mbed-os5 only for TYBLE16

Dependents:   TYBLE16_simple_data_logger TYBLE16_MP3_Air

diff -r 5b88d5760320 -r 9db0e321a9f4 features/netsocket/PPPInterface.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/features/netsocket/PPPInterface.h	Tue Dec 31 06:02:27 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "nsapi.h"
+#include "OnboardNetworkStack.h"
+#include "NetworkInterface.h"
+#include "PPP.h"
+/** PPPInterface class
+ *  Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an PPP-service
+ *
+ * This class provides the necessary glue logic to create a NetworkInterface
+ * based on an PPP and an OnboardNetworkStack.
+ *
+ */
+class PPPInterface : public virtual NetworkInterface {
+    /** Create an PPP-based network interface.
+     *
+     * The default arguments obtain the default PPP, which will be target-
+     * dependent (and the target may have some JSON option to choose which
+     * is the default, if there are multiple). The default stack is configured
+     * by JSON option nsapi.default-stack.
+     *
+     * Due to inability to return errors from the constructor, no real
+     * work is done until the first call to connect().
+     *
+     * @param ppp  Reference to PPP to use
+     * @param stack Reference to onboard-network stack to use
+     */
+    PPPInterface(PPP &ppp = PPP::get_default_instance(),
+                 OnboardNetworkStack &stack = OnboardNetworkStack::get_default_instance());
+    virtual ~PPPInterface();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::set_network */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t set_network(const char *ip_address, const char *netmask, const char *gateway);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::connect */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t connect();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::disconnect */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t disconnect();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_ip_address */
+    virtual const char *get_ip_address();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_ip_address */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t get_ip_address(SocketAddress *address);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_netmask */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t get_netmask(SocketAddress *address);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_gateway */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t get_gateway(SocketAddress *address);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_netmask */
+    virtual const char *get_netmask();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_gateway */
+    virtual const char *get_gateway();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_interface_name */
+    virtual char *get_interface_name(char *interface_name);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::set_as_default */
+    virtual void set_as_default();
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::attach */
+    virtual void attach(mbed::Callback<void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb);
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::get_connection_status */
+    virtual nsapi_connection_status_t get_connection_status() const;
+    /** @copydoc NetworkInterface::set_blocking */
+    virtual nsapi_error_t set_blocking(bool blocking);
+    /** Sets file stream used to communicate with modem
+     *
+     * @param stream Pointer to file handle
+     */
+    virtual void set_stream(mbed::FileHandle *stream);
+    /** Sets IP protocol versions of IP stack
+     *
+     * @param ip_stack IP protocol version
+     */
+    virtual void set_ip_stack(nsapi_ip_stack_t ip_stack);
+    /** Sets user name and password for PPP protocol
+     *
+     * @param uname    User name
+     * @param password Password
+     */
+    virtual void set_credentials(const char *uname, const char *password);
+    /** Provide access to the PPP
+     *
+     * This should be used with care - normally the network stack would
+     * control the PPP, so manipulating the PPP while the stack
+     * is also using it (ie after connect) will likely cause problems.
+     *
+     * @return          Reference to the PPP in use
+     */
+    PPP &getppp() const
+    {
+        return _ppp;
+    }
+    virtual PPPInterface *pppInterface()
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    /** Provide access to the underlying stack
+     *
+     *  @return The underlying network stack
+     */
+    virtual NetworkStack *get_stack();
+    PPP &_ppp;
+    OnboardNetworkStack &_stack;
+    OnboardNetworkStack::Interface *_interface;
+    bool _blocking;
+    char _ip_address[NSAPI_IPv6_SIZE];
+    char _netmask[NSAPI_IPv4_SIZE];
+    char _gateway[NSAPI_IPv4_SIZE];
+    mbed::Callback<void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> _connection_status_cb;
+    mbed::FileHandle *_stream;
+    nsapi_ip_stack_t _ip_stack;
+    const char *_uname;
+    const char *_password;