A simple example for analog input and EPD usage.

Dependencies:   GDEP015OC1 acn_nrf52_saadc aconno_bsp

Fork of acd52832_3_Analog_In by aconno dev team

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jun 30 11:45:56 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jul 04 17:55:04 2017 +0000
@@ -10,17 +10,28 @@
 #include "GDEP015OC1.h"
 #include "pictures.h"
-#define DEBUG                   (1)
-#define ADC_MAX_VALUE           (4092)
+#define DEBUG                   (0)
+#define ADC_MAX_VALUE           (4095)
 #define ADC_REF_VOLTAGE         (3.6)
 #define VOLTAGE_DIVIDER_RATION  (130.0/30)
 #define CURRENT_FACTOR          (36.0)
-#define BATTERY_MAX_V           (14.0)
+#define BATTERY_MAX_V           (12.8)
 #define BATTERY_MIN_V           (12.0)
-#define BATTERY_STEP            (0.4) 
-#define LOW_QUICK_CURRENT       (0.5)
+#define BATTERY_STEP            (0.2) 
+#define QUICK_CURRENT           (float)(0.8)
+#define LOW_CURRENT             (float)(0.4)
+#define NO_CURRENT              (float)(0.01)
+#define NUM_OF_MEASUREMENTS     (20)
+#define NO_CURRENT_STATE        (0)
+#define LOW_CURRENT_STATE       (1)
+#define QUICK_CURRENT_STATE     (2)
+#define _BS_5                   (5)
+#define _BS_4                   (4)
+#define _BS_3                   (3)
+#define _BS_2                   (2)
+#define _BS_1                   (1)
+#define _BS_E                   (0)
@@ -29,109 +40,194 @@
 AnalogIn  usb1      (p29);
 AnalogIn  usb2      (p30);
+uint8_t get_battery_level(float battery_voltage){
+     if(battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP){
+                return _BS_5;
+        }
+        else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 2) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 1)){
+                return _BS_4;
+        }
+        else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 3) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 2)){
+                return _BS_3;
+        }
+        else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 4) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 3)){
+                return _BS_2;
+        }
+        else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 5) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 4)){
+                return _BS_1;
+        }
+        else if(battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 5){
+                return _BS_E;
+        }
+    return 0;
+uint8_t get_current_level(float current_value, uint8_t usb_state){
+    if(current_value < NO_CURRENT)
+        return NO_CURRENT_STATE;
+    else if(current_value > NO_CURRENT && current_value < LOW_CURRENT)
+        return LOW_CURRENT_STATE;
+    else if(current_value > LOW_CURRENT && current_value < QUICK_CURRENT){
+        // Determine current charger state depends on previous state
+        if(usb_state == LOW_CURRENT_STATE)
+            return LOW_CURRENT_STATE;
+        else if(usb_state == QUICK_CURRENT_STATE)
+            return QUICK_CURRENT_STATE;
+    }
+    else if(current_value > QUICK_CURRENT)
+        return QUICK_CURRENT_STATE;
+    return NO_CURRENT_STATE;
 int main(){
-    char buffer[25] = {0};
     char low_string[25] = "LOW";
     char quick_string[25] = "QUICK";
     float adc1_mean=0, adc2_mean=0, adc3_mean=0;
     float battery_voltage = 0;
     float usb1_current = 0, usb2_current = 0;
     int count = 0;
+    uint8_t battery_level = 0;
+    uint8_t old_battery_level;
+    uint8_t usb1_current_state = 0, usb2_current_state = 0;
+    uint8_t usb1_old_state = 0, usb2_old_state = 0;
+    uint8_t change_flag = 1;
+    #if DEBUG
+        char buffer[25] = {0};
+    #endif
     NRF_SAADC->RESOLUTION = 0x00000002;             // Set 12b resolution
         adc1_mean += battery.read_u16();
         adc2_mean += usb1.read_u16();
         adc3_mean += usb2.read_u16();
         count ++;
-        if (count == 10){
-            adc1_mean /= 10;
-            adc2_mean /= 10;
-            adc3_mean /= 10;
+        #if DEBUG
+            epd.empty();
+            epd.writeFull(); 
+        #endif            
+        if (count == NUM_OF_MEASUREMENTS){ 
+            adc1_mean /= NUM_OF_MEASUREMENTS;
+            adc2_mean /= NUM_OF_MEASUREMENTS;
+            adc3_mean /= NUM_OF_MEASUREMENTS;
             count = 0;
             battery_voltage = adc1_mean*(ADC_REF_VOLTAGE/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*VOLTAGE_DIVIDER_RATION;
             usb1_current = (CURRENT_FACTOR/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*adc2_mean;
             usb2_current = (CURRENT_FACTOR/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*adc3_mean;
-            if(battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_5[x], x);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 2) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 1)){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_4[x], x);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 3) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 2)){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_3[x], x);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 4) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 3)){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_2[x], x);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else if((battery_voltage > BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 5) && (battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 4)){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_1[x], x);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else if(battery_voltage < BATTERY_MAX_V - BATTERY_STEP * 5){
-                //Load image
-                for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
-                    epd.fill(BS_E[x], x);
+            battery_level = get_battery_level(battery_voltage);
+            if(battery_level != old_battery_level){
+                old_battery_level = battery_level;
+                change_flag = 1;
+                switch(battery_level){
+                    case(0):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_E[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    case(1):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_1[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    case(2):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_2[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    case(3):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_3[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    case(4):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_4[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    case(5):{
+                            for(uint16_t x=0;x<5000;x++)
+                                epd.fill(BS_5[x], x);
+                            break;
+                            }
+                    default: break;
+                }
-            if(usb1_current < (float)LOW_QUICK_CURRENT){
-                epd.writeString(low_string, 25, 180, 0);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            else{
-                epd.writeString(quick_string, 25, 180, 0);
-                epd.write();
+            usb1_current_state = get_current_level(usb1_current, usb1_old_state);
+            usb2_current_state = get_current_level(usb2_current, usb2_old_state);
+            if((usb1_old_state != usb1_current_state) || change_flag){
+                usb1_old_state = usb1_current_state;
+                switch(usb1_current_state){
+                    case(NO_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 25, 180, 1);  // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 25, 180, 1);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case(LOW_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 25, 180, 1);  // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 25, 180, 0);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case(QUICK_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 25, 180, 1);    // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 25, 180, 0);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    default: break;
+                }
+                epd.write();                                            // Write string to the EPD
-            if(usb2_current < (float)LOW_QUICK_CURRENT){
-                epd.writeString(low_string, 135, 180, 0);
-                epd.write();
+            if((usb2_old_state != usb2_current_state) || change_flag){
+                usb2_old_state = usb2_current_state;
+                switch(usb2_current_state){
+                    case(NO_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 135, 180, 1);       // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 135, 180, 1);     // Delete the old state
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case(LOW_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 135, 180, 1);     // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 135, 180, 0);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case(QUICK_CURRENT_STATE):{
+                        epd.writeString(low_string, 135, 180, 1);       // Delete the old state
+                        epd.writeString(quick_string, 135, 180, 0);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    default: break;
+                }
+                epd.write();                                            // Write string to the EPD
+                change_flag = 0;
-            else{
-                epd.writeString(quick_string, 135, 180, 0);
-                epd.write();
-            }
-            #if DEBUG
-            /*
+            #if DEBUG            
                 // Print voltage and current values in debug mode
                 sprintf(buffer, "Battery: %5.5fV", adc1_mean*(ADC_REF_VOLTAGE/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*VOLTAGE_DIVIDER_RATION);     // Create a string
                 epd.writeString(buffer,25,95,0);                        // Write new data to the buffer    
                 epd.write();                                            // Write string to the EPD
-              */  
                 sprintf(buffer, "USB1: %5.5fA", (CURRENT_FACTOR/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*adc2_mean);           // Create a string
                 epd.writeString(buffer,5,190,0);                        // Write new data to the buffer    
-                epd.write();                                            // Write string to the EPD
                 sprintf(buffer, "USB1: %5.5fA", (CURRENT_FACTOR/ADC_MAX_VALUE)*adc3_mean);           // Create a string
                 epd.writeString(buffer,105,190,0);                       // Write new data to the buffer    
-                epd.write();                                            // Write string to the EPD
+                epd.write(); 
             adc1_mean = 0;