Simple IoT Board用のライブラリです。 ESP8266ライブラリの軽量化 送信のみのソフトシリアルライブラリを含んでいます。

Dependents:   SITB_HttpGetSample SITB_IFTTTSample SITB_INA226PRC AmbientExampleSITB ... more

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
EndpointIP Endpoint (address, port)
ESP8266The ESP8266 class
ESP8266InterfaceInterface using ESP8266 to connect to an IP-based network
HTTPClientA simple HTTP Client The HTTPClient is composed of:

  • The actual client (HTTPClient)
  • Classes that act as a data repository, each of which deriving from the HTTPData class (HTTPText for short text content, HTTPFile for file I/O, HTTPMap for key/value pairs, and HTTPStream for streaming purposes)
HTTPMapMap of key/value pairs Used to transmit POST data using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding
HTTPTextA data endpoint to store text
IHTTPDataInThis is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
IHTTPDataOutThis is a simple interface for HTTP data storage (impl examples are Key/Value Pairs, File, etc...)
SocketSocket file descriptor and select wrapper
SoftSerialSendOnryA software serial implementation
TCPSocketConnectionTCP socket connection
TCPSocketServerTCP Server
UDPSocketUDP Socket