Several examples run on only mbed-os5.13.0 (not 5.14.0)


--- a/zz_common/draw_bitmap.cpp	Wed Aug 07 05:39:01 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-#include "mbed.h"                   //  for mbed
-LocalFileSystem     local("local"); //  for mbed to access local file system
- *
- *   BMP file data handler sample
- *
- *      reference :
- *
- */
-#include    <stdio.h>
-//#define        SOURCE_FILE            "/local/small.bmp"
-#define        SOURCE_FILE            "/local/pre4.bmp"
-//#define        SOURCE_FILE            "pre_dsp_4.bmp"
-#define        BUFFER_SIZE            1024
-typedef struct  bmp_header_st    {
-    unsigned short  bfType            __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   bfSize            __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned short  bfReserved1       __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned short  bfReserved2       __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   bfOffBits         __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   biSize            __attribute__((packed));
-    long            biWidth           __attribute__((packed));
-    long            biHeight          __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned short  biPlanes          __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned short  biBitCount        __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   biCompression     __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   biSizeImage       __attribute__((packed));
-    long            biXPixPerMeter    __attribute__((packed));
-    long            biYPixPerMeter    __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   biClrUsed         __attribute__((packed));
-    unsigned long   biCirImportant    __attribute__((packed));
-typedef struct  color_palette_st    {
-    unsigned char    red;
-    unsigned char    green;
-    unsigned char    blue;
-    unsigned char    dummy;
-int main() {
-    unsigned char    buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
-    FILE             *fs;
-    bmp_header       bh;
-    color_palette    cp[256];
-    unsigned long    readsize;
-    unsigned long    i;
-    unsigned long    ofset    = 0;
-    printf( "BMP file access sample\r\n");
-    if ( NULL == (fs    = fopen( SOURCE_FILE, "rb" )) ) {
-        printf( "file open error when oening file \"%s\"\r\n", SOURCE_FILE );
-        return ( 1 );
-    }
-    /*
-     *   reading header
-     */
-    fread( &bh, sizeof( bh ), 1, fs );
-    printf( "  bfType         : 0x%04X\r\n", bh.bfType );
-    printf( "  bfSize         : %ld\r\n",    bh.bfSize );
-    printf( "  bfOffBits      : %ld\r\n",    bh.bfOffBits );
-    printf( "  biSize         : %lu\r\n",    bh.biSize );
-    printf( "  biWidth        : %ld\r\n",    bh.biWidth );
-    printf( "  biHeight       : %ld\r\n",    bh.biHeight );
-    printf( "  biPlanes       : %d\r\n",     bh.biPlanes );
-    printf( "  biBitCount     : %d\r\n",     bh.biBitCount );
-    printf( "  biCompression  : %lu\r\n",    bh.biCompression );
-    printf( "  biSizeImage    : %lu\r\n",    bh.biSizeImage );
-    printf( "  biXPixPerMeter : %ld\r\n",    bh.biXPixPerMeter );
-    printf( "  biYPixPerMeter : %ld\r\n",    bh.biYPixPerMeter );
-    printf( "  biClrUsed      : %lu\r\n",    bh.biClrUsed );
-    printf( "  biCirImportant : %lu\r\n",    bh.biCirImportant );
-    /*
-     *   checking header
-     */
-    if ( (bh.bfType != 0x4D42)
-            || (bh.bfOffBits != 54 + 256 * sizeof( color_palette ) )
-            || (bh.biBitCount != 8)
-            || (bh.biCompression != 0)
-       ) {
-        printf( "unsupported file format\r\n" );
-        return ( 1 );
-    }
-    /*
-     *   header information
-     */
-    printf( "header read, the image data size is %lu bytes\r\n", bh.bfSize );
-    printf( "   the image data size is %lu bytes\r\n", bh.biSizeImage );
-    printf( "   horizontal size %lu pixels\r\n", bh.biWidth );
-    printf( "   vertical   size %lu pixels\r\n", bh.biHeight );
-    /*
-     *   read color palette
-     */
-    for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
-        fread( &(cp[i]), sizeof( color_palette ), 1, fs );
-//        printf( "cp 0x%02X : 0x%02X - 0x%02X - 0x%02X\r\n", i, (cp[i]).red, (cp[i]).green, (cp[i]).blue );
-    }
-    while ( 0 != (readsize    = fread( buffer, sizeof( unsigned char ) , BUFFER_SIZE, fs )) ) {
-        for ( i = 0; i < readsize; i++ ) {
-//            printf( "  %6lX : 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X\r\n", ofset, cp[ buffer[i] ].red, cp[ buffer[i] ].green, cp[ buffer[i] ].blue );
-            ofset++;
-        }
-    }
-    printf( "done.\r\n\r\n" );
\ No newline at end of file