Dependencies:   Cayenne-MQTT-mbed Servo nfc X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1v2 NetworkSocketAPI 13

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Wed Sep 18 15:00:53 2019 +0000
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Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 7b3b429e9731 -r c5aab7546de9 Servo.lib
--- a/Servo.lib	Sat Sep 07 08:57:23 2019 +0000
+++ b/Servo.lib	Wed Sep 18 15:00:53 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 7b3b429e9731 -r c5aab7546de9 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Sep 07 08:57:23 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 18 15:00:53 2019 +0000
@@ -7,138 +7,81 @@
 #include "XNucleoNFC01A1.h" // modul nfc
 #include "NDefLib/NDefNfcTag.h"
 #include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordURI.h"
-#include "Servo.h"
+#include "Servo.h"                                                                                           //biblioteka z funkcjami mbed
+#include "XNucleoIKS01A2.h"                                                                                     //biblioteka ze sterownikiem plytki wykonującej pomiary (IKS)
+#include "XNucleoNFC01A1.h"                                                                                     //biblioteka ze sterownikiem plytki NFC
+#include "NDefLib/NDefNfcTag.h"                                                                                 //biblioteka z funkcjami plytki NFC - nadawanie tagu NFC
+#include "NDefLib/RecordType/RecordText.h"
 /* Instantiate the expansion board */
 static XNucleoIKS01A2 *mems_expansion_board = XNucleoIKS01A2::instance(D14, D15, D4, D5);
+    //instance the board with the default paramiters
+I2C i2cChannel(XNucleoNFC01A1::DEFAULT_SDA_PIN,XNucleoNFC01A1::DEFAULT_SDL_PIN);                            
+XNucleoNFC01A1 *nfcNucleo = XNucleoNFC01A1::instance(i2cChannel);
 /* Retrieve the composing elements of the expansion board */
 static HTS221Sensor *hum_temp = mems_expansion_board->ht_sensor;
 static LPS22HBSensor *press_temp = mems_expansion_board->pt_sensor;
+NDefLib::Message msg;
 // Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
 char* username = "68880f30-7425-11e9-beb3-736c9e4bf7d0";
 char* password = "19f07b4d8806fe42bdda724980634f39d8e639ba";
 char* clientID = "bb8e7cc0-74b9-11e9-94e9-493d67fd755e";
-AnalogIn ain(A0); 
+AnalogIn ain(A0); //pin do pomiaru napiecia
 DigitalOut myLed(LED2);
-Servo myservo(PA_6);
-DigitalOut actuatorPin2(PA_7);
-float voltageMultiplier = 5.0;
-int publishInterval = 1000;
+Servo myservo(PA_6); // pin do sterowania serwo
+bool manualControl = false; // reczne sterowanie
+// DigitalOut actuatorPin2(PA_7); 
+float voltageMultiplier = 1.0; // mnoznik do wyskalowania odczytu napiecia z pinu A0
+int publishInterval = 1000; // co ile publikowac dane na cayenne
+float voltageChangeLevel = 1.5; // napiecie powyzej ktorego ma poruszyc serwo
-// WiFi network info.
+// dane do WiFi.
 char* ssid = "Interneto";
 char* wifiPassword = "matu1234";
-// /* Helper function for printing floats & doubles */
-// static char *print_double(char* str, double v, int decimalDigits=2)
-// {
-//   int i = 1;
-//   int intPart, fractPart;
-//   int len;
-//   char *ptr;
-//   /* prepare decimal digits multiplicator */
-//   for (;decimalDigits!=0; i*=10, decimalDigits--);
-//   /* calculate integer & fractinal parts */
-//   intPart = (int)v;
-//   fractPart = (int)((v-(double)(int)v)*i);
-//   /* fill in integer part */
-//   sprintf(str, "%i.", intPart);
-//   /* prepare fill in of fractional part */
-//   len = strlen(str);
-//   ptr = &str[len];
-//   /* fill in leading fractional zeros */
-//   for (i/=10;i>1; i/=10, ptr++) {
-//     if (fractPart >= i) {
-//       break;
-//     }
-//     *ptr = '0';
-//   }
-//   /* fill in (rest of) fractional part */
-//   sprintf(ptr, "%i", fractPart);
-//   return str;
-// }
- * Write a Ndef URI message linking to st.com site.
- * Write an NDef message with a Uri record linking the st.com site
- * @param nfcNucleo expansion board where write the NDef message
- */ 
 SpwfSAInterface interface(D8, D2); // TX, RX
 MQTTNetwork<SpwfSAInterface> network(interface);
 CayenneMQTT::MQTTClient<MQTTNetwork<SpwfSAInterface>, MQTTTimer> mqttClient(network, username, password, clientID);
-* Print the message info.
-* @param[in] message The message received from the Cayenne server.
-void outputMessage(CayenneMQTT::MessageData& message)
-    switch (message.topic)  {
-    case COMMAND_TOPIC:
-        printf("topic=Command");
-        break;
-    case CONFIG_TOPIC:
-        printf("topic=Config");
-        break;
-    default:
-        printf("topic=%d", message.topic);
-        break;
-    }
-    printf(" channel=%d", message.channel);
-    if (message.clientID) {
-        printf(" clientID=%s", message.clientID);
-    }
-    if (message.type) {
-        printf(" type=%s", message.type);
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < message.valueCount; ++i) {
-        if (message.getValue(i)) {
-            printf(" value=%s", message.getValue(i));
-        }
-        if (message.getUnit(i)) {
-            printf(" unit=%s", message.getUnit(i));
-        }
-    }
-    if (message.id) {
-        printf(" id=%s", message.id);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-* Handle messages received from the Cayenne server.
-* @param[in] message The message received from the Cayenne server.
 void messageArrived(CayenneMQTT::MessageData& message)
     int error = 0;
-    // Add code to process the message. Here we just ouput the message data.
-    outputMessage(message);
     if (message.topic == COMMAND_TOPIC) {
         switch(message.channel) {
         case 4:
             // Set the onboard LED state & actuator PIN
             myLed = atoi(message.getValue());
-            myservo = myservo <= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.05;
-            actuatorPin2 = atoi(message.getValue());
+            myservo = myservo <= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.1;
+            // actuatorPin2 = atoi(message.getValue());
             // Publish the updated LED state
             if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, message.channel, NULL, NULL, message.getValue())) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
                 printf("Publish LED state failure, error: %d\n", error);
+        case 6:
+            // ustaw prog napiecia do wywolaniaobrotu serwa
+            voltageChangeLevel = atof(message.getValue());
+            // Publish the updated LED state
+            if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, message.channel, NULL, NULL, message.getValue())) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
+                printf("Publish LED state failure, error: %d\n", error);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            // przelacz manualne sterowanie
+            manualControl = manualControl ? false : true;
+            // Publish the updated LED state
+            if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, message.channel, NULL, NULL, manualControl ? 1 : 0)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
+                printf("Take manual control: %d\n", error);
+            }
+            break;
+          }
         // If this is a command message we publish a response. Here we are just sending a default 'OK' response.
@@ -146,9 +89,9 @@
         if ((error = mqttClient.publishResponse(message.id, NULL, message.clientID)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
             printf("Response failure, error: %d\n", error);
-    }
 * Connect to the Cayenne server.
 * @return Returns CAYENNE_SUCCESS if the connection succeeds, or an error code otherwise.
@@ -184,24 +127,49 @@
     return CAYENNE_SUCCESS;
-* Main loop where MQTT code is run.
+static void write_message(XNucleoNFC01A1 *nfcNucleo,NDefLib::Message &msg){                                     //funkcja uruchamiajaca proces tworzenia tagu NFC                    
+    NDefLib::NDefNfcTag& tag = nfcNucleo->get_M24SR().get_NDef_tag();
+    //open the i2c session with the nfc chip
+    if(tag.open_session()){
+        printf("Session opened\r\n");
+        nfcNucleo->get_led1()=! nfcNucleo->get_led1();                                                          //zapala led1 przy przesylaniu danych przez I2C
+        //write the tag
+        if(tag.write(msg)){
+            printf("message wrote\r\n");
+            nfcNucleo->get_led2()=!nfcNucleo->get_led2();                                                       //zapala led2 przy tworzeniu tagu NFC
+        }//if
+        //close the i2c session
+        if(tag.close_session()){
+            printf("Session closed\r\n");
+            nfcNucleo->get_led3()=!nfcNucleo->get_led3();                                                       //zapala led2 przy zakonczeniu przesylu danych przez I2C
+        }
+    }//if open session
 void loop(void)
-    // Start the countdown timer for publishing data every 5 seconds. Change the timeout parameter to publish at a different interval.
+    float voltage_read = 0;
+    NDefLib::RecordURI rUri(NDefLib::RecordURI::HTTPS,"cayenne.mydevices.com/shared/5d7376a3a4b14e4ee5849b49");
+    msg.add_record(&rUri);
+    // timer do publikacji wiadomosci mqtt
     MQTTTimer timer(publishInterval);
     while (true) {
-        // Yield to allow MQTT message processing.
+        // wyslij wiadomosc z adresem panelu sterowania przez NFC
+        write_message(nfcNucleo,msg);
-        // Check that we are still connected, if not, reconnect.
+        // sprawdz polaczenie z siecia i klientem mqtt, jesli brak sprobuj polaczyc ponownie
         if (!network.connected() || !mqttClient.connected()) {
-            network.disconnect();
+            //network.disconnect();
             while (connectClient() != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
-                wait(3);
+                wait(2);
@@ -218,15 +186,15 @@
             // press_temp->get_temperature(&value1);
             // printf("LPS22HB: [temp] %7s C, [press] %s mbar\r\n", print_double(buffer1, value1), print_double(buffer2, value2));
-            float voltage_read = ain.read() * voltageMultiplier;
-            if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, 1, TYPE_TEMPERATURE, UNIT_CELSIUS, value1)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
+            voltage_read = ain.read() * voltageMultiplier;
+            if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, 1, TYPE_TEMPERATURE, UNIT_CELSIUS, value1 - 3)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
                 printf("Publish temperature failed, error: %d\n", error);
@@ -237,6 +205,10 @@
             if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, 3, TYPE_VOLTAGE, UNIT_VOLTS, voltage_read)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
                 printf("Publish voltage failed, error: %d\n", error);
+            if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, 6, TYPE_VOLTAGE, UNIT_VOLTS, voltageChangeLevel)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
+                printf("Publish voltage change level failed, error: %d\n", error);
+            }
             if ((error = mqttClient.publishData(DATA_TOPIC, 2, TYPE_BAROMETRIC_PRESSURE, UNIT_HECTOPASCAL, value2)) != CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
                 printf("Publish barometric pressure failed, error: %d\n", error);
@@ -244,29 +216,32 @@
             // Restart the countdown timer for publishing data every 2 seconds. Change the timeout parameter to publish at a different interval.
+      // jesli przekroczono ustawione napiecie o 5%, to zmien stan serwa
+      if(!manualControl & voltage_read > voltageChangeLevel*1.05f)
+      {
+          // zmien pozycję serwa na pozycje otwartą
+          myservo = 0.5;
+      } else if(!manualControl & voltage_read < voltageChangeLevel*0.95f) // jesli napiecie spadlo ponizej 95% ustalonego napiecia, zmien stan serwa
+      {
+          myservo = -0.1;
+        }
-* Main function.
 int main()
     myLed = 0;
+    myservo = -0.1;
-    actuatorPin2 = 0;
     interface.connect(ssid, wifiPassword, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA2);
-    // Set the default function that receives Cayenne messages.
     // Connect to Cayenne.
     if (connectClient() == CAYENNE_SUCCESS) {
         // Run main loop.
     if (mqttClient.connected())