with pid foward right left foward

Dependencies:   wheelchaircontrolRosCom

Fork of wheelchaircontrolrealtime by ryan lin

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00001 #include "wheelchair.h"
00003 QEI wheel(D0, D1, NC, 1200);        //Initializes right encoder
00004 DigitalIn pt3(D1, PullUp);          //Pull up resistors to read analog signals into digital signals
00005 DigitalIn pt4(D0, PullUp);
00007 QEI wheelS (D3, D6, NC, 1200);    //Initializes Left encoder
00008 DigitalIn pt1(D3, PullUp);          //Pull up resistors to read analog signals into digital signals
00009 DigitalIn pt2(D6, PullUp);
00011 AnalogIn x(A0);                     //Initializes analog axis for the joystick
00012 AnalogIn y(A1);
00014 DigitalOut up(D2);                  //Turn up speed mode for joystick 
00015 DigitalOut down(D8);                //Turn down speed mode for joystick 
00016 DigitalOut on(D12);                 //Turn Wheelchair On
00017 DigitalOut off(D11);                //Turn Wheelchair Off
00018 bool manual = false;                //Turns chair joystic to automatic and viceverza
00020 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 57600);     //Serial Monitor
00022 Timer t;                            //Initialize time object t
00023 EventQueue queue;                   //Class to organize threads
00025 ros::NodeHandle nh;
00026 nav_msgs::Odometry odom;
00027 geometry_msgs::Twist commandRead;
00029 void handlerFunction(const geometry_msgs::Twist& command){
00030     commandRead = command;
00031 }
00033 ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> sub("cmd_vel", &handlerFunction);
00034 ros::Publisher chatter("odom", &odom);
00035 ros::Publisher chatter2("cmd_vel", &commandRead);
00037 Wheelchair smart(xDir,yDir, &pc, &t, &wheel, &wheelS); //Initialize wheelchair object
00038 Thread compass;                      //Thread for compass
00039 Thread velosity;                      //Thread for velosity
00040 Thread ros_com;                      //Thread for velosity
00042 void rosCom_thread()
00043 {
00044         odom.pose.pose.position.x = smart.x_position;
00045         odom.pose.pose.position.y = smart.y_position;
00046         odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0;
00047         //set the orientation
00048         odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = smart.z_angular;
00049         odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
00050         odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
00051         odom.twist.twist.linear.x = smart.curr_vel;
00052         odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0;
00053         odom.twist.twist.linear.z = 0;
00054         odom.twist.twist.angular.x = 0;
00055         odom.twist.twist.angular.y = 0;
00056         odom.twist.twist.angular.z = smart.getTwistZ();
00057         chatter.publish(&odom);
00058         chatter2.publish(&commandRead);
00059         nh.spinOnce();
00060 }    
00061 int main(void)
00062 {   
00063     nh.initNode();
00064     nh.advertise(chatter);
00065     nh.advertise(chatter2);
00066     nh.subscribe(sub);
00068     queue.call_every(SAMPLEFREQ, &smart, &Wheelchair::compass_thread);  //Sets up sampling frequency of the compass_thread
00069     queue.call_every(SAMPLEFREQ, &smart, &Wheelchair::velosity_thread); //Sets up sampling frequency of the velosity_thread
00070     queue.call_every(200, rosCom_thread); //Sets up sampling frequency of the velosity_thread
00071     t.reset();
00072     compass.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));      //Starts running the compass thread
00073     velosity.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));     //Starts running the velosity thread
00074     ros_com.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));     //Starts running the velosity thread
00075     while(1) {
00076         if( pc.readable()) {
00077             char c = pc.getc();                                         //Read the instruction sent
00078             if( c == 'w') {
00079                 smart.forward();                                        //Move foward
00080             }
00081             else if( c == 'a') {
00082                 smart.left();                                           //Turn left
00083             }
00084             else if( c == 'd') {
00085                 smart.right();                                          //Turn right
00086             }
00087             else if( c == 's') {
00088                 smart.backward();                                       //Turn rackwards
00089             }
00091             else if( c == 't') {                                        
00092                 smart.pid_twistA();
00093                 /*
00094                 char buffer[256];                                       //Buffer for Angle to turn                
00095                 pc.printf ("Enter a long number: ");  
00096                 int angle = 0;
00098                 //if you can not send a string        
00099                 char d = pc.getc();                                     //Reads wether to turn right or left
00100                 if(d == 'r')
00101                 {
00102                      angle = 90;
00103                 }                
00104                 if(d == 'l')
00105                 {
00106                      angle = -90;
00107                 }
00109                 //if you can send a string
00110                 /*
00111                 fgets (buffer, 256, stdin);                             //Reads string and puts it in a buffer
00112                 angle = atoi(buffer);                                   //Converst string into integer
00113                 */
00114                 /*
00115                 if(angle == 0) {
00116                     pc.printf("invalid input try again\r\n");           
00117                 } else {
00118                     smart.pid_turn(angle);                              //Sends instruction to turn desired angle
00119                 }*/
00120             } else if(c == 'v'){
00121                 smart.showOdom();
00122             } else if(c == 'o') {                                       //Turns on chair
00123                 pc.printf("turning on\r\n");
00124                 on = 1;
00125                 wait(1);
00126                 on = 0;
00127             } else if(c == 'f') {                                       //Turns off chair
00128                 pc.printf("turning off\r\n");
00129                 off = 1;
00130                 wait(1);
00131                 off = 0;
00133             } else if(c == 'k'){                                        //Sends command to go to the kitchen
00134                 smart.pid_twistV();
00135             } else if( c == 'm' || manual) {                            //Turns wheelchair to joystick
00136                 pc.printf("turning on joystick\r\n");
00137                 manual = true;
00138                 t.reset();
00139                 while(manual) {
00140                     smart.move(x,y);                                    //Reads from joystick and moves
00141                     if( pc.readable()) {
00142                         char d = pc.getc();
00143                         if( d == 'm') {                                 //Turns wheelchair from joystick into auto
00144                             pc.printf("turning off joystick\r\n");
00145                             manual = false;
00146                         }
00147                     }
00148                 }   
00149             }  else {
00150                     pc.printf("none \r\n");
00151                     smart.stop();                                      //If nothing else is happening stop the chair
00152             }
00153         }
00154         else {
00155             smart.stop();                                              //If nothing else is happening stop the chair
00156         }
00158         wait(process);
00159     }
00160 }