Text console library for ST7032 text LCD controller over I2C interface.

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00001 // ==================================================== Mar 18 2015, kayeks ==
00002 // TextLCD_ST7032I2C.h
00003 // ===========================================================================
00004 // Text console library for ST7032 text LCD controller over I2C interface.
00006 #ifndef TEXTLCD_ST7032I2C_H_
00007 #define TEXTLCD_ST7032I2C_H_
00009 #include "mbed.h"
00011 #define MIN(x, y)  ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
00013 /** Text console library for ST7032 text LCD controller over I2C interface. */
00014 class TextLCD_ST7032I2C : public Stream {
00015 public:
00016     /** Bias select: 1/4 or 1/5. */
00017     enum Bias {
00018         Bias1_4    /** 1/4 bias */
00019         , Bias1_5  /** 1/5 bias */
00020     };
00022     const static uint8_t CLEAR_DISPLAY                   = 0x01;
00023     const static uint8_t RETURN_HOME                     = 0x02;
00024     const static uint8_t ENTRY_MODE_DECR_NO_SHIFT        = 0x04;
00025     const static uint8_t ENTRY_MODE_DECR_SHIFT           = 0x05;
00026     const static uint8_t ENTRY_MODE_INCR_NO_SHIFT        = 0x06;
00027     const static uint8_t ENTRY_MODE_INCR_SHIFT           = 0x07;
00028     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_OFF_CURSOR_OFF_POS_OFF  = 0x08;
00029     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_OFF_CURSOR_OFF_POS_ON   = 0x09;
00030     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_OFF_CURSOR_ON_POS_OFF   = 0x0a;
00031     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_OFF_CURSOR_ON_POS_ON    = 0x0b;
00032     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_OFF_POS_OFF   = 0x0c;
00033     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_OFF_POS_ON    = 0x0d;
00034     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_ON_POS_OFF    = 0x0e;
00035     const static uint8_t DISPLAY_ON_CURSOR_ON_POS_ON     = 0x0f;
00036     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_1LINE_7DOT_IS0      = 0x20;
00037     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_1LINE_7DOT_IS1      = 0x21;
00038     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_1LINE_11DOT_IS0     = 0x24;
00039     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_1LINE_11DOT_IS1     = 0x25;
00040     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_2LINE_7DOT_IS0      = 0x28;
00041     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_2LINE_7DOT_IS1      = 0x29;
00042     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_2LINE_11DOT_IS0     = 0x2c;
00043     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_4B_2LINE_11DOT_IS1     = 0x2d;
00044     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_1LINE_7DOT_IS0      = 0x30;
00045     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_1LINE_7DOT_IS1      = 0x31;
00046     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_1LINE_11DOT_IS0     = 0x34;
00047     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_1LINE_11DOT_IS1     = 0x35;
00048     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_2LINE_7DOT_IS0      = 0x38;
00049     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_2LINE_7DOT_IS1      = 0x39;
00050     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_2LINE_11DOT_IS0     = 0x3c;
00051     const static uint8_t FUNCTION_8B_2LINE_11DOT_IS1     = 0x3d;
00052     const static uint8_t DDRAM                           = 0x80;
00053     const static uint8_t IS0_LEFT_MOVE                   = 0x10;
00054     const static uint8_t IS0_LEFT_SHIFT                  = 0x14;
00055     const static uint8_t IS0_RIGHT_MOVE                  = 0x18;
00056     const static uint8_t IS0_RIGHT_SHIFT                 = 0x1c;
00057     const static uint8_t IS0_CGRAM                       = 0x40;
00058     const static uint8_t IS1_BIAS5_OSC                   = 0x10;
00059     const static uint8_t IS1_BIAS4_OSC                   = 0x18;
00060     const static uint8_t IS1_ICON_ADDR                   = 0x40;
00061     const static uint8_t IS1_ICON_OFF_BOOST_OFF_CONTRAST = 0x50;
00062     const static uint8_t IS1_ICON_OFF_BOOST_ON_CONTRAST  = 0x54;
00063     const static uint8_t IS1_ICON_ON_BOOST_OFF_CONTRAST  = 0x58;
00064     const static uint8_t IS1_ICON_ON_BOOST_ON_CONTRAST   = 0x5c;
00065     const static uint8_t IS1_FOLLOWER_OFF_RAB            = 0x60;
00066     const static uint8_t IS1_FOLLOWER_ON_RAB             = 0x68;
00067     const static uint8_t IS1_CONTRAST                    = 0x70;
00069 private:
00070     uint8_t**  _lineBuffer;
00071     uint8_t    _column, _row;
00072     uint8_t    _columns, _rows;
00073     uint8_t    _address;
00074     uint8_t    _osc, _rab, _contrast;
00075     Bias       _bias;
00076     I2C        _i2c;
00078 public:
00079     /** Constructor of class TextLCD_ST7032I2C.
00080      * @param sda      I2C SPI data output (MOSI) pin.
00081      * @param scl      SPI clock output (SCK) pin.
00082      * @param address  I2C address of the LCD device.
00083      * @param columns  Number of characters in a row.
00084      * @param rows     Number of rows.
00085      */
00086     TextLCD_ST7032I2C(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t address,
00087                       uint8_t columns, uint8_t rows);
00089     /** Destructor of class TextLCD_ST7032I2C. */
00090     virtual ~TextLCD_ST7032I2C();
00092     /** Hit hardware reset pin. */
00093     void reset();
00095     /** Initialize controller.
00096      * @param osc       Oscillator configuration (0..7).
00097      * @param rab       Rab value setting (0..7).
00098      * @param contrast  Contrast setting (0..63).
00099      * @param bias      Bias configuration for your LCD.
00100      */
00101     void init(uint8_t osc, uint8_t rab, uint8_t contrast, Bias bias);
00103     /** Clear display and set cursor to home. */    
00104     void cls();
00106     /** Set cursor position for next character.
00107      * @param column  Column position indexed from 0.
00108      * @param row     Row position indexed from 0.
00109      */
00110     void locate(uint8_t column, uint8_t row);
00112     /** Enable icon display. */
00113     void iconOn();
00115     /** Disable icon display. */
00116     void iconOff();
00118     /** Set icon display pattern.
00119      * @param iconAddr  Icon address (0x00..0x0f).
00120      * @param bits      Icon bit pattern (0x00..0x1f).
00121      */
00122     void setIcon(uint8_t iconAddr, uint8_t bits);
00124 private:
00125     /** Implementation of putc from Stream class. */
00126     virtual int _putc(int c);
00128     /** Implementation of getc from Stream class. */
00129     virtual int _getc();
00131     /** Shift up the lower line for scrolling. */
00132     void shiftUp();
00134     /** Clear entire display. */
00135     void clear();
00137     /** Set instruction set to 0. */
00138     void is0();
00140     /** Set instruction set to 1. */
00141     void is1();
00143     /** Write a command byte for LCD controller.
00144      * @param c  The command byte.
00145      */
00146     void command(uint8_t c);
00148     /** Write a data byte for LCD controller.
00149      * @param d  The data byte.
00150      */
00151     void data(uint8_t d);
00152 };
00154 #endif