Several examples run on only mbed-os5.13.0 (not 5.14.0)


--- a/Nioi_main_copy3.cpp	Wed Aug 07 05:39:01 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- * Mbed Application program / Nioi Sensor
- *
- *      Created:    July      28th, 2019
- *      Revised:    August     6th, 2019
- */
-//#include "select_program.h"
-//  Include --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "stm32f769i_discovery.h"
-#include "stm32f769i_discovery_audio.h"
-#include "EthernetInterface.h"
-#include "TCPServer.h"
-#include "TCPSocket.h"
-#include "TS_DISCO_F769NI.h"
-#include "LCD_DISCO_F769NI.h"
-#include "USBHostSerial.h"
-//#include "USBHostMSD.h"
-#include "FATFileSystem.h"
-#include "SDBlockDeviceDISCOF769NI.h"
-#include "mon.h"
-#include "button_group.hpp"
-//  Definition -----------------------------------------------------------------
-using namespace Mikami;
-#define LEDON   1
-#define LEDOFF  0
-#define FOREVER 0x7fffffff
-#define DEBUG  0
-#if DEBUG
-#define DBG(...)    pc.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define DBG(...)    {;}
-struct PointF {
-    PointF() {}
-    PointF(float x0, float y0) : x(x0), y(y0) {}
-    float x, y;
-//  Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------
-LCD_DISCO_F769NI lcd;
-TS_DISCO_F769NI ts;
-Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX, 115200);
-DigitalIn userSW(BUTTON1);
-DigitalOut led_red(LED1);
-DigitalOut led_green0(LED2);
-DigitalOut led_green1(LED3);
-SDBlockDeviceDISCOF769NI bd;
-FATFileSystem   fs("fs");
-//USBHostMSD msd;
-//USBHostSerial usb_ser;
-//  RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool flag_opening_done = false;
-//  ROM / Constant data --------------------------------------------------------
-const int X0 = 0;      // origin of x axis
-const int Y0 = 0;      // origin of y axis
-const int NX = 670;    // number of pixels for horizon
-const int NY = 542;    // number of pixels for vertical
-//  Function prototypes --------------------------------------------------------
-//static void tsk_0(void const *args);
-static void task_usb_serial(void const *args);
-static void tsk_2(void const *args);
-static void tsk_3(void const *args);
-//extern void time_enter_mode(void);
-static void goto_standby(void);
-//extern void drawImage(const char * name, uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
-extern void draw_bitmap(uint8_t *Name_BMP, uint32_t Xpos, uint32_t Ypos);
-extern void task_opening_action(void const *args);
-//  Control Program
-osThreadDef(task_opening_action, osPriorityNormal,4096);
-osThreadDef(task_usb_serial, osPriorityNormal,4096);
-osThreadDef(tsk_2, osPriorityNormal,4096);
-osThreadDef(tsk_3, osPriorityNormal,4096);
-int main()
-    flag_opening_done = false;
-    osThreadId  id0, id1, id2, id3;
-    DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-    id0 = osThreadCreate(osThread(task_opening_action), NULL);
-    while (flag_opening_done == false) {
-        DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(100);
-    }
-    osThreadTerminate(id0);
-    wait_ms(100);
-    //
-    id1 = osThreadCreate(osThread(task_usb_serial), NULL);
-    id2 = osThreadCreate(osThread(tsk_2), NULL);
-    id3 = osThreadCreate(osThread(tsk_3), NULL);
-    pc.printf("id0=0x%x, id1=0x%x, id2=0x%x, id3=0x%x\r\n",
-              (uint32_t)id0, (uint32_t)id1, (uint32_t)id2, (uint32_t)id3);
-    while(true) {
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(FOREVER);
-    }
-void task_usb_serial(void const *args)
-    DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-    USBHostSerial usb_ser;
-    DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-    wait_ms(500);
-    while(true) {
-        DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-        // try to connect a USB serial device
-        while(!usb_ser.connect()) {
-            DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-            wait_ms(500);
-        }
-        // in a loop, print all characters received
-        // if the device is disconnected, we try to connect it again
-        while (true) {
-            DBG("line:%d\r\n", __LINE__);
-            // if device disconnected, try to connect it again
-            if (!usb_ser.connected()) {
-                break;
-            }
-            // print characters received
-            while (usb_ser.available()) {
-                pc.printf("%c", usb_ser.getc());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void tsk_2(void const *args)
-    while(true) {
-        led_green0 = LEDON;
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(1500);
-        led_green0 = LEDOFF;
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(1500);
-    }
-void tsk_3(void const *args)
-    while(true) {
-        led_green1 = LEDON;
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(2000);
-        led_green1 = LEDOFF;
-        ThisThread::sleep_for(2000);
-    }
-void goto_standby(void)
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(0x7fffffff);    // sleep 24 days