GPS Data Logger with SD File system. Logger can save RMC & GGA data from GPS and five channels of analog data. Based on "GPS_Logger_01" by Peter Forden

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // GPS DATA LOGGER Ver.1
00003 //      (c)2010  Kenji Arai / JH1PJL 
00004 //
00005 //   
00006 //          April 17th,2010  Started
00007 //          April 17th,2010
00008 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // Reference ----- GPS_logger_01 by Peter Foden ------
00010 //
00011 //
00012 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 // Function
00014 //      GPS data and five channeles ADC data records into a file which is located in SD-Card
00015 // Connection
00016 //      GPS receiver    PIN 8,9
00017 //      Analog input    PIN 15,16,17,19,20
00018 //      SD Card I/F     PIN 11,12,13,14
00019 //      LCD             PIN 5,6,7,21,22,23
00020 //       -> CAUTION!! pin assignment is different
00021 //          with " "
00022 //      RTC             PIN 3 needs to connect 3V Battery
00023 //       -> Please refer my program " RTC_w_COM" for time adjustment
00024 //          at " "
00025 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00026 #include "mbed.h"
00027 #include "TextLCD.h"
00028 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00030 // Data logging configration
00031 //      Save RMC any condition
00032 #define CONFG_ANA   1   // 1= Save Analog data  
00033 #define DEBUG       1   // 1= Shows progress on PC via USB ( virtual COM line)
00034 #define USE_LCD     1   // 1= Display the data on LCD
00036 // Commands for GPS to turn on or off data strings
00037 #define RMC_ON   "$PSRF103,4,0,1,1*21\r\n"
00038 #define RMC_OFF  "$PSRF103,4,0,0,1*20\r\n"
00039 #define GGA_ON   "$PSRF103,0,0,1,1*25\r\n"
00040 #define GGA_OFF  "$PSRF103,0,0,0,1*24\r\n"
00041 #define GSA_ON   "$PSRF103,2,0,1,1*27\r\n"
00042 #define GSA_OFF  "$PSRF103,2,0,0,1*26\r\n"
00043 #define GSV_ON   "$PSRF103,3,0,1,1*26\r\n"
00044 #define GSV_OFF  "$PSRF103,3,0,0,1*27\r\n"
00045 #define WAAS_ON  "$PSRF151,1*3F\r\n"
00046 #define WAAS_OFF "$PSRF151,0*3E\r\n"
00048 // kind of GPS data
00049 #define NONE    0
00050 #define RMC     1
00051 #define GGA     2
00052 #define GSA     3
00053 #define GSV     4
00055 // SD Recording status
00056 #define IDLE    0
00057 #define RECD    1
00058 #define SD_FAIL 0xff
00060 // Buffer size
00061 #define BSIZ    256
00063 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00064 // Set up hardware
00065 //      MBED USB port used for console debug messages
00066 //      SZP950T GPS unit connects to UART
00067 //      LED & Switch
00068 //      40chr x 2 line Text LCD
00069 //      SD card interface
00070 //      Analog input
00071 //          G-sensor data, Baterry volt, Temperature sensor data
00072 #if DEBUG
00073 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);   // tx, rx - Default 9600 baud
00074 #endif
00075 Serial gps(p9, p10);       // tx, rx - 4800 baud required
00076 DigitalOut RCV_GPS(LED1);  // Receive GPS data
00077 DigitalOut GPS_LOCK(LED2); // GPS got valid data
00078 DigitalOut ON_REC(LED4);   // Data sent LED
00079 DigitalIn  SW_REC(p26);    // Data recode switch
00080 #if USE_LCD
00081 TextLCD lcd(p22, p23, p21, p8, p7, p6, p5, 40, 2); // rs,rw,e,d0,d1,d2,d3,40char's x 2 lines
00082 #endif
00083 SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd");  // do,di,clk,cs
00084 #if CONFG_ANA
00085 AnalogIn ain_G_X(p15);      // G Sensor
00086 AnalogIn ain_G_Y(p16);      // G Sensor
00087 AnalogIn ain_G_Z(p17);      // G Sensor
00088 AnalogIn ain_BAT(p19);      // Battery Volt
00089 AnalogIn ain_TEMP(p20);     // Temperature Sensor
00090 #endif
00092 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00093 // Data rea
00094 char msg[BSIZ];             //GPS data buffer
00095 char MsgBuf_RMC[BSIZ];      // GPS/GGA data
00096 char MsgBuf_GGA[BSIZ];      // GPS/RMC data
00097 #if CONFG_ANA
00098 char MsgBuf_ANA[128];       // Analog data buffer
00099 float x,y,z,b,t;            // Analog data
00100 #endif
00101 char gps_dat;               // Kind of GPS data
00102 char recode_status;
00103 FILE *fp;                   // File pointer
00104 char buf[40];               // data buffer for text
00105 time_t seconds;             // RTC data based on seconds
00107 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00108 // --------------- CONTROL PROGRAM --------------------
00110 // Select GPS data
00111 void setgps() {
00112     gps.printf(RMC_ON);     // use RMC
00113     gps.printf(GGA_ON);     // use GGA
00114     gps.printf(GSA_OFF);
00115     gps.printf(GSV_OFF);
00116     gps.printf(WAAS_OFF);
00117     return;
00118 }
00120 // Get line of data from GPS
00121 void getline() {
00122     while (gps.getc() != '$');  // Wait for start of line
00123     msg[0] = '$';
00124 #if DEBUG
00125     pc.putc('$');
00126 #endif
00127     for (int i=1; i<512; i++) {
00128         msg[i] = gps.getc();
00129     #if DEBUG
00130         pc.putc(msg[i]);
00131     #endif
00132         if (msg[i] == '\r' || msg[i] == '\n') {
00133             msg[i] = '\r';
00134             msg[i+1] = '\n';
00135             msg[i+2] = 0;
00136         #if DEBUG
00137             pc.printf("\r\n");
00138         #endif
00139             return;
00140         }
00141     }
00142 }
00144 int main(void) {
00145     gps.baud(4800);         // baud rate 4800
00146 #if DEBUG
00147     pc.printf("\r\n\r\nGPS logger on mbed by K.Arai/JH1PJL (c)2010\r\n");
00148 #endif
00149 #if USE_LCD
00150     lcd.cls();
00151     lcd.locate(0, 0);
00152     //          1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 
00153     lcd.printf("GPS Logger Running! ....               ");
00154 #endif
00155     setgps();
00156     while (1) {
00157         RCV_GPS = 1;
00158         getline();          // Get GPS data from UART
00159         if (strncmp(msg, "$GPRMC",6) == 0) {
00160             for (int i=0; i<BSIZ ; MsgBuf_RMC[i++]=0);  // Clear buffer
00161             for (int i=0; msg[i] != 0; i++) {           // Copy msg to RMC buffer
00162                 MsgBuf_RMC[i] = msg[i];
00163             }
00164             gps_dat = RMC;
00165             // Get analog data from each port
00166         #if CONFG_ANA
00167   ;
00168   ;
00169   ;
00170   ;
00171   ;
00172             sprintf(MsgBuf_ANA, "$ANA,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,,*00\r\n", x, y, z, b, t);
00173           #if DEBUG
00174             pc.printf(MsgBuf_ANA);
00175           #endif
00176         #endif
00177         } else if (strncmp(msg, "$GPGGA",6) == 0) {
00178             for (int i=0; i<BSIZ ; MsgBuf_GGA[i++]=0);  // Clear buffer
00179             for (int i=0; msg[i] != 0; i++) {           // Copy msg to GGA buffer
00180                 MsgBuf_GGA[i] = msg[i];
00181             }
00182             gps_dat = GGA;
00183         } else {
00184             gps_dat = NONE;
00185         }
00186         RCV_GPS = 0;
00187         if (SW_REC){
00188             if (recode_status == RECD){
00189                 // Recording -> on going
00190                 ON_REC = 1;             // LED ON for recording indication
00191                 switch(gps_dat){
00192                     case RMC: {
00193                         fprintf(fp,MsgBuf_RMC); // save data
00194                 #if CONFG_ANA
00195                         fprintf(fp,MsgBuf_ANA); // save data
00196                 #endif  
00197                         break;
00198                     }
00199                     case GGA: {
00200                         fprintf(fp,MsgBuf_GGA); // save data
00201                         break;
00202                     }
00203                     default: {;}           
00204                 }
00205             } else if (recode_status == IDLE){
00206                 // Start recoding -> File open
00207                 seconds = time(NULL);
00208                 seconds %= 100000000;               // Adjust 8 charcters file name
00209                 sprintf(buf,"/sd/%d.txt",seconds);  // File name based on time from 1970/1/1   
00210                 fp = fopen(buf, "w");               // File open 
00211             #if DEBUG
00212                 pc.printf("\r\n %s \r\n", buf);     // File name on the screen
00213             #endif
00214                 if(fp == NULL) {
00215                     // Try again
00216                     fp = fopen(buf, "w");
00217                     if(fp == NULL) {
00218                         // File not open then give up
00219                     #if USE_LCD
00220                         lcd.locate(0, 0);
00221                         //          1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 
00222                         lcd.printf("  Could not open file for write         ");
00223                     #endif
00224                     #if DEBUG
00225                         pc.printf( "\r\n Could not open file for write\r\n");
00226                     #endif
00227                         recode_status = SD_FAIL;
00228                     }
00229                 }
00230                 if (fp){
00231                     // File open successful
00232                     fprintf(fp, "GPS logger on mbed by K.Arai/JH1PJL (c)2010\r\n");
00233                 #if USE_LCD
00234                     lcd.locate(0, 0);
00235                     //          1234567890123456789012345678901234567890  
00236                     lcd.printf(" Start recording                        ");
00237                 #endif
00238                 #if DEBUG
00239                     pc.printf(  "GPS logger on mbed by K.Arai/JH1PJL (c)2010");
00240                     pc.printf("\r\nStart recording\r\n");
00241                 #endif
00242                     recode_status = RECD;
00243                 }    
00244             }
00245         } else {
00246             if (recode_status == RECD){
00247                 // File close
00248                 fclose(fp);
00249                 recode_status = IDLE;       // back to idle state
00250             #if USE_LCD
00251                 lcd.locate(0, 0);
00252                 //          1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 
00253                 lcd.printf("Finish data save                        ");
00254             #endif
00255             #if DEBUG
00256                 pc.printf( "\r\n Finish data save\r\n");
00257             #endif
00258             } else if (recode_status == SD_FAIL){
00259                 // When file access failed
00260                 recode_status = IDLE;       // back to idle state
00261             #if USE_LCD
00262                 lcd.locate(0, 0);
00263                 //          1234567890123456789012345678901234567890  
00264                 lcd.printf("Could not save the data                 ");
00265             #endif
00266             #if DEBUG
00267                 pc.printf( "\r\n Could not save the data\r\n");
00268             #endif               
00269             }
00270             ON_REC = 0;         // LED off for IDLE
00271         }
00272     }
00273 }