A 2D Puzzle Platformer

Dependencies:   mbed el17jd


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
19:2e5d7ef3fee7 2019-07-17 joshdavy Public Build; default tip
18:8e51ce7f29e8 2019-05-09 joshdavy Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
17:4ade29fa70b9 2019-05-09 joshdavy Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
16:13044188dcc3 2019-05-09 joshdavy Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
15:1cb1eb0136aa 2019-05-08 joshdavy Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.
14:1e6f74233e8e 2019-05-08 joshdavy Documentation test
13:32d580b3935c 2019-05-06 joshdavy test;
12:5549a299d41e 2019-05-06 joshdavy test
11:db27d3838514 2019-05-06 joshdavy test
10:58cf89dd878c 2019-05-06 joshdavy Main game done. Documentation to be done next.
9:96969b1c6bde 2019-04-24 joshdavy Added win screen aswell as multiple levels.
8:21b6d4dbce44 2019-04-19 joshdavy Main menu added.;
7:68e06dda79f7 2019-04-17 joshdavy Level Rendering Complete. Basic Collision Detection.;
6:2ca1516ec1e2 2019-04-10 joshdavy Began implementing "levels" which store the blocks/enemies of each stage
5:b9cf407bcc63 2019-04-06 joshdavy Music player done!. This revision will play successfully play a song.
4:afbf3dd71403 2019-04-06 joshdavy Began implemting music playing class
3:b34685dbdb8d 2019-04-02 joshdavy Moved player to its own inherited class to allow sprite to serve multiple puporses
2:b62e8be35a5d 2019-04-02 joshdavy Basic Sprite Rendering
1:37802772843e 2019-03-25 joshdavy Basic Classes defined. Simple sprite drawing.;
0:4916a63a6cbf 2019-03-12 joshdavy initial commit