
Dependencies:   WeatherStation N5110 beep mbed

Dependents:   WeatherStation

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 11 21:35:11 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "BMP180.h"
+#include "beep.h"
+BMP180 bmp180(p28,p27);              // To declear sensor intance
+Serial serial(USBTX,USBRX);
+Beep buzzer(p21);                    
+N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26); // Can also power (VCC) directly from VOUT (3.3 V) - // Can give better performance due to current limitation from GPIO pin
+InterruptIn unitButton(p17);
+InterruptIn sleepButton(p15);
+AnalogIn batteryIndicator(p16);
+DigitalOut led2(p23);
+DigitalOut led1(p24);
+Measurement measurement;
+Ticker timer;
+Ticker timer2;
+BusOut leds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4); // Busout for leds
+DigitalOut sce(p8);
+SPI spi(p11,NC,p13);
+DigitalOut pwr(p7);
+DigitalOut dc(p10);
+PwmOut led(p26);
+void C();
+void clearRAM();
+void turnOfDisplay();
+void turnOnDisplay();
+void batteryLife(float);
+void setBrightness(float brightness);
+void F();
+int unitButtonFlag = 0;
+int CFlag =0;
+int sleepButtonFlag =0;
+// Function for temperature warning
+void warning()
+    if ( measurement.temperatureCel >= 30 ) {
+        buzzer.beep(1000,0.3);
+        lcd.printString("WARNING!", 15,15);
+        lcd.refresh();
+    } else {
+        lcd.printString("          ", 15,15);
+        lcd.refresh();
+    }
+// Function to put device into sleep mode by pressing button
+void sleepFunction()
+    if(sleepButtonFlag == 6) {
+        sleepButtonFlag = 5;
+    } else if (sleepButtonFlag == 5) {
+        sleepButtonFlag =4;
+    } else if (sleepButtonFlag ==4) {
+        sleepButtonFlag =3;
+    } else if (sleepButtonFlag==3) {
+        sleepButtonFlag=2;
+    } else if (sleepButtonFlag ==2) {
+        sleepButtonFlag =1;
+    } else if (sleepButtonFlag ==1) {
+        sleepButtonFlag =0;
+    } else {
+        sleepButtonFlag =6;
+    }
+// Function to select unit
+void unitFunction()
+    if(unitButtonFlag == 1) {
+        unitButtonFlag = 0;
+        F();
+    } else {
+        unitButtonFlag = 1;
+        C();
+    }
+void timeValue()
+    F();
+    C();
+    lcd.refresh();
+int main()
+    bmp180.init();        // first need to initialise display
+    lcd.init();
+    // lcd.setBrightness(0);
+    timer.attach(&warning,0.5);
+    timer2.attach(&timeValue, 60.0);
+    batteryLife(batteryIndicator);
+    unitButton.rise(&unitFunction); //   Measurement measurement;  // measurement structure declared in BMP180 class
+    sleepButton.rise(&sleepFunction);
+    timeValue();
+    lcd.refresh();
+    // button.rise(&buttonPressed); // Event generated on rising edge
+    while(1) {
+        if(sleepButtonFlag == 6) {
+            turnOnDisplay();
+            lcd.setBrightness(0.2);
+            lcd.refresh();
+        } else if (sleepButtonFlag == 5) {
+            lcd.setBrightness(0.4);
+        } else if (sleepButtonFlag ==4) {
+            lcd.setBrightness(0.6);
+        } else if (sleepButtonFlag==3) {
+            lcd.setBrightness(0.8);
+        } else if (sleepButtonFlag==2) {
+            lcd.setBrightness (1);
+        } else if (sleepButtonFlag==1) {
+            turnOfDisplay();
+            lcd.clear();
+            buzzer.nobeep();
+            sleep();
+        }
+    }
+// Display the temperature readings in fahrenheit
+void F()
+    char buffer[14];  // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14) // so can display a string of a maximum 14 characters in length // or create formatted strings - ensure they aren't more than 14 characters long
+    measurement = bmp180.readValues(); // read values (T in Celsius and P in mb) and print over serial port  //serial.printf("T = %.2f C P = %.2f mb\n",measurement.temperature,measurement.pressure);
+    //wait(0.1);  // short delau until next reading
+    int length = sprintf(buffer,"T = %.2f F",measurement.temperatureFeh); // print formatted data to buffer // it is important the format specifier ensures the length will fit in the buffer
+    if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+        lcd.printString(buffer,0,1);           // display on screen
+    length = sprintf(buffer,"P = %.2f mb",measurement.pressure);
+    if (length <= 14)
+        lcd.printString(buffer,0,2);
+    lcd.refresh();
+//  Function that displays the temperature in Celsius
+void C()
+    char buffer[14];  // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14) // so can display a string of a maximum 14 characters in length // or create formatted strings - ensure they aren't more than 14 characters long
+    measurement = bmp180.readValues(); // read values (T in Celsius and P in mb) and print over serial port
+    //wait(0.1);  // short delau until next reading
+    int length = sprintf(buffer,"T = %.2f C",measurement.temperatureCel); // print formatted data to buffer // it is important the format specifier ensures the length will fit in the buffer
+    if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+        lcd.printString(buffer,0,1);           // display on screen
+    length = sprintf(buffer,"P = %.2f mb",measurement.pressure);
+    if (length <= 14)
+        lcd.printString(buffer,0,2);
+    lcd.refresh();
+// This function uses a voltage in from a potential divider which is connected to the battery
+void batteryLife(float voltageIn)
+    if (voltageIn >=2.5) {
+        led2 =0;
+        led1 =1;
+    }
+    if (voltageIn <=2.5) {
+        led1= 0;
+        led2= 1;
+    }
+void turnOfDisplay()
+    setBrightness(0.0);
+    clearRAM();
+void turnOnDisplay()
+    setBrightness(1.0);
+    pwr.write(1);
+void setBrightness(float brightness)
+    if(brightness < 0.0) {
+        brightness = 0.0;
+    }
+    if (brightness > 1.0) {
+        brightness = 1.0;
+    }
+    led.write(brightness);
+void clearRAM()
+    int i;
+    sce.write(0);
+    for(i =0; i < 504; i++) {
+        spi.write(0x00);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file