This is the template with descriptions of the functionality and methods which needs to be implemented.

Dependencies:   MQTT

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00001 #define APP_VERSION     0.6f
00002 #define MQTT_VERSION    3
00003 #define BROKER_NAME     ""
00004 #define BROKER_PORT     1883
00006 #include "debounce_button.h"
00007 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00008 #include "MQTTNetwork.h"
00009 #include "MQTTmbed.h"
00010 #include "MQTTClient.h"
00012 char* topic;
00014 /**
00015     TODO
00016     ----
00017     -   Check if the button has been pressed. If so, print the amount of clicks to a serial terminal.
00018     -   Make an MQTT-service which:
00019         -   starts up a network using EthernetInterface. Make sure the development board requests its address via DHCP.
00020         -   makes a client and connects it to the broker using a client ID and credentials (username & password).
00021         -   sends messages at the same topic as the smartphone app from PGO 2. Feel free to choose which Quality of Service
00022             you are going to use. Make a separate function which handles the sending procedure. Therefore, this function
00023             can be called each time we want to send a certain message.
00024     -   When the button is pressed once, we send an upvote. When pressed twice, a downvote is sent. By pressing 4 times,
00025         the program disconnects from the broker and terminates.
00027     Extra
00028     -----
00029     -   Subscribe to the topic on which the song data is published. Display this received message on the serial terminal.
00030     -   Test this controller in the complete system of PGO 2. Use these controllers instead of the smartphones.
00032     Tips & tricks
00033     -------------
00034     -   To generate an interrupt on the press of a button, use:
00035             InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON);
00036             ...
00037             button.fall(callback(someFunction));
00038     -   Before implementing MQTT, test the multiclick feature first.
00039     -   Have a look at the MQTT-library for Mbed and the HelloMQTT-example.
00040     -   To have a uniform message sending procedure, use the following function usage:
00041             sendMessage(&client, topic, buf, qos, retained, duplicate)
00042 */
00044 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00045 {
00047     return 0;
00048 }