LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer, 3D magnetometer and thermometer

Dependents:   MAPLEminiA MAPLEminiA

LSM303DLHC is 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer module


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Jun 12 14:37:01 2016 +0000
Commit message:
first published version

Changed in this revision

LSM303DLHC.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LSM303DLHC.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LSM303DLHC.cpp	Sun Jun 12 14:37:01 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include "LSM303DLHC.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+LSM303DLHC::LSM303DLHC(I2C *obj) : i2c(obj)
+    write(ACCEL_SAD, CTRL_REG1_A, 0x57);
+    write(MAGNET_SAD, CRA_REG_M, 0x90);
+    write(MAGNET_SAD, CRB_REG_M, 0x20);
+    write(MAGNET_SAD, MR_REG_M, 0x00);
+float LSM303DLHC::orientation(void)
+        /* 加速度センサ未使用版
+        float ans = atan2(float(magneticY()), float(magneticX()));
+        if (ans < 0) ans += 2*M_PI ;
+        if (ans > 2*M_PI) ans -= 2*M_PI;
+        ans = ans * 180/M_PI ;
+        if (ans > 360.0) ans = ans - 360.0 ;
+        return ans ;
+        */
+        //加速度センサ使用版
+        return heading((vector){0,-1,0});
+float LSM303DLHC::temperature(void)
+    char data[2];
+    read(MAGNET_SAD, TEMP_OUT_M, data, 2);
+    //マルツにあるサンプルをみたら25を足している
+    //データシートにはそんな記述はないが
+    //確かにそれで、それらしい値になる
+    return ((data[0]<<8)|data[1])/256.0+25;
+void LSM303DLHC::write(char sad, char reg, char data)
+    char rw[2];
+    rw[0] = reg;
+    rw[1] = data;
+    i2c->write(sad, rw, 2);
+void LSM303DLHC::read(char sad, char reg, char *data, int length)
+    reg |= 0x80; //MSB of register address means auto increment mode
+    i2c->write(sad, &reg, 1);
+    i2c->read(sad, data, length);
+void LSM303DLHC::vector_cross(const vector *a,const vector *b, vector *out)
+  out->x = a->y*b->z - a->z*b->y;
+  out->y = a->z*b->x - a->x*b->z;
+  out->z = a->x*b->y - a->y*b->x;
+float LSM303DLHC::vector_dot(const vector *a,const vector *b)
+  return a->x*b->x+a->y*b->y+a->z*b->z;
+void LSM303DLHC::vector_normalize(vector *a)
+  float mag = sqrt(vector_dot(a,a));
+  a->x /= mag;
+  a->y /= mag;
+  a->z /= mag;
+float LSM303DLHC::heading(vector from)
+    vector a, m;
+    a.x = accelX();
+    a.y = accelY();
+    a.z = accelZ();
+    m.x = magnetX();
+    m.y = magnetY();
+    m.z = magnetZ();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // compute heading       
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    vector temp_a = a;
+    // normalize
+    vector_normalize(&temp_a);
+    //vector_normalize(&m);
+    // compute E and N
+    vector E;
+    vector N;
+    vector_cross(&m,&temp_a,&E);
+    vector_normalize(&E);
+    vector_cross(&temp_a,&E,&N);
+    // compute heading
+    float heading = atan2(vector_dot(&E,&from), vector_dot(&N,&from)) * 180/M_PI;
+    if (heading < 0) heading += 360;
+    return heading;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LSM303DLHC.h	Sun Jun 12 14:37:01 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#ifndef LSM303DLHC_H
+#define LSM303DLHC_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+//! LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer
+class LSM303DLHC {
+    typedef struct vector {float x, y, z;} vector;
+    static void vector_cross(const vector *a, const vector *b, vector *out);
+    static float vector_dot(const vector *a,const vector *b);
+    static void vector_normalize(vector *a);
+    //! @param obj pointer to I2C object
+    LSM303DLHC(I2C *obj);
+    //! measure accelerometer value
+    void getAccel(void) {read(ACCEL_SAD, OUT_A, _accel, 6);}
+    //! extract X-axis value from mesured accelerometer
+    int16_t accelX(void) {return (_accel[1]<<8)|_accel[0];}
+    //! extract Y-axis value from mesured accelerometer
+    int16_t accelY(void) {return (_accel[3]<<8)|_accel[2];}
+    //! extract Z-axis value from mesured accelerometer
+    int16_t accelZ(void) {return (_accel[5]<<8)|_accel[4];}
+    //! mesure magnetometer value
+    void getMagnet(void) {read(MAGNET_SAD, OUT_M, _magnet, 6);}
+    //accelと magnetでは Highと Lowの順序が逆になってる変な仕様
+    //しかもMagnetは X,Z,Y の順番
+    //! extract X-axis value from mesured magnetometer
+    int16_t magnetX(void) {return (_magnet[0]<<8)|_magnet[1];}
+    //! extract Z-axis value from mesured magnetometer
+    int16_t magnetZ(void) {return (_magnet[2]<<8)|_magnet[3];}
+    //! extract Y-axis value from mesured magnetometer
+    int16_t magnetY(void) {return (_magnet[4]<<8)|_magnet[5];}
+    float heading(vector from);
+    //! @return orientation(direction) value, expressed in degrees(0~360)
+    float orientation(void);
+    //! @return Temperature value, expressed in degrees Celsius
+    float temperature(void);
+    //! write 1byte
+    //! @param sad I2C address
+    //! @param reg register address
+    //! @param data data
+    void write(char sad, char reg, char data);
+    //! read data
+    //! @param sad I2C address
+    //! @param reg register address start from here and auto incriment
+    //! @param data pointer to data storage
+    //! @param length how many bytes to read
+    void read(char sad, char reg, char *data, int length=1);
+    I2C *i2c;
+    static const int8_t ACCEL_SAD = 0x32;
+    static const int8_t MAGNET_SAD = 0x3C;
+    enum accel_regs {
+        CTRL_REG1_A=0x20,
+        CTRL_REG2_A=0x21,
+        CTRL_REG3_A=0x22,
+        CTRL_REG4_A=0x23,
+        CTRL_REG5_A=0x24,
+        CTRL_REG6_A=0x25,
+        REFERENCE_A=0x26,
+        STATUS_REG_A=0x27,
+        OUT_A=0x28, //6bytes
+        FIFO_CTRL_REG_A=0x2E,
+        FIFO_SRC_REG_A=0x2F,
+        INT1_A=0x30, //4bytes
+        INT2_A=0x34, //4bytes
+        CLICK_A=0x38, //3bytes
+        TIME_LIMIT_A=0x3B,
+        TIME_LATENCY_A=0x3C,
+        TIME_WINDOW_A=0x3D
+    };
+    static const int INT_CFG=0;
+    static const int INT_SRC=1;
+    static const int INT_THS=2;
+    static const int INT_DURATION=3;
+    enum magnet_regs {
+        CRA_REG_M=0x00,
+        CRB_REG_M=0x01,
+        MR_REG_M=0x02,
+        OUT_M=0x03, //6bytes
+        SR_REG_M=0x09,
+        IRA_REG_M=0x0A,
+        IRB_REG_M=0x0B,
+        IRC_REG_M=0x0C,
+        TEMP_OUT_M=0x31 //2bytes
+    };
+    char _accel[6];
+    char _magnet[6];
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