&rel<80) {
+    frontR=1;
+    R=1;}
+if (rel>80&&rel<100){
+    R=1;}
+if (rel>100&&rel<150){
+    R=1;
+    back=1;}
+if (rel>150&&rel<210){
+    back=1;}
+if (rel>210&&rel<260){
+    back=1;
+    L=1;}
+    L=1;}
+    L=1;
+    frontL=1;}
+    frontL=1;}
+    frontL=1;
+    front=1;}
+    front = 1;
+    frontR = 1;
+    R=1;
+    back=1;
+    L=1;
+    frontL=1;  
+    wait(0.5);
+    front = 0;
+    frontR = 0;
+    R=0;
+    back=0;
+    L=0;
+    frontL=0;
+    wait(0.5);
+    front = 1;
+    frontR = 1;
+    R=1;
+    back=1;
+    L=1;
+    frontL=1;  
+    wait(0.5); 
+    front = 0;
+    frontR = 0;
+    R=0;
+    back=0;
+    L=0;
+    frontL=0;
+    wait(0.5);
+    front = 1;
+    frontR = 1;
+    R=1;
+    back=1;
+    L=1;
+    frontL=1;  
+    wait(0.5);     
+    there = 0;   
+    waypoint=waypoint+1;
+front = 0;
+frontR = 0;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue Apr 29 03:02:11 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file