The project is not done yet

Dependencies:   USBHost USBHostXpad mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of Totaleprogramma by jordy morsinkhof

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 25 08:25:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+#define DEBUG 0
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "Traxster.h"
+#include "USBHostXpad.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "Audio.h"
+#include <cmath>
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+I2C i2cMod(p28, p27);
+Serial robotCom(p13, p14);
+AnalogIn    ir(p20);
+Speaker     speaker(p18);  // the pin must be the AnalogOut pin - p18
+DigitalIn   DI1(p5);
+DigitalIn   DI2(p6);
+DigitalIn   DI3(p7);
+DigitalIn   DI4(p8);
+DigitalOut  DQ1(p9); //motor lv
+PwmOut      PWM1(p21);  //motor lv
+DigitalOut  DQ2(p10); //MOTOR rv
+PwmOut      PWM2 (p22); //Motor rv
+DigitalOut  DQ3(p11); //motor la
+PwmOut      PWM3(p23);  //motor la
+DigitalOut  DQ4(p12); //MOTOR ra
+PwmOut      PWM4 (p24); //Motor ra
+AnalogIn    pot(p19);         //potmeter
+//I2C         U1(p27,p28);        //Ultrasoonsensorwaarde lv1 
+//I2C         U2(p27,p28);        //Ultrasoonsensorwaarde rv1
+AnalogIn    lslv(p15);           //lasersensorwaarde lv2
+AnalogIn    lsrv(p16);           //lasersensorwaarde rv2
+DigitalOut  led1(LED1);      //shows trigger
+DigitalOut  led2(LED2);      //shows collision prevention
+DigitalOut  led3(LED3);      //shows laser pointer active
+DigitalOut  led4(LED4);      //shows cpu activity
+DigitalOut  fire(p8);
+DigitalOut  laser(p27);
+Audio audio (speaker);
+Xbox360ControllerState controlState;
+Traxster tank(robotCom);
+int i2cAddress1 = 0xF2;
+int i2cAddress2 = 0xE0;
+void sendStartRangingCommand1(void){
+    const char command[] = {0x00, 0x51};
+    i2cMod.write(i2cAddress1, command, 2);
+void sendStartRangingCommand2(void){
+    const char command[] = {0x00, 0x51};
+    i2cMod.write(i2cAddress2, command, 2);
+int readRange1(void){
+    const char command[]  = {0x02};           //Address of range register
+    char response[] = {0x00, 0x00};
+    i2cMod.write(i2cAddress1, command, 1, 1);  //Send command
+, response, 2);     //Read 16bits result
+    int range = (response[0]<<8)+response[1]; //Shift two bytes into int   
+    return range; 
+int readRange2(void){
+    const char command[]  = {0x02};           //Address of range register
+    char response[] = {0x00, 0x00};
+    i2cMod.write(i2cAddress2, command, 1, 1);  //Send command
+, response, 2);     //Read 16bits result
+    int range = (response[0]<<8)+response[1]; //Shift two bytes into int   
+    return range; 
+void onControlInput(int buttons, int stick_lx, int stick_ly, int stick_rx, int stick_ry, int trigger_l, int trigger_r){
+    //pc.printf("buttons: %04x   Lstick X,Y: %-5d, %-5d    Rstick X,Y: %-5d, %-5d   LTrig: %02x (%d)    RTrig: %02x (%d)\r\n", buttons, stick_lx, stick_ly, stick_rx, stick_ry, trigger_l,trigger_l, trigger_r,trigger_r);
+    controlState = Xbox360ControllerState(buttons, stick_lx, stick_ly, stick_rx, stick_ry, trigger_l, trigger_r);
+void thread_audio_run(void const* arg){
+float tank_L(float x, float y){
+    float scale = 0.0;
+    if(x >= 0.0 && y <= 0){  //LBA bottom right
+    pc.printf("1\r\n");
+        if(y == 0){ scale =  1.0; goto End;}
+        if(x == 0){ scale = -1.0; goto End;}
+        float theta = atan(y/x) / 3.14159;
+        scale =  theta * 4.0 +  1.0;
+    } else if(x <= 0.0 && y <= 0){  //LBA bottom left
+    pc.printf("2\r\n");
+        scale =  -1.0;
+    } else if(x <= 0.0 && y >= 0){  //top left
+        if(y == 0){ scale =  -1.0; goto End;}
+        if(x == 0){ scale =  1.0; goto End;}
+        float theta = atan(y/x) / 3.14159;
+        scale =  -theta * 4.0 -  1.0;
+    } else {  //top-right
+        scale =  1.0;
+    }
+    End:
+    scale *= sqrt(x*x + y*y);
+    return scale;
+float tank_R(float x, float y){
+    float scale = 0.0;
+    if(x >= 0.0 && y <= 0){  //bottom right
+        scale =  -1.0;
+    } else if(x <= 0.0 && y <= 0){  //bottom left
+        if(y == 0){ scale =  1.0; goto End;}
+        if(x == 0){ scale =  -1.0; goto End;}
+        float theta = atan(y/x) / 3.14159;
+        scale =  -theta*4.0 +  1.0;
+    } else if(x <= 0.0 && y >= 0){  //top left
+        scale =  1.0;
+    } else {  //top-right
+        if(y == 0){ scale =  -1.0; goto End;}
+        if(x == 0){ scale =  1.0; goto End;}
+        float theta = atan(y/x) / 3.14159;
+        scale =  theta*4.0 -  1.0;
+    }
+    End:
+    scale *= sqrt(x*x + y*y);
+    return scale;
+void thread_controller(void const* arg){
+    tank.SetMotors(0,0); 
+    USBHostXpad controller;
+    controller.attachEvent(&onControlInput);
+    while(1){
+        tank.SetMotors(0,0); 
+        bool wasdisconnected = true;
+        //acts as a failsafe
+        while(controller.connected()) {
+            if(wasdisconnected){
+                //pc.printf("Controller Status >> Connected!\r\n");
+                controller.led( USBHostXpad::LED1_ON );   
+                tank.SetMotors(0.0,0.0);    //stop, wait for controller to reconnect for a second.
+                wasdisconnected = false;
+            }
+            // left bumper disables auto-reverse
+            bool collisionAvoidance = !((bool)(controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_PAD_LB));
+            bool trigger = false;
+            // trigger rely - airsoft gun
+            float AS = 1.0; // acutele snelheid
+            if(controlState.triggerRight > 0x80){  //Rechtdoor rijden
+                //controller.rumble(255,255);
+                fire = 1;
+                trigger = true;
+            }else{
+                //controller.rumble(0,0);
+                fire = 0;
+            }
+            //lazzzzeeer sight
+            if( controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_PAD_X){ //Knop X laser=DQ3
+            //Stoppen
+            DQ1= 1; //lv
+            DQ2= 1; //rv
+            DQ3= 1; //la
+            DQ4= 1; //ra
+            PWM1 = AS*0; //lv in de vrij
+            PWM2 = AS*0; //rv in de vrij
+            PWM3 = AS*0; //la in de vrij
+            PWM4 = AS*0; //ra in de vrij
+            wait(2.0);
+                laser = 1;
+            }else{
+                laser = 0;   
+            }
+            //dpad sounds
+            if(trigger || (controlState.buttons & (USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_UP | USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_DOWN | USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_LEFT | USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_RIGHT | USBHostXpad::XPAD_PAD_Y))){
+                int code = 0;
+                float z = 0.5;        // persentage voor het draaien van de motoren
+                float j = 0.75;        // persentage voor het draaien van de motoren
+                if(controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_UP){ //vooruit
+                    DQ1= 1; //lv
+                    DQ2= 1; //rv
+                    DQ3= 1; //la
+                    DQ4= 1; //ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM2 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM3 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM4 = AS*1.5;
+                } else if(controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_DOWN){ //Achteruit
+                    DQ1= 0; //lv
+                    DQ2= 0; //rv
+                    DQ3= 0; //la
+                    DQ4= 0; //ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM2 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM3 = AS*1.5;
+                    PWM4 = AS*1.5;
+                } else if(controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_LEFT){ //links
+                    led1=1; //links
+    DQ1 = 0; //lv
+    DQ2 = 1; //rv
+    DQ3 = 0; //La
+    DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+    PWM1 = AS*z;
+    PWM2 = AS*j;
+    PWM3 = AS*z;
+    PWM4 = AS*j;
+                } else if(controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_HAT_RIGHT){//rechts
+                    led3=1; //rechts
+    DQ1 = 1; //lv
+    DQ2 = 0; //rv
+    DQ3 = 1; //la
+    DQ4 = 0; //Ra
+    PWM1 = AS*j;
+    PWM2 = AS*z;
+    PWM3 = AS*j;
+    PWM4 = AS*z;
+                } else if (trigger){
+                    code = 4;
+                }else if (controlState.buttons & USBHostXpad::XPAD_PAD_Y){
+                    code = 5;
+                }
+                //pc.printf("Audio play: %d\r\n",code);
+      ;
+            }else{
+                //pc.printf("Audio Stop!\r\n");
+                audio.stop();   
+            }
+            //update output leds
+            led1= fire;
+            led2= collisionAvoidance;
+            led3= laser;
+            // on collision, reverse tank
+            if(ir > 0.75 && collisionAvoidance){
+               // controller.rumble(255,255);
+                tank.SetMotors(-0.5,-0.5); 
+                continue;
+            }else{
+            }
+            // map joystick input to tracks - if joystick is being moved
+            float y = xpadNormalizeAnalog(controlState.analogLeftY);
+            float x = -1.0 *  xpadNormalizeAnalog(controlState.analogLeftX);
+            //float x = -1.0 * y / abs(y) *  xpadNormalizeAnalog(controlState.analogLeftX);       //flips left/right when in reverse
+            if( sqrt(x*x + y*y) > 0.25 ) {
+                tank.SetMotors(tank_L(x,y), tank_R(x,y));
+                //pc.printf("motors: %f, %f\r\n", tank_L(x,y), tank_R(x,y));
+            } else {
+                tank.SetMotors(0.0,0.0); 
+            }
+        }
+        //pc.printf("Controller Status >> DISCONNECTED!  Reconnecting...\r\n");
+        tank.SetMotors(0.0,0.0);    //stop, wait for controller to reconnect for a second.
+        Thread::wait(500);
+        controller.connect();
+    }
+int main() {
+    while(1) {
+        sendStartRangingCommand1();
+        wait(0.07);
+        int U1 = readRange1();
+        wait (0.2);
+        sendStartRangingCommand2();
+        wait(0.07);
+        int U2 = readRange2();
+        if (DI2 == 1 && DI4 == 1){
+            // sensoren
+            float AS; // snelheid afhangelijk van
+            float Q;       // De afstand vanaf waar de ultrasonesensor iets moet detecteren in CM.
+            float I;        // de afstand vanaf waar de infraroodsensor iets moet detecteren.
+            float x;        // persentage voor het draaien van de motoren
+            float y;        // persentage voor het draaien van de motoren
+            x = 0.5;
+            y = 0.25;
+            Q = 300;    // groter dan een waarde 300 = 3 meter detecteerd de sensor iets
+            I = 1.5;    // groeten dan een waarde 300 = 3meter
+            AS =pot*3.3;
+            if (U1<=Q && U2<=Q && lslv>=I && lsrv>=I)//alles iets detecteerd
+                {
+                DQ1= 1; //lv
+                DQ2= 1; //rv
+                DQ3= 1; //la
+                DQ4= 1; //ra
+                PWM1 = AS*0; //lv in de vrij
+                PWM2 = AS*0; //rv in de vrij
+                PWM3 = AS*0; //la in de vrij
+                PWM4 = AS*0; //ra in de vrij
+                wait(2.0);
+                while(1)
+                    {
+                    DQ1= 1; //Lv  
+                    DQ2= 0; //Rv
+                    DQ3= 1; //La
+                    DQ4= 0; //Ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*0.5; //LV 50% van AS
+                    PWM2 = AS*0.5; //RV 50% van AS
+                    PWM3 = AS*0.5; //LA 50% van AS
+                    PWM4 = AS*0.5; //RA 50% van AS
+                    if(U1 >= Q  && U2 >= Q)
+                        {
+                        break;
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+            else if (U1<=Q && U2<=Q && lslv<=I && lsrv>=I)//rv1 rv2 en lv1 iets gedetecteerd hebben, naar links draaien
+            {
+                while(1)
+                {
+                DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                DQ3 = 1; //La
+                DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+                PWM1 = AS*x;
+                PWM2 = AS*y;
+                PWM3 = AS*x;
+                PWM4 = AS*y;
+                if(U1 >= Q  && U2 >= Q)
+                    {
+                     break;}
+                }    
+            }
+            else if (U1<=Q && U2<=Q && lslv>=I && lsrv<=I)//lv1 lv2 en rv1 iets gedetecteerd hebben, naar rechts draaien)
+            {
+                while(1)
+                    {
+                    DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                    DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                    DQ3 = 1; //la
+                    DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*y;
+                    PWM2 = AS*x;
+                    PWM3 = AS*y;
+                    PWM4 = AS*x;
+                    if(U1 >= Q  && U2 >= Q)
+                        {
+                        break;}
+                    }    
+            }
+            else if (U1>Q && U2<Q && lslv<I && lsrv>I)//rv1 rv2 iets gedetecteerd hebben, naar links draaien)
+            {
+                 while(1)
+                    {
+                    DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                    DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                    DQ3 = 1; //la
+                    DQ4 = 1; //ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*x; 
+                    PWM2 = AS*y;
+                    PWM3 = AS*x;
+                    PWM4 = AS*y;
+                        if(U1>Q  && U2 > Q)
+                            {
+                                break;}
+                    }
+            }
+            else if (U1<Q && U2>Q && lslv>I && lsrv<I)//lv1 lv2 iets gedetecteerd hebben, naar rechts draaien)
+            {
+                 while(1)
+                    {
+                    DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                    DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                    DQ3 = 1; //La
+                    DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+                    PWM1 = AS*y;
+                    PWM2 = AS*x;
+                    PWM3 = AS*y;
+                    PWM4 = AS*x;
+                    if(U1 > Q  && U2 > Q)
+                        {
+                        break;}
+                }
+            }
+            else if (U1<Q && U2>Q && lslv<I && lsrv<I)//lv1 rv1 iets gedetecteerd hebben, naar links of rechts draaien)
+                {
+                if ( lslv>=lsrv)
+                    {
+                    while(1)
+                        {    
+                        DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                        DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                        DQ3 = 1; //La
+                        DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+                        PWM1 = AS*y;
+                        PWM2 = AS*x;
+                        PWM3 = AS*y;
+                        PWM4 = AS*x;
+                        if(U1<Q  && U2 > Q)
+                            {
+                            break;}
+                        }
+                }
+                else if ( lslv<=lsrv )
+                    {
+                    while(1)
+                        {
+                        DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                        DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                        DQ3 = 1; //la
+                        DQ4 = 1; //Ra
+                        PWM1 = AS*x;
+                        PWM2 = AS*y;
+                        PWM3 = AS*x;
+                        PWM4 = AS*y;
+                        if( U1 > Q  && U2 > Q)
+                            {
+                            break;}
+                        }     
+                    }
+                else if (U1<Q && U2>Q && lslv<I && lsrv<I)//lv1 iets gedetecteerd heeft, naar rechts draaien)
+                    {
+                    while(1)
+                        {
+                        DQ1 = 1; //lv
+                        DQ2 = 1; //rv
+                        DQ3 = 1; //la
+                        DQ4 = 1; //ra
+                        PWM1 = AS*y;
+                        PWM2 = AS*x;
+                        PWM3 = AS*y;
+                        PWM4 = AS*x;
+                        if(U1>Q  && U2 > Q)
+                            {
+                            break;}
+                        }
+                }
+        else if (DI1 == 1 && DI4 == 1)
+           {
+            // Handmatig
+          tank.SetMotors(0,0); 
+          fire = 0;
+           laser = 1;
+         led1  = 1;
+            led2= 1;
+            //pc.baud(9600);
+           // pc.printf("TANK\r\n");
+            Thread t_controller(thread_controller);
+            Thread audio_thread(thread_audio_run);
+            tank.SetMotors(1.0,-1.0);
+            Thread::wait(1000);
+            tank.SetMotors(-1.0,1.0);
+            Thread::wait(1000);
+            tank.SetMotors(0,0);
+            while(1){
+               led4= !DQ4;
+                fire = !fire;
+               Thread::wait(1000);
+           }
+        }
+        }}}}
\ No newline at end of file