This is a RTC additional function. This is only for Nucleo F401RE & F411RE mbed(Added L152RE, F334R8, L476RG & F746xx). If you connected battery backup circuit for internal RTC, you can make a power-off and reset condition. RTC still has proper time and date.

Dependents:   Nucleo_rtos_sample PB_Emma_Ethernet

Please refer following NOTE information.


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
14:78e453d7bb85 2016-07-02 kenjiArai Added F746xx and modified main.c default tip
13:44e5327acb05 2016-05-27 kenjiArai Added L476RG mbed.Changed SetRTC and rtc_api.c for F401RE & F411RE, F334R8 based on latest mbed-dev revision (141).
12:4074fe3e67c7 2016-01-29 kenjiArai Modified comments (use mbed-dev lib)
11:fc7223031196 2015-05-23 kenjiArai Added F334R8 mbed
10:16ee1c956319 2015-05-23 kenjiArai merged
9:1af4e107ca7b 2015-05-23 kenjiArai Added F334R8
8:88d30761683b 2015-05-16 kenjiArai modify directory name (bad path) in both modify_info_F4xx.h and modify_info_L152.h.
7:fa32602e23ec 2015-05-16 kenjiArai Change main function call procedure SetRTC(). L152 COMP function will use or not.
6:ef7d2c83034d 2015-02-19 kenjiArai Bug fix when External Xtal is not avairable. In addtion change checking method for STM32xxx register status
5:1a8e7aed053d 2015-02-18 kenjiArai Only for L152RE, change Deep sleep mode to Standby mode to reduce backup current
4:1c1012abfe32 2015-02-16 kenjiArai merged
3:8b7aad1211fb 2015-02-16 kenjiArai merged two different revision
2:765470eab2a6 2015-02-16 kenjiArai L152RE sets an interrupt driven sleep mode when +5V is off
1:3129de8d50ea 2015-02-14 kenjiArai Add L152 support function
0:e4c20fd769f1 2015-02-07 kenjiArai This is a RTC additional function. This is only for Nucleo F401RE & F411RE mbed. If you connected battery backup circuit for internal RTC, you can make a power-off and reset condition. RTC still has proper time and date.