tone function Library

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00001 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 #include "pwm_tone.h"
00004 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
00005 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
00006 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
00007 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
00008 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
00010 /**
00011    * @brief     Tune Function
00012    * @param  name : Choose the PwmOut
00013                     period : this param is tune value. (C_3...B_5)
00014                     beat : this param is beat value. (1..16) 1 means 1/16 beat
00015    * @retval    None
00016    */
00017 void Tune(PwmOut name, int period, int beat)
00018 {  
00019     int delay;
00021     delay = beat*63;
00022     name.period_us(period);
00023     name.write(0.50f); // 50% duty cycle
00024     wait_ms(delay); // 1 beat
00025     name.period_us(0); // Sound off
00026 }
00028 /**
00029    * @brief     Auto tunes Function
00030    * @param  name : Choose the PwmOut
00031                     period : this param is tune value. (C_3...B_5)
00032                     beat : this param is beat value. (1..16) 1 means 1/16 beat
00033    * @retval    None
00034    */
00035 void Auto_tunes(PwmOut name, int period, int beat)
00036 {    
00037     int delay;
00039     delay = beat*63;
00040     name.period_us(period);
00041     name.write(0.50f); // 50% duty cycle
00042     wait_ms(delay);
00043 }
00045 /**
00046    * @brief     Stop tunes Function
00047    * @param  name : Choose the PwmOut
00048    * @retval    None
00049    */
00050 void Stop_tunes(PwmOut name)
00051 {
00052     name.period_us(0);
00053 }