Kate Barnes
Free-lance musician by profession, hardware hacker by hobby. Mostly experienced with Atmel Atmega programming in C (non-Arduino).
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Kate’s public repositories
Mbed 2 deprecated
Receives text from a Android or other Bluetooth terminal and displays it on a 4-line HD4480-compatible text LCD. Uses an STM32F407VE "Black Pill" development board.
Black PillLast updated: 15 Oct 2018 1 16 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
There are many examples on MBED for ST7735 controlled LCDs, but they're mostly for the AdaFruit LCD. This is a working example of the library used for the cheap-as-dirt KMR-1.8 …
Black-Pill, KMR-1.8, ST7735, STM32F407Last updated: 28 Sep 2018 1 67