
Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:2e5b82508aea:

    April 8, 2010
    by: Jim Lindblom
    Ported to mbed and modified by A.Buckton, 16 Feb 2011

#ifndef MPR121_H
#define MPR121_H

//using namespace std;

class Mpr121 

    // i2c Addresses, bit-shifted
    enum Address { ADD_VSS = 0xb4,// ADD->VSS = 0x5a <-wiring on Sparkfun board
                   ADD_VDD = 0xb6,// ADD->VDD = 0x5b
                   ADD_SCL = 0xb8,// ADD->SDA = 0x5c
                   ADD_SDA = 0xba // ADD->SCL = 0x5d

    // Real initialiser, takes the i2c address of the device.
    Mpr121(I2C *i2c, Address i2cAddress);
    bool getProximityMode();
    void setProximityMode(bool mode);
    int readTouchData();
    unsigned char read(int key);
    int write(int address, unsigned char value);
    int writeMany(int start, unsigned char* dataSet, int length);

    void setElectrodeThreshold(int electrodeId, unsigned char touchThreshold, unsigned char releaseThreshold);
    // Configures the MPR with standard settings. This is permitted to be overwritten by sub-classes.
    void configureSettings();
    // The I2C bus instance.
    I2C *i2c;

    // i2c address of this mpr121
    Address address;

// MPR121 Register Defines
#define    MHD_R        0x2B
#define    NHD_R        0x2C
#define    NCL_R        0x2D
#define    FDL_R        0x2E
#define    MHD_F        0x2F
#define    NHD_F        0x30
#define    NCL_F        0x31
#define    FDL_F        0x32
#define    NHDT         0x33
#define    NCLT         0x34
#define    FDLT         0x35
// Proximity sensing controls
#define    MHDPROXR     0x36
#define    NHDPROXR     0x37
#define    NCLPROXR     0x38
#define    FDLPROXR     0x39
#define    MHDPROXF     0x3A
#define    NHDPROXF     0x3B
#define    NCLPROXF     0x3C
#define    FDLPROXF     0x3D
#define    NHDPROXT     0x3E
#define    NCLPROXT     0x3F
#define    FDLPROXT     0x40
// Electrode Touch/Release thresholds
#define    ELE0_T       0x41
#define    ELE0_R       0x42
#define    ELE1_T       0x43
#define    ELE1_R       0x44
#define    ELE2_T       0x45
#define    ELE2_R       0x46
#define    ELE3_T       0x47
#define    ELE3_R       0x48
#define    ELE4_T       0x49
#define    ELE4_R       0x4A
#define    ELE5_T       0x4B
#define    ELE5_R       0x4C
#define    ELE6_T       0x4D
#define    ELE6_R       0x4E
#define    ELE7_T       0x4F
#define    ELE7_R       0x50
#define    ELE8_T       0x51
#define    ELE8_R       0x52
#define    ELE9_T       0x53
#define    ELE9_R       0x54
#define    ELE10_T      0x55
#define    ELE10_R      0x56
#define    ELE11_T      0x57
#define    ELE11_R      0x58
// Proximity Touch/Release thresholds
#define    EPROXTTH     0x59
#define    EPROXRTH     0x5A
// Debounce configuration
#define    DEB_CFG      0x5B
// AFE- Analogue Front End configuration
#define    AFE_CFG      0x5C 
// Filter configuration
#define    FIL_CFG      0x5D
// Electrode configuration - transistions to "active mode"
#define    ELE_CFG      0x5E

#define GPIO_CTRL0      0x73
#define GPIO_CTRL1      0x74
#define GPIO_DATA       0x75
#define    GPIO_DIR     0x76
#define    GPIO_EN      0x77
#define    GPIO_SET     0x78
#define GPIO_CLEAR      0x79
#define GPIO_TOGGLE     0x7A
// Auto configration registers
#define    AUTO_CFG_0   0x7B
#define    AUTO_CFG_U   0x7D
#define    AUTO_CFG_L   0x7E
#define    AUTO_CFG_T   0x7F

// Threshold defaults
// Electrode touch threshold
#define    E_THR_T      0x0F   
// Electrode release threshold 
#define    E_THR_R      0x0A    
// Prox touch threshold
#define    PROX_THR_T   0x02
// Prox release threshold
#define    PROX_THR_R   0x02
