opencv on mbed

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/opencv2/core/types.hpp	Thu Mar 31 21:16:38 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2229 @@
+//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+//  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+//  copy or use the software.
+//                          License Agreement
+//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+//   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
+//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
+// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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+// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
+// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
+// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#  error types.hpp header must be compiled as C++
+#include <climits>
+#include <cfloat>
+#include <vector>
+#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h"
+#include "opencv2/core/cvstd.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/core/matx.hpp"
+namespace cv
+//! @addtogroup core_basic
+//! @{
+//////////////////////////////// Complex //////////////////////////////
+/** @brief  A complex number class.
+  The template class is similar and compatible with std::complex, however it provides slightly
+  more convenient access to the real and imaginary parts using through the simple field access, as opposite
+  to std::complex::real() and std::complex::imag().
+template<typename _Tp> class Complex
+    //! constructors
+    Complex();
+    Complex( _Tp _re, _Tp _im = 0 );
+    //! conversion to another data type
+    template<typename T2> operator Complex<T2>() const;
+    //! conjugation
+    Complex conj() const;
+    _Tp re, im; //< the real and the imaginary parts
+typedef Complex<float> Complexf;
+typedef Complex<double> Complexd;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Complex<_Tp> >
+    typedef Complex<_Tp> value_type;
+    typedef value_type   work_type;
+    typedef _Tp          channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 2,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels) };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Point_ ////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class for 2D points specified by its coordinates `x` and `y`.
+An instance of the class is interchangeable with C structures, CvPoint and CvPoint2D32f . There is
+also a cast operator to convert point coordinates to the specified type. The conversion from
+floating-point coordinates to integer coordinates is done by rounding. Commonly, the conversion
+uses this operation for each of the coordinates. Besides the class members listed in the
+declaration above, the following operations on points are implemented:
+    pt1 = pt2 + pt3;
+    pt1 = pt2 - pt3;
+    pt1 = pt2 * a;
+    pt1 = a * pt2;
+    pt1 = pt2 / a;
+    pt1 += pt2;
+    pt1 -= pt2;
+    pt1 *= a;
+    pt1 /= a;
+    double value = norm(pt); // L2 norm
+    pt1 == pt2;
+    pt1 != pt2;
+For your convenience, the following type aliases are defined:
+    typedef Point_<int> Point2i;
+    typedef Point2i Point;
+    typedef Point_<float> Point2f;
+    typedef Point_<double> Point2d;
+    Point2f a(0.3f, 0.f), b(0.f, 0.4f);
+    Point pt = (a + b)*10.f;
+    cout << pt.x << ", " << pt.y << endl;
+template<typename _Tp> class Point_
+    typedef _Tp value_type;
+    // various constructors
+    Point_();
+    Point_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y);
+    Point_(const Point_& pt);
+    Point_(const Size_<_Tp>& sz);
+    Point_(const Vec<_Tp, 2>& v);
+    Point_& operator = (const Point_& pt);
+    //! conversion to another data type
+    template<typename _Tp2> operator Point_<_Tp2>() const;
+    //! conversion to the old-style C structures
+    operator Vec<_Tp, 2>() const;
+    //! dot product
+    _Tp dot(const Point_& pt) const;
+    //! dot product computed in double-precision arithmetics
+    double ddot(const Point_& pt) const;
+    //! cross-product
+    double cross(const Point_& pt) const;
+    //! checks whether the point is inside the specified rectangle
+    bool inside(const Rect_<_Tp>& r) const;
+    _Tp x, y; //< the point coordinates
+typedef Point_<int> Point2i;
+typedef Point_<float> Point2f;
+typedef Point_<double> Point2d;
+typedef Point2i Point;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Point_<_Tp> >
+    typedef Point_<_Tp>                               value_type;
+    typedef Point_<typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type> work_type;
+    typedef _Tp                                       channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 2,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Point3_ ////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class for 3D points specified by its coordinates `x`, `y` and `z`.
+An instance of the class is interchangeable with the C structure CvPoint2D32f . Similarly to
+Point_ , the coordinates of 3D points can be converted to another type. The vector arithmetic and
+comparison operations are also supported.
+The following Point3_\<\> aliases are available:
+    typedef Point3_<int> Point3i;
+    typedef Point3_<float> Point3f;
+    typedef Point3_<double> Point3d;
+@see cv::Point3i, cv::Point3f and cv::Point3d
+template<typename _Tp> class Point3_
+    typedef _Tp value_type;
+    // various constructors
+    Point3_();
+    Point3_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _z);
+    Point3_(const Point3_& pt);
+    explicit Point3_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt);
+    Point3_(const Vec<_Tp, 3>& v);
+    Point3_& operator = (const Point3_& pt);
+    //! conversion to another data type
+    template<typename _Tp2> operator Point3_<_Tp2>() const;
+    //! conversion to cv::Vec<>
+    operator Vec<_Tp, 3>() const;
+    //! dot product
+    _Tp dot(const Point3_& pt) const;
+    //! dot product computed in double-precision arithmetics
+    double ddot(const Point3_& pt) const;
+    //! cross product of the 2 3D points
+    Point3_ cross(const Point3_& pt) const;
+    _Tp x, y, z; //< the point coordinates
+typedef Point3_<int> Point3i;
+typedef Point3_<float> Point3f;
+typedef Point3_<double> Point3d;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Point3_<_Tp> >
+    typedef Point3_<_Tp>                               value_type;
+    typedef Point3_<typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type> work_type;
+    typedef _Tp                                        channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 3,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Size_ ////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class for specifying the size of an image or rectangle.
+The class includes two members called width and height. The structure can be converted to and from
+the old OpenCV structures CvSize and CvSize2D32f . The same set of arithmetic and comparison
+operations as for Point_ is available.
+OpenCV defines the following Size_\<\> aliases:
+    typedef Size_<int> Size2i;
+    typedef Size2i Size;
+    typedef Size_<float> Size2f;
+template<typename _Tp> class Size_
+    typedef _Tp value_type;
+    //! various constructors
+    Size_();
+    Size_(_Tp _width, _Tp _height);
+    Size_(const Size_& sz);
+    Size_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt);
+    Size_& operator = (const Size_& sz);
+    //! the area (width*height)
+    _Tp area() const;
+    //! conversion of another data type.
+    template<typename _Tp2> operator Size_<_Tp2>() const;
+    _Tp width, height; // the width and the height
+typedef Size_<int> Size2i;
+typedef Size_<float> Size2f;
+typedef Size_<double> Size2d;
+typedef Size2i Size;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Size_<_Tp> >
+    typedef Size_<_Tp>                               value_type;
+    typedef Size_<typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type> work_type;
+    typedef _Tp                                      channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 2,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Rect_ ////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class for 2D rectangles
+described by the following parameters:
+-   Coordinates of the top-left corner. This is a default interpretation of Rect_::x and Rect_::y
+    in OpenCV. Though, in your algorithms you may count x and y from the bottom-left corner.
+-   Rectangle width and height.
+OpenCV typically assumes that the top and left boundary of the rectangle are inclusive, while the
+right and bottom boundaries are not. For example, the method Rect_::contains returns true if
+\f[x  \leq pt.x < x+width,
+      y  \leq pt.y < y+height\f]
+Virtually every loop over an image ROI in OpenCV (where ROI is specified by Rect_\<int\> ) is
+implemented as:
+    for(int y = roi.y; y < roi.y + roi.height; y++)
+        for(int x = roi.x; x < roi.x + roi.width; x++)
+        {
+            // ...
+        }
+In addition to the class members, the following operations on rectangles are implemented:
+-   \f$\texttt{rect} = \texttt{rect} \pm \texttt{point}\f$ (shifting a rectangle by a certain offset)
+-   \f$\texttt{rect} = \texttt{rect} \pm \texttt{size}\f$ (expanding or shrinking a rectangle by a
+    certain amount)
+-   rect += point, rect -= point, rect += size, rect -= size (augmenting operations)
+-   rect = rect1 & rect2 (rectangle intersection)
+-   rect = rect1 | rect2 (minimum area rectangle containing rect1 and rect2 )
+-   rect &= rect1, rect |= rect1 (and the corresponding augmenting operations)
+-   rect == rect1, rect != rect1 (rectangle comparison)
+This is an example how the partial ordering on rectangles can be established (rect1 \f$\subseteq\f$
+    template<typename _Tp> inline bool
+    operator <= (const Rect_<_Tp>& r1, const Rect_<_Tp>& r2)
+    {
+        return (r1 & r2) == r1;
+    }
+For your convenience, the Rect_\<\> alias is available: cv::Rect
+template<typename _Tp> class Rect_
+    typedef _Tp value_type;
+    //! various constructors
+    Rect_();
+    Rect_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _width, _Tp _height);
+    Rect_(const Rect_& r);
+    Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& org, const Size_<_Tp>& sz);
+    Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt1, const Point_<_Tp>& pt2);
+    Rect_& operator = ( const Rect_& r );
+    //! the top-left corner
+    Point_<_Tp> tl() const;
+    //! the bottom-right corner
+    Point_<_Tp> br() const;
+    //! size (width, height) of the rectangle
+    Size_<_Tp> size() const;
+    //! area (width*height) of the rectangle
+    _Tp area() const;
+    //! conversion to another data type
+    template<typename _Tp2> operator Rect_<_Tp2>() const;
+    //! checks whether the rectangle contains the point
+    bool contains(const Point_<_Tp>& pt) const;
+    _Tp x, y, width, height; //< the top-left corner, as well as width and height of the rectangle
+typedef Rect_<int> Rect2i;
+typedef Rect_<float> Rect2f;
+typedef Rect_<double> Rect2d;
+typedef Rect2i Rect;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Rect_<_Tp> >
+    typedef Rect_<_Tp>                               value_type;
+    typedef Rect_<typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type> work_type;
+    typedef _Tp                                      channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 4,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+///////////////////////////// RotatedRect /////////////////////////////
+/** @brief The class represents rotated (i.e. not up-right) rectangles on a plane.
+Each rectangle is specified by the center point (mass center), length of each side (represented by
+cv::Size2f structure) and the rotation angle in degrees.
+The sample below demonstrates how to use RotatedRect:
+    Mat image(200, 200, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0));
+    RotatedRect rRect = RotatedRect(Point2f(100,100), Size2f(100,50), 30);
+    Point2f vertices[4];
+    rRect.points(vertices);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+        line(image, vertices[i], vertices[(i+1)%4], Scalar(0,255,0));
+    Rect brect = rRect.boundingRect();
+    rectangle(image, brect, Scalar(255,0,0));
+    imshow("rectangles", image);
+    waitKey(0);
+@sa CamShift, fitEllipse, minAreaRect, CvBox2D
+class CV_EXPORTS RotatedRect
+    //! various constructors
+    RotatedRect();
+    /**
+    @param center The rectangle mass center.
+    @param size Width and height of the rectangle.
+    @param angle The rotation angle in a clockwise direction. When the angle is 0, 90, 180, 270 etc.,
+    the rectangle becomes an up-right rectangle.
+    */
+    RotatedRect(const Point2f& center, const Size2f& size, float angle);
+    /**
+    Any 3 end points of the RotatedRect. They must be given in order (either clockwise or
+    anticlockwise).
+     */
+    RotatedRect(const Point2f& point1, const Point2f& point2, const Point2f& point3);
+    /** returns 4 vertices of the rectangle
+    @param pts The points array for storing rectangle vertices.
+    */
+    void points(Point2f pts[]) const;
+    //! returns the minimal up-right rectangle containing the rotated rectangle
+    Rect boundingRect() const;
+    Point2f center; //< the rectangle mass center
+    Size2f size;    //< width and height of the rectangle
+    float angle;    //< the rotation angle. When the angle is 0, 90, 180, 270 etc., the rectangle becomes an up-right rectangle.
+template<> class DataType< RotatedRect >
+    typedef RotatedRect  value_type;
+    typedef value_type   work_type;
+    typedef float        channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = (int)sizeof(value_type)/sizeof(channel_type), // 5
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Range /////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence.
+The class is used to specify a row or a column span in a matrix ( Mat ) and for many other purposes.
+Range(a,b) is basically the same as a:b in Matlab or a..b in Python. As in Python, start is an
+inclusive left boundary of the range and end is an exclusive right boundary of the range. Such a
+half-opened interval is usually denoted as \f$[start,end)\f$ .
+The static method Range::all() returns a special variable that means "the whole sequence" or "the
+whole range", just like " : " in Matlab or " ... " in Python. All the methods and functions in
+OpenCV that take Range support this special Range::all() value. But, of course, in case of your own
+custom processing, you will probably have to check and handle it explicitly:
+    void my_function(..., const Range& r, ....)
+    {
+        if(r == Range::all()) {
+            // process all the data
+        }
+        else {
+            // process [r.start, r.end)
+        }
+    }
+class CV_EXPORTS Range
+    Range();
+    Range(int _start, int _end);
+    int size() const;
+    bool empty() const;
+    static Range all();
+    int start, end;
+template<> class DataType<Range>
+    typedef Range      value_type;
+    typedef value_type work_type;
+    typedef int        channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 2,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// Scalar_ ///////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Template class for a 4-element vector derived from Vec.
+Being derived from Vec\<_Tp, 4\> , Scalar_ and Scalar can be used just as typical 4-element
+vectors. In addition, they can be converted to/from CvScalar . The type Scalar is widely used in
+OpenCV to pass pixel values.
+template<typename _Tp> class Scalar_ : public Vec<_Tp, 4>
+    //! various constructors
+    Scalar_();
+    Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2=0, _Tp v3=0);
+    Scalar_(_Tp v0);
+    template<typename _Tp2, int cn>
+    Scalar_(const Vec<_Tp2, cn>& v);
+    //! returns a scalar with all elements set to v0
+    static Scalar_<_Tp> all(_Tp v0);
+    //! conversion to another data type
+    template<typename T2> operator Scalar_<T2>() const;
+    //! per-element product
+    Scalar_<_Tp> mul(const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, double scale=1 ) const;
+    // returns (v0, -v1, -v2, -v3)
+    Scalar_<_Tp> conj() const;
+    // returns true iff v1 == v2 == v3 == 0
+    bool isReal() const;
+typedef Scalar_<double> Scalar;
+template<typename _Tp> class DataType< Scalar_<_Tp> >
+    typedef Scalar_<_Tp>                               value_type;
+    typedef Scalar_<typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type> work_type;
+    typedef _Tp                                        channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = 4,
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+/////////////////////////////// KeyPoint ////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Data structure for salient point detectors.
+The class instance stores a keypoint, i.e. a point feature found by one of many available keypoint
+detectors, such as Harris corner detector, cv::FAST, cv::StarDetector, cv::SURF, cv::SIFT,
+cv::LDetector etc.
+The keypoint is characterized by the 2D position, scale (proportional to the diameter of the
+neighborhood that needs to be taken into account), orientation and some other parameters. The
+keypoint neighborhood is then analyzed by another algorithm that builds a descriptor (usually
+represented as a feature vector). The keypoints representing the same object in different images
+can then be matched using cv::KDTree or another method.
+    //! the default constructor
+    CV_WRAP KeyPoint();
+    /**
+    @param _pt x & y coordinates of the keypoint
+    @param _size keypoint diameter
+    @param _angle keypoint orientation
+    @param _response keypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
+    @param _octave pyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
+    @param _class_id object id
+     */
+    KeyPoint(Point2f _pt, float _size, float _angle=-1, float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1);
+    /**
+    @param x x-coordinate of the keypoint
+    @param y y-coordinate of the keypoint
+    @param _size keypoint diameter
+    @param _angle keypoint orientation
+    @param _response keypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
+    @param _octave pyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
+    @param _class_id object id
+     */
+    CV_WRAP KeyPoint(float x, float y, float _size, float _angle=-1, float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1);
+    size_t hash() const;
+    /**
+    This method converts vector of keypoints to vector of points or the reverse, where each keypoint is
+    assigned the same size and the same orientation.
+    @param keypoints Keypoints obtained from any feature detection algorithm like SIFT/SURF/ORB
+    @param points2f Array of (x,y) coordinates of each keypoint
+    @param keypointIndexes Array of indexes of keypoints to be converted to points. (Acts like a mask to
+    convert only specified keypoints)
+    */
+    CV_WRAP static void convert(const std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
+                                CV_OUT std::vector<Point2f>& points2f,
+                                const std::vector<int>& keypointIndexes=std::vector<int>());
+    /** @overload
+    @param points2f Array of (x,y) coordinates of each keypoint
+    @param keypoints Keypoints obtained from any feature detection algorithm like SIFT/SURF/ORB
+    @param size keypoint diameter
+    @param response keypoint detector response on the keypoint (that is, strength of the keypoint)
+    @param octave pyramid octave in which the keypoint has been detected
+    @param class_id object id
+    */
+    CV_WRAP static void convert(const std::vector<Point2f>& points2f,
+                                CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
+                                float size=1, float response=1, int octave=0, int class_id=-1);
+    /**
+    This method computes overlap for pair of keypoints. Overlap is the ratio between area of keypoint
+    regions' intersection and area of keypoint regions' union (considering keypoint region as circle).
+    If they don't overlap, we get zero. If they coincide at same location with same size, we get 1.
+    @param kp1 First keypoint
+    @param kp2 Second keypoint
+    */
+    CV_WRAP static float overlap(const KeyPoint& kp1, const KeyPoint& kp2);
+    CV_PROP_RW Point2f pt; //!< coordinates of the keypoints
+    CV_PROP_RW float size; //!< diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
+    CV_PROP_RW float angle; //!< computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable);
+                            //!< it's in [0,360) degrees and measured relative to
+                            //!< image coordinate system, ie in clockwise.
+    CV_PROP_RW float response; //!< the response by which the most strong keypoints have been selected. Can be used for the further sorting or subsampling
+    CV_PROP_RW int octave; //!< octave (pyramid layer) from which the keypoint has been extracted
+    CV_PROP_RW int class_id; //!< object class (if the keypoints need to be clustered by an object they belong to)
+template<> class DataType<KeyPoint>
+    typedef KeyPoint      value_type;
+    typedef float         work_type;
+    typedef float         channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = (int)(sizeof(value_type)/sizeof(channel_type)), // 7
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//////////////////////////////// DMatch /////////////////////////////////
+/** @brief Class for matching keypoint descriptors
+query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index, and distance between
+    CV_WRAP DMatch();
+    CV_WRAP DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, float _distance);
+    CV_WRAP DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, int _imgIdx, float _distance);
+    CV_PROP_RW int queryIdx; // query descriptor index
+    CV_PROP_RW int trainIdx; // train descriptor index
+    CV_PROP_RW int imgIdx;   // train image index
+    CV_PROP_RW float distance;
+    // less is better
+    bool operator<(const DMatch &m) const;
+template<> class DataType<DMatch>
+    typedef DMatch      value_type;
+    typedef int         work_type;
+    typedef int         channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = (int)(sizeof(value_type)/sizeof(channel_type)), // 4
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+///////////////////////////// TermCriteria //////////////////////////////
+/** @brief The class defining termination criteria for iterative algorithms.
+You can initialize it by default constructor and then override any parameters, or the structure may
+be fully initialized using the advanced variant of the constructor.
+class CV_EXPORTS TermCriteria
+    /**
+      Criteria type, can be one of: COUNT, EPS or COUNT + EPS
+    */
+    enum Type
+    {
+        COUNT=1, //!< the maximum number of iterations or elements to compute
+        MAX_ITER=COUNT, //!< ditto
+        EPS=2 //!< the desired accuracy or change in parameters at which the iterative algorithm stops
+    };
+    //! default constructor
+    TermCriteria();
+    /**
+    @param type The type of termination criteria, one of TermCriteria::Type
+    @param maxCount The maximum number of iterations or elements to compute.
+    @param epsilon The desired accuracy or change in parameters at which the iterative algorithm stops.
+    */
+    TermCriteria(int type, int maxCount, double epsilon);
+    int type; //!< the type of termination criteria: COUNT, EPS or COUNT + EPS
+    int maxCount; // the maximum number of iterations/elements
+    double epsilon; // the desired accuracy
+//! @} core_basic
+///////////////////////// raster image moments //////////////////////////
+//! @addtogroup imgproc_shape
+//! @{
+/** @brief struct returned by cv::moments
+The spatial moments \f$\texttt{Moments::m}_{ji}\f$ are computed as:
+\f[\texttt{m} _{ji}= \sum _{x,y}  \left ( \texttt{array} (x,y)  \cdot x^j  \cdot y^i \right )\f]
+The central moments \f$\texttt{Moments::mu}_{ji}\f$ are computed as:
+\f[\texttt{mu} _{ji}= \sum _{x,y}  \left ( \texttt{array} (x,y)  \cdot (x -  \bar{x} )^j  \cdot (y -  \bar{y} )^i \right )\f]
+where \f$(\bar{x}, \bar{y})\f$ is the mass center:
+\f[\bar{x} = \frac{\texttt{m}_{10}}{\texttt{m}_{00}} , \; \bar{y} = \frac{\texttt{m}_{01}}{\texttt{m}_{00}}\f]
+The normalized central moments \f$\texttt{Moments::nu}_{ij}\f$ are computed as:
+\f[\texttt{nu} _{ji}= \frac{\texttt{mu}_{ji}}{\texttt{m}_{00}^{(i+j)/2+1}} .\f]
+\f$\texttt{mu}_{00}=\texttt{m}_{00}\f$, \f$\texttt{nu}_{00}=1\f$
+\f$\texttt{nu}_{10}=\texttt{mu}_{10}=\texttt{mu}_{01}=\texttt{mu}_{10}=0\f$ , hence the values are not
+The moments of a contour are defined in the same way but computed using the Green's formula (see
+<>). So, due to a limited raster resolution, the moments
+computed for a contour are slightly different from the moments computed for the same rasterized
+Since the contour moments are computed using Green formula, you may get seemingly odd results for
+contours with self-intersections, e.g. a zero area (m00) for butterfly-shaped contours.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS_W_MAP Moments
+    //! the default constructor
+    Moments();
+    //! the full constructor
+    Moments(double m00, double m10, double m01, double m20, double m11,
+            double m02, double m30, double m21, double m12, double m03 );
+    ////! the conversion from CvMoments
+    //Moments( const CvMoments& moments );
+    ////! the conversion to CvMoments
+    //operator CvMoments() const;
+    //! @name spatial moments
+    //! @{
+    CV_PROP_RW double  m00, m10, m01, m20, m11, m02, m30, m21, m12, m03;
+    //! @}
+    //! @name central moments
+    //! @{
+    CV_PROP_RW double  mu20, mu11, mu02, mu30, mu21, mu12, mu03;
+    //! @}
+    //! @name central normalized moments
+    //! @{
+    CV_PROP_RW double  nu20, nu11, nu02, nu30, nu21, nu12, nu03;
+    //! @}
+template<> class DataType<Moments>
+    typedef Moments     value_type;
+    typedef double      work_type;
+    typedef double      channel_type;
+    enum { generic_type = 0,
+           depth        = DataType<channel_type>::depth,
+           channels     = (int)(sizeof(value_type)/sizeof(channel_type)), // 24
+           fmt          = DataType<channel_type>::fmt + ((channels - 1) << 8),
+           type         = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
+         };
+    typedef Vec<channel_type, channels> vec_type;
+//! @} imgproc_shape
+//! @cond IGNORED
+///////////////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////
+//////////////////////////////// Complex ////////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    : re(0), im(0) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Complex<_Tp>::Complex( _Tp _re, _Tp _im )
+    : re(_re), im(_im) {}
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename T2> inline
+Complex<_Tp>::operator Complex<T2>() const
+    return Complex<T2>(saturate_cast<T2>(re), saturate_cast<T2>(im));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Complex<_Tp> Complex<_Tp>::conj() const
+    return Complex<_Tp>(re, -im);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return == && ==;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return != || !=;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator + (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return Complex<_Tp>( +, + );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator += (Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+ +=; +=;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator - (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return Complex<_Tp>( -, - );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator -= (Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+ -=; -=;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator - (const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return Complex<_Tp>(,;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator * (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return Complex<_Tp>(* -*,* +* );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator * (const Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    return Complex<_Tp>(*b,*b );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator * (_Tp b, const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return Complex<_Tp>(*b,*b );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator + (const Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    return Complex<_Tp>( + b, );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator - (const Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+{ return Complex<_Tp>( - b, ); }
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator + (_Tp b, const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return Complex<_Tp>( + b, );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator - (_Tp b, const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return Complex<_Tp>( b -, );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator += (Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+ += b; return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator -= (Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+ -= b; return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator *= (Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+ *= b; *= b; return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+double abs(const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return std::sqrt( (double)* + (double)*;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator / (const Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    double t = 1./((double)* + (double)*;
+    return Complex<_Tp>( (_Tp)((* +**t),
+                        (_Tp)((* +**t) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp>& operator /= (Complex<_Tp>& a, const Complex<_Tp>& b)
+    return (a = a / b);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator / (const Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    _Tp t = (_Tp)1/b;
+    return Complex<_Tp>(*t,*t );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator / (_Tp b, const Complex<_Tp>& a)
+    return Complex<_Tp>(b)/a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Complex<_Tp> operator /= (const Complex<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    _Tp t = (_Tp)1/b;
+ *= t; *= t; return a;
+//////////////////////////////// 2D Point ///////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    : x(0), y(0) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::Point_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y)
+    : x(_x), y(_y) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::Point_(const Point_& pt)
+    : x(pt.x), y(pt.y) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::Point_(const Size_<_Tp>& sz)
+    : x(sz.width), y(sz.height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::Point_(const Vec<_Tp,2>& v)
+    : x(v[0]), y(v[1]) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>& Point_<_Tp>::operator = (const Point_& pt)
+    x = pt.x; y = pt.y;
+    return *this;
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::operator Point_<_Tp2>() const
+    return Point_<_Tp2>(saturate_cast<_Tp2>(x), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(y));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp>::operator Vec<_Tp, 2>() const
+    return Vec<_Tp, 2>(x, y);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+_Tp Point_<_Tp>::dot(const Point_& pt) const
+    return saturate_cast<_Tp>(x*pt.x + y*pt.y);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+double Point_<_Tp>::ddot(const Point_& pt) const
+    return (double)x*pt.x + (double)y*pt.y;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+double Point_<_Tp>::cross(const Point_& pt) const
+    return (double)x*pt.y - (double)y*pt.x;
+template<typename _Tp> inline bool
+Point_<_Tp>::inside( const Rect_<_Tp>& r ) const
+    return r.contains(*this);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator += (Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.x += b.x;
+    a.y += b.y;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator -= (Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.x -= b.x;
+    a.y -= b.y;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+double norm(const Point_<_Tp>& pt)
+    return std::sqrt((double)pt.x*pt.x + (double)pt.y*pt.y);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == (const Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != (const Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator + (const Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x + b.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y + b.y) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator - (const Point_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x - b.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y - b.y) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator - (const Point_<_Tp>& a)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.y) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (const Point_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x*b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y*b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (int a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x*a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y*a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (const Point_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x*b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y*b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (float a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x*a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y*a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (const Point_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x*b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y*b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (double a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x*a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y*a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 2, 2>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    Matx<_Tp, 2, 1> tmp = a * Vec<_Tp,2>(b.x, b.y);
+    return Point_<_Tp>(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1]);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 3, 3>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    Matx<_Tp, 3, 1> tmp = a * Vec<_Tp,3>(b.x, b.y, 1);
+    return Point3_<_Tp>(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1], tmp.val[2]);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator / (const Point_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    Point_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator / (const Point_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    Point_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point_<_Tp> operator / (const Point_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    Point_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+//////////////////////////////// 3D Point ///////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::Point3_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _z)
+    : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::Point3_(const Point3_& pt)
+    : x(pt.x), y(pt.y), z(pt.z) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::Point3_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt)
+    : x(pt.x), y(pt.y), z(_Tp()) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::Point3_(const Vec<_Tp, 3>& v)
+    : x(v[0]), y(v[1]), z(v[2]) {}
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::operator Point3_<_Tp2>() const
+    return Point3_<_Tp2>(saturate_cast<_Tp2>(x), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(y), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(z));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>::operator Vec<_Tp, 3>() const
+    return Vec<_Tp, 3>(x, y, z);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& Point3_<_Tp>::operator = (const Point3_& pt)
+    x = pt.x; y = pt.y; z = pt.z;
+    return *this;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+_Tp Point3_<_Tp>::dot(const Point3_& pt) const
+    return saturate_cast<_Tp>(x*pt.x + y*pt.y + z*pt.z);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+double Point3_<_Tp>::ddot(const Point3_& pt) const
+    return (double)x*pt.x + (double)y*pt.y + (double)z*pt.z;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point3_<_Tp> Point3_<_Tp>::cross(const Point3_<_Tp>& pt) const
+    return Point3_<_Tp>(y*pt.z - z*pt.y, z*pt.x - x*pt.z, x*pt.y - y*pt.x);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator += (Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.x += b.x;
+    a.y += b.y;
+    a.z += b.z;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator -= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.x -= b.x;
+    a.y -= b.y;
+    a.z -= b.z;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator *= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z * b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp>& operator /= (Point3_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    a.x = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x / b);
+    a.y = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y / b);
+    a.z = saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z / b);
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+double norm(const Point3_<_Tp>& pt)
+    return std::sqrt((double)pt.x*pt.x + (double)pt.y*pt.y + (double)pt.z*pt.z);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && a.z == b.z;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y || a.z != b.z;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator + (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x + b.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y + b.y), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z + b.z));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator - (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x - b.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y - b.y), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z - b.z));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator - (const Point3_<_Tp>& a)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.x), saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.y), saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.z) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x*b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y*b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z*b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (int a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.z * a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z * b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (float a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.z * a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.x * b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.y * b), saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.z * b) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (double a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Point3_<_Tp>( saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.x * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.y * a), saturate_cast<_Tp>(b.z * a) );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 3, 3>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    Matx<_Tp, 3, 1> tmp = a * Vec<_Tp,3>(b.x, b.y, b.z);
+    return Point3_<_Tp>(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1], tmp.val[2]);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Matx<_Tp, 4, 1> operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 4, 4>& a, const Point3_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a * Matx<_Tp, 4, 1>(b.x, b.y, b.z, 1);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator / (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, int b)
+    Point3_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator / (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, float b)
+    Point3_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Point3_<_Tp> operator / (const Point3_<_Tp>& a, double b)
+    Point3_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+////////////////////////////////// Size /////////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    : width(0), height(0) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Size_<_Tp>::Size_(_Tp _width, _Tp _height)
+    : width(_width), height(_height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Size_<_Tp>::Size_(const Size_& sz)
+    : width(sz.width), height(sz.height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Size_<_Tp>::Size_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt)
+    : width(pt.x), height(pt.y) {}
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2> inline
+Size_<_Tp>::operator Size_<_Tp2>() const
+    return Size_<_Tp2>(saturate_cast<_Tp2>(width), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(height));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Size_<_Tp>& Size_<_Tp>::operator = (const Size_<_Tp>& sz)
+    width = sz.width; height = sz.height;
+    return *this;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+_Tp Size_<_Tp>::area() const
+    return width * height;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp>& operator *= (Size_<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    a.width *= b;
+    a.height *= b;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp> operator * (const Size_<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    Size_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp *= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp>& operator /= (Size_<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    a.width /= b;
+    a.height /= b;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp> operator / (const Size_<_Tp>& a, _Tp b)
+    Size_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp /= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp>& operator += (Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.width += b.width;
+    a.height += b.height;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp> operator + (const Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    Size_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp += b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp>& operator -= (Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.width -= b.width;
+    a.height -= b.height;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Size_<_Tp> operator - (const Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    Size_<_Tp> tmp(a);
+    tmp -= b;
+    return tmp;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == (const Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.width == b.width && a.height == b.height;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != (const Size_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    return !(a == b);
+////////////////////////////////// Rect /////////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    : x(0), y(0), width(0), height(0) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>::Rect_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _width, _Tp _height)
+    : x(_x), y(_y), width(_width), height(_height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>::Rect_(const Rect_<_Tp>& r)
+    : x(r.x), y(r.y), width(r.width), height(r.height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>::Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& org, const Size_<_Tp>& sz)
+    : x(org.x), y(org.y), width(sz.width), height(sz.height) {}
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>::Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt1, const Point_<_Tp>& pt2)
+    x = std::min(pt1.x, pt2.x);
+    y = std::min(pt1.y, pt2.y);
+    width = std::max(pt1.x, pt2.x) - x;
+    height = std::max(pt1.y, pt2.y) - y;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& Rect_<_Tp>::operator = ( const Rect_<_Tp>& r )
+    x = r.x;
+    y = r.y;
+    width = r.width;
+    height = r.height;
+    return *this;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp> Rect_<_Tp>::tl() const
+    return Point_<_Tp>(x,y);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Point_<_Tp> Rect_<_Tp>::br() const
+    return Point_<_Tp>(x + width, y + height);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Size_<_Tp> Rect_<_Tp>::size() const
+    return Size_<_Tp>(width, height);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+_Tp Rect_<_Tp>::area() const
+    return width * height;
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2> inline
+Rect_<_Tp>::operator Rect_<_Tp2>() const
+    return Rect_<_Tp2>(saturate_cast<_Tp2>(x), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(y), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(width), saturate_cast<_Tp2>(height));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+bool Rect_<_Tp>::contains(const Point_<_Tp>& pt) const
+    return x <= pt.x && pt.x < x + width && y <= pt.y && pt.y < y + height;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator += ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b )
+    a.x += b.x;
+    a.y += b.y;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator -= ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b )
+    a.x -= b.x;
+    a.y -= b.y;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator += ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b )
+    a.width += b.width;
+    a.height += b.height;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator -= ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b )
+    a.width -= b.width;
+    a.height -= b.height;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator &= ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b )
+    _Tp x1 = std::max(a.x, b.x);
+    _Tp y1 = std::max(a.y, b.y);
+    a.width = std::min(a.x + a.width, b.x + b.width) - x1;
+    a.height = std::min(a.y + a.height, b.y + b.height) - y1;
+    a.x = x1;
+    a.y = y1;
+    if( a.width <= 0 || a.height <= 0 )
+        a = Rect();
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp>& operator |= ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b )
+    _Tp x1 = std::min(a.x, b.x);
+    _Tp y1 = std::min(a.y, b.y);
+    a.width = std::max(a.x + a.width, b.x + b.width) - x1;
+    a.height = std::max(a.y + a.height, b.y + b.height) - y1;
+    a.x = x1;
+    a.y = y1;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y && a.width == b.width && a.height == b.height;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y || a.width != b.width || a.height != b.height;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp> operator + (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Rect_<_Tp>( a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.width, a.height );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp> operator - (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Point_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Rect_<_Tp>( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.width, a.height );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp> operator + (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Rect_<_Tp>( a.x, a.y, a.width + b.width, a.height + b.height );
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp> operator & (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b)
+    Rect_<_Tp> c = a;
+    return c &= b;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Rect_<_Tp> operator | (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b)
+    Rect_<_Tp> c = a;
+    return c |= b;
+////////////////////////////// RotatedRect //////////////////////////////
+    : center(), size(), angle(0) {}
+RotatedRect::RotatedRect(const Point2f& _center, const Size2f& _size, float _angle)
+    : center(_center), size(_size), angle(_angle) {}
+///////////////////////////////// Range /////////////////////////////////
+    : start(0), end(0) {}
+Range::Range(int _start, int _end)
+    : start(_start), end(_end) {}
+int Range::size() const
+    return end - start;
+bool Range::empty() const
+    return start == end;
+Range Range::all()
+    return Range(INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
+static inline
+bool operator == (const Range& r1, const Range& r2)
+    return r1.start == r2.start && r1.end == r2.end;
+static inline
+bool operator != (const Range& r1, const Range& r2)
+    return !(r1 == r2);
+static inline
+bool operator !(const Range& r)
+    return r.start == r.end;
+static inline
+Range operator & (const Range& r1, const Range& r2)
+    Range r(std::max(r1.start, r2.start), std::min(r1.end, r2.end));
+    r.end = std::max(r.end, r.start);
+    return r;
+static inline
+Range& operator &= (Range& r1, const Range& r2)
+    r1 = r1 & r2;
+    return r1;
+static inline
+Range operator + (const Range& r1, int delta)
+    return Range(r1.start + delta, r1.end + delta);
+static inline
+Range operator + (int delta, const Range& r1)
+    return Range(r1.start + delta, r1.end + delta);
+static inline
+Range operator - (const Range& r1, int delta)
+    return r1 + (-delta);
+///////////////////////////////// Scalar ////////////////////////////////
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+    this->val[0] = this->val[1] = this->val[2] = this->val[3] = 0;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3)
+    this->val[0] = v0;
+    this->val[1] = v1;
+    this->val[2] = v2;
+    this->val[3] = v3;
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2, int cn> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(const Vec<_Tp2, cn>& v)
+    int i;
+    for( i = 0; i < (cn < 4 ? cn : 4); i++ )
+        this->val[i] = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(v.val[i]);
+    for( ; i < 4; i++ )
+        this->val[i] = 0;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(_Tp v0)
+    this->val[0] = v0;
+    this->val[1] = this->val[2] = this->val[3] = 0;
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::all(_Tp v0)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(v0, v0, v0, v0);
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::mul(const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, double scale ) const
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[0] * a.val[0] * scale),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[1] * a.val[1] * scale),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[2] * a.val[2] * scale),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[3] * a.val[3] * scale));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::conj() const
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>( this->val[0]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-this->val[1]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-this->val[2]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-this->val[3]));
+template<typename _Tp> inline
+bool Scalar_<_Tp>::isReal() const
+    return this->val[1] == 0 && this->val[2] == 0 && this->val[3] == 0;
+template<typename _Tp> template<typename T2> inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>::operator Scalar_<T2>() const
+    return Scalar_<T2>(saturate_cast<T2>(this->val[0]),
+                       saturate_cast<T2>(this->val[1]),
+                       saturate_cast<T2>(this->val[2]),
+                       saturate_cast<T2>(this->val[3]));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator += (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.val[0] += b.val[0];
+    a.val[1] += b.val[1];
+    a.val[2] += b.val[2];
+    a.val[3] += b.val[3];
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator -= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    a.val[0] -= b.val[0];
+    a.val[1] -= b.val[1];
+    a.val[2] -= b.val[2];
+    a.val[3] -= b.val[3];
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator *= ( Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp v )
+    a.val[0] *= v;
+    a.val[1] *= v;
+    a.val[2] *= v;
+    a.val[3] *= v;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator == ( const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b )
+    return a.val[0] == b.val[0] && a.val[1] == b.val[1] &&
+           a.val[2] == b.val[2] && a.val[3] == b.val[3];
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+bool operator != ( const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b )
+    return a.val[0] != b.val[0] || a.val[1] != b.val[1] ||
+           a.val[2] != b.val[2] || a.val[3] != b.val[3];
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator + (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] + b.val[0],
+                        a.val[1] + b.val[1],
+                        a.val[2] + b.val[2],
+                        a.val[3] + b.val[3]);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator - (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[0] - b.val[0]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[1] - b.val[1]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[2] - b.val[2]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[3] - b.val[3]));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] * alpha,
+                        a.val[1] * alpha,
+                        a.val[2] * alpha,
+                        a.val[3] * alpha);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (_Tp alpha, const Scalar_<_Tp>& a)
+    return a*alpha;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator - (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.val[0]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.val[1]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.val[2]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.val[3]));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1] - a[2]*b[2] - a[3]*b[3]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[0] + a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[2] - a[1]*b[3] + a[2]*b[0] + a[3]*b[1]),
+                        saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[3] + a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] + a[3]*b[0]));
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator *= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    a = a * b;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
+    return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] / alpha,
+                        a.val[1] / alpha,
+                        a.val[2] / alpha,
+                        a.val[3] / alpha);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<float> operator / (const Scalar_<float>& a, float alpha)
+    float s = 1 / alpha;
+    return Scalar_<float>(a.val[0] * s, a.val[1] * s, a.val[2] * s, a.val[3] * s);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<double> operator / (const Scalar_<double>& a, double alpha)
+    double s = 1 / alpha;
+    return Scalar_<double>(a.val[0] * s, a.val[1] * s, a.val[2] * s, a.val[3] * s);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator /= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
+    a = a / alpha;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (_Tp a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    _Tp s = a / (b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1] + b[2]*b[2] + b[3]*b[3]);
+    return b.conj() * s;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    return a * ((_Tp)1 / b);
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar_<_Tp>& operator /= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
+    a = a / b;
+    return a;
+template<typename _Tp> static inline
+Scalar operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 4, 4>& a, const Scalar& b)
+    Matx<double, 4, 1> c((Matx<double, 4, 4>)a, b, Matx_MatMulOp());
+    return reinterpret_cast<const Scalar&>(c);
+template<> inline
+Scalar operator * (const Matx<double, 4, 4>& a, const Scalar& b)
+    Matx<double, 4, 1> c(a, b, Matx_MatMulOp());
+    return reinterpret_cast<const Scalar&>(c);
+//////////////////////////////// KeyPoint ///////////////////////////////
+    : pt(0,0), size(0), angle(-1), response(0), octave(0), class_id(-1) {}
+KeyPoint::KeyPoint(Point2f _pt, float _size, float _angle, float _response, int _octave, int _class_id)
+    : pt(_pt), size(_size), angle(_angle), response(_response), octave(_octave), class_id(_class_id) {}
+KeyPoint::KeyPoint(float x, float y, float _size, float _angle, float _response, int _octave, int _class_id)
+    : pt(x, y), size(_size), angle(_angle), response(_response), octave(_octave), class_id(_class_id) {}
+///////////////////////////////// DMatch ////////////////////////////////
+    : queryIdx(-1), trainIdx(-1), imgIdx(-1), distance(FLT_MAX) {}
+DMatch::DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, float _distance)
+    : queryIdx(_queryIdx), trainIdx(_trainIdx), imgIdx(-1), distance(_distance) {}
+DMatch::DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, int _imgIdx, float _distance)
+    : queryIdx(_queryIdx), trainIdx(_trainIdx), imgIdx(_imgIdx), distance(_distance) {}
+bool DMatch::operator < (const DMatch &m) const
+    return distance < m.distance;
+////////////////////////////// TermCriteria /////////////////////////////
+    : type(0), maxCount(0), epsilon(0) {}
+TermCriteria::TermCriteria(int _type, int _maxCount, double _epsilon)
+    : type(_type), maxCount(_maxCount), epsilon(_epsilon) {}
+//! @endcond
+} // cv