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BusIn Class Reference

BusIn Class Reference

BusIn is used to create a number of DigitalIn pins that can be read as one value. More...

#include <BusIn.h>

Inherits CPPToPigpio::CPPToPigpio.

Public Member Functions

 BusIn (PinName p0, PinName p1=NC, PinName p2=NC, PinName p3=NC, PinName p4=NC, PinName p5=NC, PinName p6=NC, PinName p7=NC, PinName p8=NC, PinName p9=NC, PinName p10=NC, PinName p11=NC, PinName p12=NC, PinName p13=NC, PinName p14=NC, PinName p15=NC)
 Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.
 BusIn (int p0, int p1=-1, int p2=-1, int p3=-1, int p4=-1, int p5=-1, int p6=-1, int p7=-1, int p8=-1, int p9=-1, int p10=-1, int p11=-1, int p12=-1, int p13=-1, int p14=-1, int p15=-1)
 Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.
 BusIn (int busSize, PinName pinNames[16])
 Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.
 BusIn (int busSize, int pinNames[16])
 Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.
int read ()
 Read value of input pins.
void mode (PinMode pull)
 Sets the input pin mode for all pins in the bus.
 operator int ()
 A shorthand for read()
DigitalInoperator[] (int index)
 Access to particular bit in random-iterator fashion.
long long mask ()
 Binary mask of bus pins connected to actual pins (not NC pins) If bus pin is in NC state make corresponding bit will be cleared (set to 0), else bit will be set to 1.
 ~BusIn ()
 Desconstructor for object.

Detailed Description

BusIn is used to create a number of DigitalIn pins that can be read as one value.

Definition at line 9 of file BusIn.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BusIn ( PinName  p0,
PinName  p1 = NC,
PinName  p2 = NC,
PinName  p3 = NC,
PinName  p4 = NC,
PinName  p5 = NC,
PinName  p6 = NC,
PinName  p7 = NC,
PinName  p8 = NC,
PinName  p9 = NC,
PinName  p10 = NC,
PinName  p11 = NC,
PinName  p12 = NC,
PinName  p13 = NC,
PinName  p14 = NC,
PinName  p15 = NC 

Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.

p0DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p1DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p2DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p4DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p5DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p6DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p7DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p8DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p9DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p10DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p11DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p12DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p13DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p14DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p15DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit

Definition at line 5 of file BusIn.cc.

BusIn ( int  p0,
int  p1 = -1,
int  p2 = -1,
int  p3 = -1,
int  p4 = -1,
int  p5 = -1,
int  p6 = -1,
int  p7 = -1,
int  p8 = -1,
int  p9 = -1,
int  p10 = -1,
int  p11 = -1,
int  p12 = -1,
int  p13 = -1,
int  p14 = -1,
int  p15 = -1 

Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.

p0DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p1DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p2DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p4DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p5DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p6DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p7DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p8DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p9DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p10DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p11DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p12DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p13DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p14DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit
p15DigitalIn pin to connect to bus bit

Definition at line 48 of file BusIn.cc.

BusIn ( int  busSize,
PinName  pinNames[16] 

Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.

numberof pins specified
arrayof pins to connect to bus

Definition at line 93 of file BusIn.cc.

BusIn ( int  busSize,
int  pinNames[16] 

Creates a BusIn, connected to the specific pins.

numberof pins specified
arrayof pins to connect to bus

Definition at line 104 of file BusIn.cc.

~BusIn (  )

Desconstructor for object.

Definition at line 172 of file BusIn.cc.

Member Function Documentation

long long mask (  )

Binary mask of bus pins connected to actual pins (not NC pins) If bus pin is in NC state make corresponding bit will be cleared (set to 0), else bit will be set to 1.

Binary mask of connected pins

Definition at line 160 of file BusIn.cc.

void mode ( PinMode  pull )

Sets the input pin mode for all pins in the bus.

pullPullUp, PullDown, PullNone

Definition at line 128 of file BusIn.cc.

operator int (  )

A shorthand for read()

See also:

Definition at line 148 of file BusIn.cc.

DigitalIn & operator[] ( int  index )

Access to particular bit in random-iterator fashion.

indexor position of bit

Definition at line 153 of file BusIn.cc.

int read (  )

Read value of input pins.

An integer with each bit corresponding to the value read from the associated DigitalIn pin

Definition at line 115 of file BusIn.cc.