Program to connect the F411 Nucleo board to the internet via Multitech Systems Wifly, and reads Grove Temp Sensor values and reports data to the AT&T M2X cloud stream

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient SocketModem jsonlite mbed

Fork of STM32_MTS_Wifi_Connect_M2X by AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon 2016

diff -r d8957cc4c88e -r df2fe4b77d83 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jul 21 20:43:56 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 25 16:31:19 2014 +0000
@@ -1,137 +1,144 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "M2XStreamClient.h"
-#include "MTSSerial.h"
-#include "Wifi.h"
-#include "include_me.h"
-#include "math.h"
-using namespace mts;
-/* This example shows how to do a basic connectivity test using
-* the MTS Wifi shield board. You will need to change the network
-* SSID and security key. You may need to chage the security type.
-using namespace mts;
-const char key[] = "";    // Replace with your M2X user account master key
-const char feed[] = "";   // Replace with your blueprint feed ID
-const char stream[] = ""; // Replace with your stream name  
-char name[] = "";         // Name of current location of datasource
-double latitude = 30.3748076;
-double longitude = -97.7386896; // You can also read those values from a GPS
-double elevation = 400.00;
-void on_data_point_found(const char* at, const char* value, int index, void* context) {
-  printf("Found a data point, index: %d\r\n", index);
-  printf("At: %s Value: %s\r\n", at, value);
-void on_location_found(const char* name,
-                       double latitude,
-                       double longitude,
-                       double elevation,
-                       const char* timestamp,
-                       int index,
-                       void* context) {
-  printf("Found a location, index: %d\r\n", index);
-  printf("Name: %s  Latitude: %lf  Longitude: %lf\r\n", name, latitude, longitude);
-  printf("Elevation: %lf  Timestamp: %s\r\n", elevation, timestamp);
-int main()
-    char amb_temp[6];
-    int response;
-    int a;
-    int adc_scale = 4095;  // Scale Factor for the STM32F411's 12-bit ADC 
-    int B = 3975;          // B value from temp sensor datasheet
-    float resistance; 
-    float temperature;
-    float temperature_f;    
-    DigitalOut myled(D7);   
-    AnalogIn analogRead(A0);
-    //AnalogIn analogLightSensorRead(A1);
-    //Set the network parameters
-    std::string ssid =  "<your_wifi_ssid>"; 
-    std::string securityKey = "<your_wifi_passphrase>"; 
-    Wifi::SecurityType securityType = Wifi::WPA2;
-    //Wait for wifi module to boot up
-    for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i = i - 2) {
-        wait(2);
-        printf("Waiting %d seconds...\n\r", i);
-    }
-    //Setup serial interface to WiFi module
-    MTSSerial* serial = new MTSSerial(D8, D2, 256, 256);
-    serial->baud(9600);
-    Transport::setTransport(Transport::WIFI);
-    //Setup Wifi class
-    Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
-    printf("Init: %s\n\r", wifi->init(serial) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE");
-    //Setup and check connection
-    printf("Set Network: %s\n\r", getCodeNames(wifi->setNetwork(ssid, securityType, securityKey)).c_str());
-    printf("Set DHCP: %s\n\r", getCodeNames(wifi->setDeviceIP("DHCP")).c_str());
-    while (! wifi->connect()) {
-        printf("Connect: Failure\r\n");
-        wait(1);
-    }
-    printf("Connect: Success\r\n");
-    printf("Is Connected: %s\n\r", wifi->isConnected() ? "True" : "False");
-    printf("Ping Server: %s\n\r", wifi->ping("") ? "Success" : "Failed");
-    wait(1);
-    // Initialize the M2X client
-    Client client;    
-    M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, key);
-    // update location
-    response = m2xClient.updateLocation(feed, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
-    printf("updateLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
-    if (response == -1) while (true) ;
-    // read location
-    response = m2xClient.readLocation(feed, on_location_found, NULL);
-    printf("readLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
-    if (response == -1) while (true) ;  
-    while(1)    
-    {    
-        myled = 1; // LED is ON    
-        a = analogRead.read_u16();
-        resistance = (float)(adc_scale-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor;              
-        temperature = 1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;  //convert to temperature via datasheet ;        
-        temperature_f = (1.8 * temperature) + 32.0;
-        sprintf(amb_temp, "%0.2f", temperature_f);  
-        printf("Temp Sensor Analog Reading is 0x%X = %d   ", a, a);         
-        printf("Current Temperature: %f C  %f F \n\r", temperature, temperature_f); 
-        response =, stream, amb_temp);
-        printf("Post response code: %d\r\n", response);
-        if (response == -1) while (true) ;           
-        // read temperature
-        //response = m2xClient.fetchValues(feed, stream, on_data_point_found, NULL);
-        //printf("Fetch response code: %d\r\n", response);
-        //if (response == -1) while (true) ;
-        myled = 0; // LED is OFF        
-        //delay(60000);
-        delay(5000);        
-    }           
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "M2XStreamClient.h"
+#include "MTSSerial.h"
+#include "Wifi.h"
+#include "include_me.h"
+#include "math.h"
+using namespace mts;
+/* This example shows how to do a basic connectivity test to AT&T M2X Cloud 
+ * using the MTS Wifi shield board. You will need to change the network
+ * SSID and security key. You may need to chage the security type.
+ */
+using namespace mts;
+const char key[] = "your_api_key";    // Replace with your M2X API key
+const char feed[] = "your_feed_id";   // Replace with your blueprint Feed ID
+const char stream[] = "your_stream_name"; // Replace with your stream name  
+char name[] = "your_device_location_name"; // Name of current location of datasource
+double latitude = 30.3748076;
+double longitude = -97.7386896; // You can also read those values from a GPS
+double elevation = 400.00;
+DigitalOut myled(D7);   
+AnalogIn tempSensor(A0);    
+// Note: This callback function needs to be debugged further as it does not print 
+// the actual fetched reports, instead both "at" and "value" pointers print the 
+// timestamps of each report.    
+void on_data_point_found(const char* at, const char* value, int index, void* context) {
+  printf("Found a data point, index: %d\r\n", index);
+  printf("At: %s Value: %s \r\n", at, value);   
+void on_location_found(const char* name,
+                       double latitude,
+                       double longitude,
+                       double elevation,
+                       const char* timestamp,
+                       int index,
+                       void* context) {
+  printf("Found a location, index: %d\r\n", index);
+  printf("Name: %s  Latitude: %lf  Longitude: %lf\r\n", name, latitude, longitude);
+  printf("Elevation: %lf  Timestamp: %s\r\n", elevation, timestamp);
+int main()
+    char amb_temp[6];
+    int response;
+    int a;
+    int adc_scale = 4095; 
+    int B = 3975;
+    float resistance; 
+    float temperature;
+    float temperature_f;    
+    //Set the network parameters
+    std::string ssid =  "your_wifi_ssid"; 
+    std::string securityKey = "your_wifi_passphrase"; 
+    Wifi::SecurityType securityType = Wifi::WPA2;
+    //Wait for wifi module to boot up
+    for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i = i - 2) {
+        wait(2);
+        printf("Waiting %d seconds...\n\r", i);
+    }
+    //Setup serial interface to WiFi module
+    MTSSerial* serial = new MTSSerial(D8, D2, 256, 4096);   
+    serial->baud(9600);
+    Transport::setTransport(Transport::WIFI);
+    //Setup Wifi class
+    Wifi* wifi = Wifi::getInstance();
+    printf("Init: %s\n\r", wifi->init(serial) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE");
+    //Setup and check connection
+    printf("Set Network: %s\n\r", getCodeNames(wifi->setNetwork(ssid, securityType, securityKey)).c_str());
+    printf("Set DHCP: %s\n\r", getCodeNames(wifi->setDeviceIP("DHCP")).c_str());
+    while (! wifi->connect()) {
+        printf("Connect: Failure\r\n");
+        wait(1);
+    }
+    printf("Connect: Success\r\n");
+    printf("Is Connected: %s\n\r", wifi->isConnected() ? "True" : "False");
+    printf("Ping Server: %s\n\r", wifi->ping("") ? "Success" : "Failed");
+    wait(1);
+    // Initialize the M2X client
+    Client client;    
+    M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, key);
+    // update location
+    response = m2xClient.updateLocation(feed, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
+    printf("updateLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
+    if (response == -1) while (true) ;
+    response = m2xClient.updateLocation(feed, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
+    printf("updateLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
+    if (response == -1) while (true) ;    
+    //while(0)    
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+    {    
+        myled = 1; // LED is ON    
+        a = tempSensor.read_u16();
+        resistance = (float)(adc_scale-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor;              
+        temperature = 1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;  //convert to temperature via datasheet        
+        temperature_f = (1.8 * temperature) + 32.0;
+        sprintf(amb_temp, "%0.2f", temperature_f);  
+        printf("Temp Sensor Analog Reading is 0x%X = %d   ", a, a);         
+        printf("Current Temperature: %f C  %f F \n\r", temperature, temperature_f); 
+        response =, stream, amb_temp);
+        printf("Post response code: %d\r\n", response);
+        if (response == -1) while (true) ;           
+        myled = 0; // LED is OFF        
+        delay(5000);        
+    }           
+    // fetch location
+    response = m2xClient.readLocation(feed, on_location_found, NULL);
+    printf("readLocation response code: %d\r\n", response);
+    if (response == -1) while (true) ;  
+    // fetch temperature
+    response = m2xClient.fetchValues(feed, stream, on_data_point_found, NULL);
+    printf("Fetch response code: %d\r\n", response);
+    if (response == -1) while (true) ;