When To Use NTC Thermistor Probes And Why Its Necessary

NTC thermistor probes have been used as far back as 1940 to measure and analyze temperature, but today they are indispensable to everything from home appliances to electric vehicles that require li-ion batteries. They have long been employed to measure liquid levels and temperature in industries that extend from automotive electronics to medical technology to green energy. Their applications are endless, and their purpose is significant.

A thermistor probe is otherwise identified as a bead thermistor manufactured as a bare bead encapsulated with epoxy or glass that is usually potted in a metal or plastic housing with two high temperature controller insulated wires. These devices can be found in all the places that we live and work, from the moment we wake up and make coffee until the end of the day when we arrive home and relax in front of the television. They are indispensable to the cars we drive to work, the computers necessary to do our jobs, and the appliances we use to prepare food at the end of the day.

Understanding the Impact of Thermistor Probes

Because of their prevalence, it is important to understand how thermistor probes operate, in what capacity, and what their potential is. Part of this understanding includes considering the electrical properties of probes that abide by certain operating principles, including electrical resistance, capacitance, ultrasonics, radioactivity, and pressure and thermal conductance.

Given their pervasiveness and range of applications, and despite the large amount of thermistor sizes and shapes, it is impossible to manufacture a universal thermistor probe. The type of thermistor used in automobiles to measure coolant body temperature probe is vastly different from the type of thermistor used to measure temperature for wind turbines. http:www.jingpusensor.com/article_read_163.html

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