Fishing Simulator V1.0
Fishing Simulator V1.0
Description This program will create a mini-game fishing simulator using an uLCD screen, Navigational Switch, and speakers. The uLCD screen will display a lake or a pond where the line is cast. The Navigational Switch will control the movement of the fishing rod and provide the occasional pushbutton, while the speakers will provide sound effects. The goal is to maintain the fish underwater between the two red lines. When the fish goes beyond the two lines, they will have broken off and gotten away. To make this Simulation more interesting, the fish comes in various sizes determining their strength of the pull, as bigger fish are harder to catch. The time the fish run in each direction are also randomized, providing more of an unknown element into the game.
Hardware and Connections
Import programFishingSimulatorV1
This is the first version of a Fishing Mini-game. It uses a navigational switch as a button and a joystick, playing wav files from a SD card, and a uLCD screen to show the fishing game
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