Austin Community College initial line follower program for Freescale car. This is based upon the FRDM-TFC code at mbed.org.
Fork of FRDM-TFC by
Austin Community College - Initial Specs for FRDM-TFC line following car.
This uses the fine library by ELI HUGHES.
Our goal here is to provide the simplest line-follower as a quick car checkout.
First, we limit the run duration for the car, so that you can catch it, if necessary. Right DIP switch (4) sets run time. 0 => 5 sec, 1 => 10 sec.
We provide simple speed selection with the other three DIP switches. I recommend 001 as the slowest real speed, (000 is stop, of course). DIP switches 1 2 3 make a 3 bit speed. 1 is msb, 3 is lsb
The car won't start until you press and release the driver's side PB. Left PB (TFC_PUSH_BUTTON_1) is permissive GO on release using left 3 DIPs for speed 0-7.
The car will stop when the passenger side PB is pressed. Right PB is STOP - TFC_PUSH_BUTTON_0
TFC_Ticker[3] is our run time counter. Like the Code Warrior edition, we use msec tickers.
Left (Driver side) trim pot 1 can be used to trim static steering servo Right trim pot 0 can be used to offset line camera
Back LED reflects drive motor status. The top three are not currently used.
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
5:9d36b4c896e1 | 2013-11-11 | knalty | Initial Line Following Code, Nov 10, 2013 |
4:8a4a3fc59e57 | 2013-09-04 | redxeth | Made corrections to demo3 to parse linescandata in proper order. |
3:23cce037011f | 2013-08-15 | emh203 | 1.) Fixed issue with Servo duty cycle calculation |
2:ce4a273be708 | 2013-07-17 | emh203 | Work in progress commit.... |
1:6f37253dab87 | 2013-07-17 | emh203 | Pulled in code from the TFC library. This will now be the official spot for FRDM-TFC Code |
0:cd9427630ad1 | 2013-05-29 | emh203 | 1st publish so I can have a page to work on documentation |