python script that strips an nRF51 image

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Jean-Philippe Brucker
Wed Aug 26 11:17:14 2015 +0100
Commit message:
Add OTA strip script

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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Aug 26 11:17:14 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#/usr/bin/env python3
+# Remove the SoftDevice part of an nRF51 application, to make it
+# transferable over the air
+import intelhex
+from os.path import exists
+from sys import argv, exit
+if not argv[2:]:
+    print("usage: %s <input hex file> <output name>" % argv[0])
+    exit(1)
+in_file, out_file = argv[1:3]
+# Set start address if autodetection doesn't work
+start_address = None
+if exists(out_file):
+    confirm = input("File %s exists. Replace (y/N)? " % out_file)
+    if not confirm.lower().startswith("y"):
+        print("Nothing to do.")
+        exit(0)
+hex_in = intelhex.IntelHex()
+hex_in.fromfile(in_file, format='hex')
+# Try to guess where application starts: first word contains the
+# application's stack base
+for app_start in (
+        0x16000, # Version 7.1.0 of S110 SoftDevice
+        0x18000, #         8.0.0
+        0x1c000, #         1.0      S130
+        ):
+    # Read first word (little-endian)
+    try:
+        w = hex_in.tobinarray(start=app_start, size=4)
+    except intelhex.NotEnoughDataError:
+        continue
+    word = w[3] << 24 | w[2] << 16 | w[1] << 8 | w[0]
+    # Assume stack pointer is at the end of RAM
+    if word in (
+            0x20004000, # 16K
+            0x20008000, # 32K
+            ):
+        start_address = app_start
+        print("Found application at %x" % start_address)
+        break
+if not start_address:
+    print("Application start address not found")
+    exit(2)
+hex_out = hex_in[start_address:]
+hex_out.tofile(out_file, format="hex")