RX-8025NB Real Time Clock Module by EPSON

Dependents:   TYBLE16_simple_data_logger Check_external_RTC



File content as of revision 5:e8e8b1b6c103:

 * mbed library program
 *  Control RX-8025NB Real Time Clock Module
 * Copyright (c) 2015,'16,'17 Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
 *  http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/kenjia/index.html
 *  http://mbed.org/users/kenjiArai/
 *      Created: June       3rd, 2015
 *      Revised: August    21st, 2017

#include "mbed.h"
#include "RX8025NB.h"

RX8025::RX8025 (PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl) :
_i2c_p(new I2C(p_sda, p_scl)), _i2c(*_i2c_p)
    RX8025_addr = RX8025ADDR;

RX8025::RX8025 (I2C& p_i2c) : _i2c(p_i2c){
    RX8025_addr = RX8025ADDR;

/////////////// Initialize ////////////////////////////////
void RX8025::init(){
    tm t;
    char dt;

    dt = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL2);
    if (dt &  0x10){   // Power on reset
        dt = write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL2, 0);   // all clear
        // Set 24H
        dt = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1);
        dt |= 0x20;
        dt = write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1, dt);
        // set January 1st,2016 1am as a default
        t.tm_sec  = 0;
        t.tm_min  = 0;
        t.tm_hour = 1;
        t.tm_mday = 1;
        t.tm_wday = 0;
        t.tm_mon  = 0;
        t.tm_year = 116;
    } else {
        // Set 24H
        dt = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1);
        dt |= 0x20;
        dt = write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1, dt);

/////////////// Read RTC data /////////////////////////////
void RX8025::get_time_rtc (tm *t){

void RX8025::read_rtc_std (tm *t){
    rtc_time time;

    t->tm_sec  = time.rtc_seconds;
    t->tm_min  = time.rtc_minutes;
    t->tm_hour = time.rtc_hours;
    t->tm_mday = time.rtc_date;
    if ( time.rtc_weekday == RTC_Wk_Sunday) {
        t->tm_wday = 0; // Sun is not 7 but 0
    } else {
        t->tm_wday = time.rtc_weekday;
    t->tm_mon  = time.rtc_month - 1;
    t->tm_year = time.rtc_year_raw + 100;
    t->tm_isdst= 0;

/////////////// Write data to RTC /////////////////////////
void RX8025::set_time_rtc (tm *t){

void RX8025::write_rtc_std (tm *t){
    rtc_time time;

    time.rtc_seconds  = t->tm_sec;
    time.rtc_minutes  = t->tm_min;
    time.rtc_hours    = t->tm_hour;
    time.rtc_date     = t->tm_mday;
    if ( t->tm_wday == 0) {
        time.rtc_weekday = RTC_Wk_Sunday;
    } else {
        time.rtc_weekday = t->tm_wday;
    time.rtc_month    = t->tm_mon + 1;
    time.rtc_year_raw = t->tm_year - 100;

/////////////// Set Alarm-D / INTA ////////////////////////
uint8_t RX8025::set_alarmD_reg (uint16_t time){
    tm t;
    char dt;
    uint8_t m, h;
    uint16_t set, real;

    dt = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1);
    dt &= ~0x40;        // DALE = 0
    dt = write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1, dt);
    read_rtc_std(&t);   // read current time
    real = t.tm_hour * 60 + t.tm_min;
    set = real + time;
    m = t.tm_min + (uint8_t)(time % 60);
    h = t.tm_hour;
    if (m >= 60){
        m -= 60;
        h += 1;
    h += (uint8_t)(time / 60);
    if (h >= 24){
        h -= 24;
    rtc_buf[2] = bin2bcd(h);
    rtc_buf[1] = bin2bcd(m);
    rtc_buf[0] = RX8025_REG_ALARMD_MIN << 4;
    _i2c.write(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 3, false);
    dt = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1);
    dt |= 0x40;         // DALE = 1
    dt = write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1, dt);
    real = bcd2bin(read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_ALARMD_MIN));
    real += (bcd2bin(read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_ALARMD_HOUR)) * 60);
    if (set == real) {
        read_rtc_std(&t);   // read current time
        real = t.tm_hour * 60 + t.tm_min;
        if (set > real){
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else {
        return 0;

void RX8025::set_next_alarmD_INTA (uint16_t time){
    uint8_t ret;
    uint16_t t;

    if (time < 2){
        // Alarm does not check seconds digit.
        // If 59 to 0 is occured during setting here, 1 minute will have a trouble.
        t = 2;
    } else if (time > 1440){   // Less than 24 hours
        t = 1440;
    } else {
        t = time;
        ret = set_alarmD_reg(t);
    } while(ret == 0);

/////////////// Clear Alarm-D / INTA interrupt ////////////
void RX8025::clear_alarmD_INTA (){
    char dt, reg;
    reg = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL2);
    do { // make sure to set Hi-imp state
        dt = reg & 0xfe;
        write_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL1, dt);
        reg = read_reg_byte(RX8025_REG_CONTL2);
    } while (reg & 0x01);

/////////////// Read/Write specific register //////////////
uint8_t RX8025::read_reg_byte(uint8_t reg){
    rtc_buf[0] = reg << 4;
    _i2c.write(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 1, true);
    _i2c.read(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 1, false);
    return rtc_buf[0];

uint8_t RX8025::write_reg_byte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data){
    rtc_buf[0] = reg << 4;
    rtc_buf[1] = data;
    _i2c.write(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 2, false);
    return read_reg_byte(reg);

/////////////// I2C Freq. /////////////////////////////////
void RX8025::frequency(int hz){

/////////////// Read/Write RTC another format /////////////
void RX8025::read_rtc_direct (rtc_time *tm){
    rtc_buf[0] = RX8025_REG_SEC << 4;
    _i2c.write(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 1, true);
    _i2c.read(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 10, false);
    tm->rtc_seconds = bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_SEC]  & 0x7f);
    tm->rtc_minutes = bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_MIN]  & 0x7f);
    tm->rtc_hours   = bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_HOUR] & 0x3f);
    tm->rtc_date    = bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_DAY]  & 0x3f);
    tm->rtc_weekday = rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_WDAY] & 0x07;
    tm->rtc_month   = bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_MON]  & 0x1f);
    tm->rtc_year_raw= bcd2bin(rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_YEAR]);
    tm->rtc_year = tm->rtc_year_raw + 100 + 1900;

void RX8025::write_rtc_direct (rtc_time *tm){
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_YEAR + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_year_raw);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_MON  + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_month);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_WDAY + 1] = (tm->rtc_weekday & 0x07);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_DAY  + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_date);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_HOUR + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_hours);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_MIN  + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_minutes);
    rtc_buf[RX8025_REG_SEC  + 1] = bin2bcd(tm->rtc_seconds);
    rtc_buf[0] = RX8025_REG_SEC << 4;
    _i2c.write(RX8025_addr, rtc_buf, 8, false);

uint8_t RX8025::bin2bcd (uint8_t dt){
    uint8_t bcdhigh = 0;

    while (dt >= 10) {
        dt -= 10;
    return  ((uint8_t)(bcdhigh << 4) | dt);

uint8_t RX8025::bcd2bin (uint8_t dt){
    uint8_t tmp = 0;

    tmp = ((uint8_t)(dt & (uint8_t)0xf0) >> (uint8_t)0x4) * 10;
    return (tmp + (dt & (uint8_t)0x0f));