Rewrite the NokiaLCD lib with SWSPI lib in order to fit in with 9 bits SPI mode

Dependents:   KL46Z_NokiaLCD


combine SWSPI lib default tip

2014-02-21, by jppang [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 00:04:26 +0000] rev 2

combine SWSPI lib

modified some commands

2014-02-19, by jppang [Wed, 19 Feb 2014 04:18:43 +0000] rev 1

modified some commands

Rewrite the NokiaLCD lib by using the SWSPI lib in order to fit in with 9 bits SPI mode.

2014-02-18, by jppang [Tue, 18 Feb 2014 04:19:55 +0000] rev 0

Rewrite the NokiaLCD lib by using the SWSPI lib in order to fit in with 9 bits SPI mode.